How to Care For Tropical Flowers


The so-called tropical plants, as their name indicates, are native to the tropics, therefore many times these plants will need much more exhaustive care compared to other types of plants that are not so exotic. Tropical plants have a very beautiful and striking appearance; they also have bright colors, which is quite attractive that we want to have them with us at home. If you are interested in the subject, we invite you to continue reading, How to take care of tropical flowers, whether you have them to decorate as flowers that have been cut, in a pot or in your garden.

Caring for Tropical Cut Flowers

If you have these types of flowers, you should get home and put them in a container of water. Immediately remove them from their packaging and put them in the water, the longer you take to do this, the less life they will have.

But before you put them in the water take care of tropical flowers, you must cut the stems of the flowers, for this use a knife that is sharp and clean. Do it diagonally, at an angle of forty-five degrees, this is with the aim that more plant cells come into contact with the water.

There is a waterline and you must remove any foliage that is below it, otherwise the water will rot and the flowers will last less.

Now you do fill the vase with cold water. Make it two thirds. It’s a good idea to add special cut flower food to that water, if you have any. Sometimes this food is delivered along with the flowers.

You must keep the flowers in a temperature that is between ten and thirteen degrees Celsius. It is the ideal temperature, but we know that it can be difficult to achieve at home, since the room may be colder than this, but it will be warmer than the fridge.

Change the water in the vase or vase every two or three days, so that you’re tropical flower care lasts longer.

Caring for houseplant tropical flowers

Start by regulating the temperature of your house, this type of flowers may be better to have indoors than outdoors, since you can adjust the temperature. Some tropical flowers need to be a little cooler at night than during the day, so turn the heat down at night or move the plant to a cooler spot if you prefer.

You should ensure that tropical flowers receive light, but that the sun does not fall directly on them. If you have a windowsill that does not receive direct sun, it will be ideal.

When you go to water the tropical flowers that you have in pots, you should start doing it from the top until you see that the water drains towards the bottom of the pot. The plant should not be in a saucer of water.

Keep in mind that many of these plants prefer a drought between irrigations, some bromeliads or orchids could be tolerant in a drought, but at no time would they support their roots being full of water.

You should increase the humidity levels in the house, as this is what this type of plant likes. This can turn out to be a problem, especially in the winter time when the home is heated a lot.

So that you can improve this humidity, put a layer of small stones in a deep tray and then add water up to half of the stones taking care that the water does not touch the base of your pot. This will help you to increase the humidity around the plant.

Another way to help your tropical flowers is to spray the leaves with water, as long as your plants do not have leaves that are hairy.

You can also increase the humidity if you buy a humidifier or put the plants in a terrarium.

The air circulation around it must be good, this is important for this type of plant, so if you can put it in a room that has a fan, the better it will be.

You shouldn’t push them too far into a corner or crowd them with other plants, as this will prevent the flowers from getting good airflow around them.

These flowers should be fed on a regular basis, it is best that you feed it for fifteen days in the season of its growth, in the spring and summer, then you can reduce this by feeding it once a month during the months that are colder.

Caring for tropical flowers in the garden

There are rules you must follow if you want tropical flowers. These flowers need sun, a fertile land that is very dry and protected in the winter time.

Several of these types of plants will need regular feeding and also abundant fertilizer. Irrigation should be given when the soil is dry to the touch.

In any case, it is important to clarify that not all tropical flowers are the same and therefore each one may have its own requirements, for example, caladiums need total or partial shade, on the other hand, bougainvillea and canna like to be In the sun, banana plants must be well protected from strong winds.

You must decide what you are going to do with the plants in the winter time; gardeners go to different alternatives when they have this type of plants. Some have these plants that they treat only once a year and then let them die when winter comes so they can plant again the following year. Other plants will winter outside.

Begonias and orchids, for example, are plants that need heat and light, so connecting a greenhouse to the house would be a very good option.

Hibiscus, bougainvillea and various citrus fruits can withstand a little more cold and therefore a winter, but not freezing.

Plants that have their growth by means of bulbs or tubers, such as canna and caladium, rise and also winter outside and then plant them again outside in the spring months.

One option you may have is to raise your plant and then put it in a container that is filled with compost and instead is warmer.

You can also clean the tubes or tubers and store them, this place must be dark, dry and cool. They would be put in a paper bag along with peat.

It is important to know that the bulbs should not dry out completely, but at the same time you have to ensure that they do not rot or mold.

Tropical Flower Care Tips

Various species of palms, such as plantain, can survive the winter if they are wrapped, for example, in a screen made of reeds.

It should always be assumed that any part of one of these plants turns out to be dangerous, in order to avoid complications. Caladium, for example, can cause skin irritation.


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