How to Care For and Grow China Roses


Chinese roses, hibiscus or kissing flower, are ancient roses, used in the art of tea infusions; however, the uses of these delicate flowers are not only concentrated in the production of this drink.

Its appearance has become a symbol of exuberant beaches and paradisiacal places, because although its origin is opposed to warm environments, Chinese roses have become an emblem of the tropics, because it is common to find striking Chinese roses along Caribbean coasts and even in Hawaiian beaches.

In the print of graceful beach outfits, flower arrangements, as headdresses in the hair or ears of the flirtatious coastal inhabitants, these striking Chinese roses, the tall palm trees, the sun and the hot sand are elements that define the beach atmosphere. Its intense and warm colors between reds, yellows and oranges are the ideal touch of these tropical climates.

In fact, these warm roses represent the typical flower of the island of HawaiiFrom its widespread spread throughout coastal and Caribbean areas, Chinese roses have adopted different names; it is known by more than five qualifiers depending on the area or country.

They are known as cayennemaples, Jamaica flower or Pacific sea and the zymology that these flowers represent has been transformed over time and places. Next, we invite you to learn a little more about the origin and meaning of Chinese roses.

Origin of Chinese roses

The origin of Chinese roses goes back between Asia and Africa, as its name indicates. The first shoots of these flowers emerged in China, and their use was mainly in the making of tea. The first specimens of these flowers were red, but their spread throughout the tropics added other striking colors.

It is thanks to this evolution in various hybrids that Chinese roses became the roses of the tropics, being a very popular flower in most of the large and well-known Caribbean islands.

Its original colors are those mentioned above, although later hybridizations produced pink, lilac and speckled China roses. On the other hand, the meaning that Chinese roses represent throughout the different countries and islands where they bloom according to their striking colors is similar, although it may vary a little according to culture and their resistance to hot climates.

Medicinal benefits of Chinese roses

The Chinese rose is not only famous for its beauty or its good taste in tea infusions. There are other uses and benefits that this beautiful flower provides and that are very well received by the world community.

Its medicinal properties are highly beneficial in the cure of a wide variety of ailments, especially in China; the medicinal benefits of these flowers are widely used in various cases, such as:

  • Relieves the suffering of urinary diseases.
  • It acts as a diuretic.
  • By boiling a liter and a half of water with 10 Chinese roses you will obtain a splendid infusion to cleanse the kidneys.
  • The oil that springs from these flowers is a well-known reliever for dry coughs.
  • Helps in digestion.
  • A cup of Chinese rose tea eases digestion after a heavy meal.
  • It acts as a moisturizer and facial cleanser.
  • If you crush the leaves of this plant you will obtain oil that moisturizes the facial skin.
  • Chinese rose leaf extract is also a proven anti-allergy agent for facial rashes.

Instructions to care for and grow China Roses

The cultivation of Chinese roses is very popular around the world, because they are flowers that do not need too much care and only for their cultivation the main thing is that the area in which you are going to plant has a warm climate, above 12 °C.

Among its specimens there are large flowers and other smaller ones, depending on the area in which they are grown; therefore, if you plan to grow Chinese roses at home, wait until summer. With this simple guide you will be able to grow striking Chinese roses.

  1. Get Chinese rose cuttings from a nursery to plant.
  2. You must first make sure that the weather is warm or even hot, so that your flowers can grow.
  3. Prepare the land with organic mantle. It is important that the soil provides the plant with nutrients, as it will require them in all its stages.
  4. When the weather and soil are suitable, plant the cuttings in a hole no larger than their length.
  5. The height of the cuttings should be about 30 centimeters.
  6. You will notice that each cutting has Chinese rose suckers; these are the ones that will reproduce.
  7. Dig a small hole in the soil and plant your cutting.
  8. Make sure the soil is moist.
  9. Constantly water the Chinese rose plants, the soil must always remain moist, but be especially careful not to flood the ground, because the crops would die.
  10. With enough water, a nourished soil and several hours of direct sun, your Chinese roses will bloom in a few months.
  11. The advantage of this plant is that apart from its great beauty, it blooms several times a year and with abundant specimens.
  12. Without you being able to notice it, the Chinese rose plant will reach disproportionate heights.
  13. Take care to prune it regularly. Take advantage of the foliage and the beautiful roses of the plant and create beautiful figures.

What do you need to care for and grow Chinese Roses?

Growing Chinese roses does not require much effort, more than what is necessary for a simple cultivation. To grow Chinese roses you will need:

  • Chinese rose cuttings.
  • Sunny weather.
  • Organic mantle to fertilize the earth.
  • Toilet.
  • Pruning shears.

Tips for caring for and growing China Roses

As you could see, the cultivation of Chinese roses is quite simple, as long as the climate meets the necessary warmth. Apart from the environment, a well hydrated and nutritious soil is the other fundamental elements that your rosebush flourishes.

With these basic tips that we will present to you below, you will obtain a cultivation of striking and exotic Chinese roses at home.

With your new rose bushes you can decorate the gardens and interiors of your home.  Get to it!

  • Make sure your China rose suckers are in a warm environment.
  • If you are in an area that is too cold, you can solve this by planting in pots.
  • Get a large pot where the roots can develop well.
  • Put the pot in a place in the house that is warm, during the day take it out and expose it to the sun.
  • Because Chinese roses need a lot of warmth and sun, you can’t forget to hydrate the soil well.
  • That the land where you plant the roses is always moist, constant watering is vital;  however, it is important that you never flood the soil, the plants would die immediately.
  • Make ditches or drainage lines around the roses, so that the water circulates and does not stagnate.
  • It is ideal that you constantly feed the soil with organic fertilizers; a nutritious soil guarantees healthy and beautiful roses.
  • Remember that Chinese roses come from very leafy plants and that they grow relatively quickly; therefore, do not forget to prune the plants from time to time, otherwise the branches of these roses will invade a large space.
  • After the first outbreak of China roses, the rest will bloom spontaneously, but make sure to prune the branches that are too high.


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