How to Make a Flower Crown


Do you want to know how to make a flower crown, whether you need it for an event, for example a wedding, a garden party or a celebration in the summer or spring? Making a flower crown is a beautiful way to take full advantage of the flowers of the season and thus they will be fresh, it is something simple but at the same time charming and will give a special touch to the events. In summary, basically collect all those flowers that you like the most and then proceed to join them in a wire base, thus you will create this beautiful ornament for your head.

Wire flower crown

Procedure to make the flower crown with wire

  • You must measure the diameter of the head and then add five centimeters (two inches), in case the crown is going to be used on top of a hairstyle, it should be done before measuring, as there is a wide variety of hairstyles and on all the buns will give volume to the head.
  • Take a wire cutter and cut the piece according to the previous measurement, it is better that it is thick or the one that has paper around it, this is helpful so that the tape can adhere better. Do not use scissors to cut the wire as it would be dull.
  • Once you have the piece of wire, make a ring, the two ends should overlap with 2.5 centimeters (one inch), the wire should always maintain its shape, in case you notice it very lose you will probably need between two and three wires instead of one to make it stronger.
  • Take a florist’s tape so that you wrap the ends with it, and continue with the whole hoop, this will give you a nice work base and on the other hand there will be more color uniformity.
  • Make your choice of flowers to use and cut off their stems, leaving an inch or two (2.5 to 5 centimeters) below each flower. Use the scissors to cut and try to make all the stems the same length so that the crown fits you better. If you can use flowers of different sizes, the crown will have variety.
  • Put the flowers surrounding the base made of wire, according to the parameters you want, do not proceed to glue the flowers yet, because first you must take a good look at the design you want, try to alternate and intersperse flowers of different colors, sizes and shapes.
  • You can, for example, put the largest flowers in the front or on top of the crown, reduce the size of the flowers as you move towards the back of the crown, the effect it will give is narrowing.
  • If you want you can make all the flowers point to the same direction at the top or in the center of the crown or if you prefer the direction to be the opposite. The flowers do not have to be quite close, do it as you like, very close together or separated. If you want you don’t have to put flowers on the entire base, you can see how it looks if you do it only on the top or front.
  • Take a flower and hold it on the wire so that the stem is horizontal to the base, then take florist’s tape and wrap it around the wire and stem until you cover about 1/2 inch of stem, then you should cut the tape and press the edge to seal it.
  • Put the second flower and also stick it with the special florist’s tape. The second stem should slightly overlap the stem of the previous one. At this point, keep in mind that the closer together the flowers, the heavier and fuller the crown will look and if they are separated, the more delicate and thinner it will look. Keep doing the same with the rest of the flowers.
  • Try the crown and make the adjustments that you consider necessary, you can use ties to hold it, if you see any place or whole that you want to fill, you will have to detach the flowers very delicately and insert the others.

Make a braided flower crown

Make the choice of flowers, they must have flexible and thin stems and measure at least three inches long, you can make your crown with a variety of flowers or with a single type.

Dandelions and daisies are a classic, but you could also use forget-me-nots or sea alder instead.

There are herbs that have flowers such as thyme, oregano, chamomile, mint and lavender; these flowers could also be an excellent choice, in addition to the fact that you will have a rich aroma.

You should cut the stems so that they are the same length, you should also cut the leaves, in this way it will be easier for you to braid the flowers and you will also avoid unnecessary volume.

It is good that while you do your work you put the flowers in cold water so that they stay fresh, making a braided flower crown takes time and you will not want them to have withered when you are finishing your project. Take the flowers out only when you are going to use them.

Take three flowers, hold them and then tie them on the wire but keep them loose, wrap a small piece of wire around the stems several times and then proceed to cut off what is left over, the wire should be as close as possible to the flower. Each flower should be on an equal level, if one is lower than the other, the crown will look irregular; the wire will help you hold your flowers while you proceed to braid them, thus helping to prevent them from falling.

Start braiding the stems. Take the left stem and fold it so that it faces up and is between the center and right stems, then take the right stem and fold it over so that it ends up facing up and is between the center and left stems, continue doing the same procedure until you have made a braid that measures 2.5 centimeters long.

Now add a flower to the remaining stem, the new flower should be just below the one you already braided.

Put the two stems on top, so that they are between the central stem and the right one, you must try to keep them together so that they are as if they were a single stem.

Then add a flower to the right stem, this flower should also be just below the one you already have in the braid.

Put the two stems on top between the center and left stems.

Repeat the steps until you see that you have the desired length. The sections you are braiding get thicker as you add flowers.

Wrap wire around the ends of your crown, then join the two ends and put wire back on them so that you maintain the union and form the crown.


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