How Are Ornamental Plants


Did you know that currently more than half of the plants we normally use are used solely for ornamental purposes? What is it that makes an ornamental plant so striking? Well, what is striking about an ornamental plant is above all its aesthetics, that is, a plant that is visually very attractive.

These plants considered ornamental are those used at home, in gardens, in parks, etc. to beautify the area, to give it color, attractiveness, in addition to being able to transmit other sensations that can depending on the type of plant, such as tranquility, vitality, delicacy, adding a different touch to the space.

Although a plant does not enter the lists of most used and chosen ornamental plants, the truth is that any plant can decorate, since each one has a different beauty, and each person can see it with different points of view and aesthetics.

Next we are going to show you what ornamental plants are like so that you know a little more about them.

It must be recognized that although their greatest and main use is due to their aesthetics and to make certain places look much more beautiful, the truth is that they are also perfect collaborators for the environment, since these plants help clean the air.

Ornamental plants are cultivated and marketed to create more attractive environments and their aesthetics are fundamental in their choice, for example, according to the shapes and colors of the flowers they have their textures and even their smells.

As the economic level of society has risen, the use of ornamental plants has also increased, this is due to the use of ornamental plants to decorate spaces inside the house, balconies, gardens, etc., and also the choice of these plants They are not only focused on their low prices, now there is a greater acquisition of more select, larger, or even rarer plants, regardless of whether their price is a little higher.

Groups of ornamental plants

We could classify ornamental plants into three different groups:

The first group could be the one made up of indoor plants. These plants include a small pot to continue growing and taking care of it. It is used indoors to decorate them, and you can also look for pots with decorative motifs or even that enhance the beauty of the plant.

In another group we find the florist plants: In this case we find the flowers already cut, and which are used in florists to create bouquets, compositions or garlands combining them with leaves or decorative rods.

Finally we find the bushes, trees and other outdoor species. These types of plants are characterized by being outdoors and they mostly need or will need to be planted in a field of earth to continue growing. In this case we can find perennial plants, these are plants that never lose their leaves, although we can also find annual or biennial plants, and that in addition to decorating are also cultivated, such as fruit trees.

Types of ornamental plants

Next we are going to see some of the most used types of ornamental plants.

Annual plants: Annual plants are characterized by having flowers that bloom and fade throughout the year, so if you want to have a striking environment throughout the year, perhaps these plants are the most ideal for you.

Aquatic plants: Their name indicates it, they are plants that live in water, so if you have a pond at home or a fish tank, do not hesitate to introduce aquatic ornamental plants, there are many and precious.

Among the trees and bushes there is a great variety to choose from, either because of its height, its structure, its fruits, etc. You should also know the difference between a tree and a bush, and it turns out that trees have a single trunk, while a bush undergoes a branching from its base, so we can see a main trunk and several branched trunks, although they are not normally too wide. Keep in mind that trees require a lot of space, especially if they are very large, in addition, some will not only need space on the surface, but also below for their roots to spread, so it is best to have a space garden for them. For example, avocado trees, orange trees and lemon trees are very attractive trees and their fruits are also delicious and very useful.

Another type of ornamental plants are climbing plants, these are perfect to put on walls, and let it grow along it, it is also ideal for privacy by filling in possible gaps in spaces separated by fences or the like. Among the climbing plants we also find a great variety, for example those that have beautiful flowers, those that do not have flowers but many green leaves, or instead that are almost all branches with hardly any leaves, and even of many and very varied shades, starting from many shades of green, going through brown or even reddish.

Ferns have become one of the main choices both for decoration and for privacy, because they have a lot of foliage. It is a plant with great diversity, and very characteristic for its beautiful large leaves, but remember that they do not have flowers. Above all, they are plants that are placed outdoors and not only in pots or in the garden, but also in hanging pots, giving unique touches to the space where we place them.

Tuberous and bulbous plants are characterized by having an organ underground where they store nutrients. From these plants grow beautiful flowers of various colors and shapes with great appeal. They are mainly used to decorate beds, planted in the garden or landscaped areas, or they are cultivated and then cut and with them create beautiful ornamental bouquets, in this way the flowers are made to shine much more.

The lawn is also an ornamental plant, of course outdoors, and it is the one that will make us change the hue of our garden from earthy brown to green. They are found in various shades and textures, but remember that it takes a lot of work, especially in summer, since it will be necessary to water it, cut it, rake it, etc.

Benefits of ornamental plants

  • They improve people’s concentration, attention and memory if we place ornamental plants in work and study areas.
  • Goals are achieved much better.
  • Increases feelings of calm, optimism, relaxation.
  • They provide an improvement in mood, and increase the feeling of well-being.
  • Increases self-esteem.
  • They help reduce stress.
  • They make a place and a landscape look much more beautiful.
  • They provide shade and coolness.
  • Beautiful decorations for events.
  • If they are plants or trees with fruits, fruits and vegetables will be obtained in a completely natural way, in addition to dedicating yourself to cultivation as a hobby brings calm and well-being to the person, as well as liberation of the mind.

Now that you know what ornamental plants are like, their characteristics and benefits, you will surely decide to go for some right away, also remember that although they are mainly for decoration, they are also perfect for obtaining benefits on a personal level.


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