Cherry Blossoms: How to Care for Cherry Blossoms


If you want to know how to take care of cherry blossoms, continue reading the article that dotcoms brings to you; this tree in Japanese is called Sakura, whose meaning is precisely “Japanese cherry blossoms”.

Cherry blossom trees are responsible for producing one of the most beautiful shows in the world at a floral level; they are a symbol of wisdom and beauty; its beautiful flowers (sacra in Japan) were inspired by ancient traditions, which are still preserved in some parts of the world.

The flowers of this tree are called cherry blossoms; Because of the name that this tree receives, it is believed and it is very common for people to think that it produces cherries, but the reality is that they do not do this; In fact, the cherry tree, which is the tree that produces this fruit, is totally different from the one we are focusing on in this article, moreover, it does not even belong to the same species.

The cherry blossom tree is arboreal and belongs to the family called Rosacea; in the country of Japan there are approximately around forty species; the flowers can be presented in a simple or double way.

It has flowers that are light pink in color and this is why it is called the cherry blossom tree. The flowering period is short, but at the same time very beautiful and ends once its leaves fall to the ground.

In Japan this is not just a tree, it is a great symbol, which represents the life of man, where it grows, then blooms and finally falls as a natural part of destiny. This plant, but especially its flower, is already identified as a national symbol in Japan; In addition, it appears in different records dating from the year 700; it is found in many poems.

Something interesting is that the warriors wrote different poems on the bark of these trees as an offering with a meaning of loyalty to their emperor; Due to this there is a belief that when a cherry blossom (sacra) tree is cut, it will bleed; This dogma is so sacred and rooted that even the construction of a railway in the city of Tokyo was diverted, so as not to damage any of these trees.

It is a spectacle in gardens and alignments that many have the opportunity to see in spring, where the tree begins to cover all its branches with flowers, even before the first leaves sprout; it is a whole devotion for the Japanese; If you have the opportunity to see the flowering of this tree, do not hesitate for a moment, it really is something very beautiful.

During good times of the year, these trees look common, like any other, with their green leaves just like those of many trees; in the winter they can lose their leaves, but once spring arrives it is quite different, since it is the moment in which the pink or white buds begin to bud on the branches, until they become upholstered; It is so beautiful that many people go out to the different fields and parks where this tree is found, in order to witness and of course appreciate its beauty, this beautiful transformation.

Most of these trees bloom in the spring season, but there are some species that bloom in the fall and a few others in the winter. They are planted for an ornamental purpose and not for the purpose of fruit production.

Buddhism and cherry blossom tree

The practitioners of Buddhism adopted the custom of celebrating the birth of these flowers; what this event represents is the same as what we said before: the life cycle of the human being, is what all the transformation symbolizes and how everything has a beginning, a time full of glory and then its end.

The people who practice this event always highlight the great beauty that exists in the final stage, where the flowers begin to detach from the branches and then fall to the ground; for Buddhism it is the stage that entails the most beauty.


Before planting it, you should find a place where you know that it will get a lot of sun and of course with good drainage.

Seed or plant

Go to a nursery or another store where they sell gardening, so you can buy your flower or your cherry blossoms; do not stay with the first thing they offer you, take a good look at the plants they have available and choose for yourself the most beautiful, the one that you see in perfect condition, that its leaves do not have a strange color and are not broken.

The advantage of buying it in a nearby nursery is that it will guarantee that it is a plant that will grow well in your area and therefore there will be more suitable transplants, although this does not mean that if you buy it in another area it will not work for you.


Take a shovel to start digging a hole which should have a measurement that is at least half the base of your plant; Before proceeding to put it in your excavation, carefully loosen its roots; it is important that you do not make your hole very deep so that in this way the trunk can be seen; you should let 8 centimeters of soil protrude compared to the level of the ground.

The substrate

It is good that you add substrate to your tree; it itself can tolerate different pH’s; It is best to ask the nursery what the most recommended pH for this tree is.

The flowering of this plant will benefit more if it finds good organic matter in the substrate;  avoid adding nitrogen in excess and add a small amount of a balanced fertilizer once a month that contains a good amount of micro-nutrients, which must be slow-release.


When it is exposed to the sun, a more beautiful and more abundant flowering will be safer, if on the contrary it grows in the shade, its branches will be long and thin with poor flowering.

I usually

In general, the cherry blossom tree adapts well to different types of soil, but it has its favorites, which are moist, fertile and deep, and of course with good drainage, that is, it is never flooded. It is also important that it has a good amount of nutrients, so cover the base of your tree with enough fertilizer, in this way you will be able to protect its roots and at the same time enhance its growth (this only once a year).


It is tolerant of urban-type pollution, but not industrial.


Its wind tolerance is at a medium level, so it is better that you find a place where it can be more sheltered; its resistance to drought is moderate; It is very important that you know that it cannot stand being in saline-type environments and the first coastline. This tree is more perfect for temperate zones.


When you plant, add water and then you should let it drain properly, do not add more water if this has not happened.

Once your tree is already rooted on the ground where it is going to be, it will not need abundant water, but in the event of a drought, it is important that you water your tree more often, as in the summer, you should check how its I usually; always avoid waterlogging, as you could cause its roots to rot.


It is not convenient to prune it in an exaggerated way, it can even be deadly for your beautiful tree, which should always be very natural; pruning should be very moderate, cutting only, for example, a branch that is damaged, diseased or poorly located. You have to avoid pruning the thickest branches, you could hurt it.

Diseases and pests

You must be very careful with the different diseases and pests, as it is a tree that turns out to be prone; you must have a good management so that you can control them if they appear:

Diseases: verticillium wilt, anthracnose, canker, mottle, rust, screening, rot.

Pests: aphids, nematodes, borers, myeloid, snails, slugs, caterpillars, weevils, mites.

The most common pest of these is the aphid ; for this all you have to do is apply a soap that is potassium; This turns out to be a totally harmless biological type insecticide for man, on the other hand it will help you to clean the weeds that your tree may have and with the prevention of bold.


It is done through the seeds or by cutting; the seed is more used to obtain some patterns that are rootstocks, instead cutting is the method used to multiply the ornamental variety.

You should take the cuttings from the moment their leaves fall, until the end of winter when their buds begin to swell.


When the flowers fall off, you should remove the old leaves so that new ones can grow.

It is nice when this tree is planted along a path, as it will look very beautiful when the flowers fall.


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