How to Give Plants


There are numerous special occasions in which you have to give a gift and you don’t know what to give, because flowers are always a good idea, both to give as a gift to celebrate a birthday, a housewarming, to congratulate an achievement, etc.

But, giving flowers also has its drawbacks, for example, that they always end up dying and hardly last giving their best, therefore, the best thing you can do is give a plant as a gift since it will last much longer and will also give it a special touch. To home. In this way it will be a very showy gift, and also if it is a beautiful plant it will make you happy every time you see it. Also, if it is a person that you have a lot of appreciation for, it is a good way for them to remember you every time they see them and take care of them.

If you don’t know what plant to give or how to give plants, here are some useful tips.

Plants to give away

Choose small plants that have different flowers, with a special touch, even if they are discreet. Among them we find the African violet, which is ideal for interior areas especially if they are bright, this plant has managed to become very popular in recent years. There are several variants, although the one that attracts the most attention is the traditional one with violet flowers. The best thing about this plant is that it doesn’t matter what date we find ourselves in, as it blooms throughout the year.

You can also give plants with rare and rarely seen leaves, they are surprising plants because of the shapes of their leaves, or because of the designs and colors they may have.  They are also characterized because these plants do not usually give flowers, due to the great importance that the leaves acquire. Among this type of plants we find the croton, which turns out to be the plant with the greatest variety of striking colors on its leaves. You can find many varieties with different leaves and colors. The only problem is that this plant is a bit demanding, since it requires very high and constant light, warm temperatures, a humid environment and frequent watering.

On the other hand, there are plants with very striking flowers; they are beautiful flowers with unique shapes and attractive colors. Among them, the best known are the butterfly orchids, which you can find in different colors, thanks to the mixtures, but if you decide to give an orchid, remember that it is a very fussy plant, since it wants light and also be sprayed with water. By the area of ​​the leaves every day.

There are also varieties of plants that are very resplendent, they are plants with flowers that are easy to care for, cultivate and also floriferous, as is the case of the Algeria de la casa plant. This plant only needs to have a lot of light that is watered abundantly. By adding fertilizer from time to time, you will ensure that the plant maintains its beautiful colors, which are mostly pastels. It is also a plant that can also be placed outside.

An original idea to give plants is to see if the person who is going to receive them does their first steps in the kitchen, if they are a person who likes to cook and innovate, you can prepare a beautiful flowerpot with several aromatic plants in it. This way you will have your mini garden of condiments at home; there is also a wide variety of plants to choose from, for example, parsley, coriander, garden herb, mint, thyme, rosemary, oregano, etc.

Prepare plants for gift

If the plant you are going to give away is medium-large in size, then you can use cellophane paper from the pot and let it rise towards the plant without drowning it. Finish decorating and securing your gift by running a ribbon through the pot and making a bow.

Another original way of giving plants is by using cacti or plants that need very little maintenance. In this case, choose a fish tank or a large glass vase; fill it with a layer of soil and compost. Plant your mini cacti or seedlings inside and then cover the ground with tiny pebbles of some color, white usually looks great. You can also add a larger stone or whatever you can think of to decorate. This type of vases is beautiful and the plants need little care, it will also be more attractive if you mix different varieties of plants that combine with each other.

Another option is to take a basket, like the wicker ones, and put several pots with plants with beautiful and striking flowers inside. Keep in mind that the part of the plant must be ballooned and that it allows it to cover the pots and the joints, some perfect plants for this type of gift are violets.

Remember that when you are going to give a plant you should think about the person who will receive it and choose the one that best goes with it, with their home, their personality and the time they will have to dedicate to the plant, you can help yourself with the previous tips to choose the perfect plant.


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