How to Communicate With Your Plants


There are certain groups of people who have come to affirm that it is possible to communicate with your plants, that is, that it is possible to interact with them as if they were people or animals.

Plants are living beings, which are characterized by their apparent immobility, that is, people normally, believe that plants remain completely immobile, having only an ornamental function and the function of producing oxygen for all living beings.

However, there are studies and observations carried out in recent years that have shown that plants are capable of making certain voluntary movements and reacting in a certain way to certain elements.

The best example is carnivorous plants, which are capable of eating small insects and feed on them in order to survive. It is also famous in the case of sunflowers, which turn to face the sun and thus be able to do photosynthesis better.

In addition, plants have cells, they have glucose in their blood and they are not as different from human beings as it may seem at first glance. This makes them candidates for living beings with whom we can communicate.

It is obvious that a plant is not going to speak to you and it is not going to give you the branch as if it were a hand, however, it is possible to perceive certain feedback in its behavior. For example, there are some plants that react differently depending on how you treat them, even causing plants to take certain affection for you as if they were animals.

This is because they are living beings and as such, they share a part with us. Today we are going to study this phenomenon a little more in depth and we are going to analyze plants, explaining how they can communicate with us and how we can do it with them.

Instructions for communicating with your plants

  1. Talk to the plants: The first thing we are going to do to communicate with the plants is to make a verbal communication that is, we are going to talk to the plants. There are studies that show that people who talk to plants make them grow healthier and stronger than others who do not talk to them. There is no clear logical explanation for this, but it could be due to the positive exchange of energy that occurs between plants. And you when you talk to them in a positive way. Try to imitate the ladies who live alone and talk to your plants, tell them how your day went, sing to them and check how in some cases, the leaves of the plants move when doing so, as if they were listening to you.
  2. Taking care of plants: The second communication that we are going to do is to take care of plants, since plants are not stupid and they know when we appreciate them and when we don’t. Here we are doing what is called indirect communication, that is, when we sub communicate something through our actions. If we take care of a plant well, we water it when it is needed and we know how to make it well cared for, it will know that we appreciate it for being a plant. If, on the other hand, we have neglected it, we do not water it and ultimately, we go beyond doing any care within it, we will be facing a bad communication, in which the plant will know that we do not want to know anything about it.
  3. Cooling plants: Cooling plants when it’s hot can be another symbol of affection, especially in plants that need a lot of water. By doing this, the plant will know that you appreciate it very much, since it really means that you really care about its well-being and that you are not just doing it to comply. A plant can survive with very little water; however, if you add more water to it, it will be happier (without drowning it). Therefore, try to refresh the leaves of your plants with a spray of water on the leaves of the same in the summer so that they take much more care of you and know who you are, that is, they know that you are their owner.
  4. Appreciate plants: Finally we must appreciate plants from the heart and see them more as a part of our home than as a simple decoration. Apart from being noticed in how we treat the plant, this will be noticed in how we look at it, how we talk about it and how we take care of it. It is not the same to take care of a plant reluctantly, watering it fast and running and not paying attention to it than to do it with love, with a lot of desire that the plant is also happy and with a lot of interest in its health. The plant will notice all this, so if we want to establish good communication with it, what we must do is try to take good care of this plant, so that it grows happy and content because it knows that we appreciate it.


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