How to Plant Bulbs in Pots.


If you want to have some potted plants and colorful flowers, and be the envy of your neighbors and friends; you just have to read this article and you will know how to plant bulbs in pots.

The planting of bulbs in pots is very simple and fast, the first thing you have to know is that there are several types of bulbous plants, all these plants have their roots underground to absorb and accumulate nutrients and thus re-emerge year after year as a new plant. Plant. There are some exceptions that do keep their leaves all year round and some botanists and authors do not consider them to belong to this family, such as the Liriope, Agapanthus, Lily and Hemerocalis.

The different types of bulbous plants and to which variety they belong are the following,

  • Bulbs: Narcissus, Tulip, Mascara, Hyacinth, Lily, Iris, Fritillaries, Nard, Cilia, Tigridia, Hemerocalis, Hippeastrum, Serine, etc.
  • Corms: Crocus, Gladiolus, Freesia, Ixia, etc.
  • Tuberous roots: Dahlia, Anemone, Begonia, Agapitos, Cyclamen, Ranunculus, etc.
  • Rhizomes: Calla, Cana de lass India’s, Lily, Convallaria masalas, etc.

Most of these plants are simple to plant and easy to care for and maintain , they are special for beginners and people who have little time, it must also be said and it is totally true that practicing gardening at this level relaxes , therefore we recommend it to those people suffering from all kinds of stress.

Keep in mind that in these types of plants, the foliage of small bulbs dies quickly, the foliage of larger bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, will take weeks to die. These plants after flowering need the green leaves to produce food by photosynthesis, this food is stored in the bulb for the next growth of the next year, therefore the foliage should not be skewed early in order to give a healthy and strong bulb, from the otherwise it will result in a weak bulb that will decline and die.

Now we will list a series of very simple instructions and tips to encourage you to plant bulbs and obtain healthy, strong plants that will give a colorful and decorative bloom for your terrace, for your garden or for the office where you spend most of your time. Up to you.

What do you need to plant bulbs in pots?

  • Flower pot
  • Bulb
  • Land
  • Pass
  • Water
  • Small shovel
  • Gloves

Instructions for planting bulbs in pots.

  1. Choose the type of plant or flower you want to have and look for the corresponding bulb.
  2. The best time to plant these bulbs is in the fall or early winter for spring blooming.
  3. Prepare the soil, aerate it so that it is loose and add organic fertilizer or universal type substrate.
  4. Place the soil in the pot up to the top; the pot must have an outlet hole for the water, a collecting plate and about 30 centimeters high.
  5. Press and compact the soil to make it as compact as possible.
  6. Bury the bulb at a depth of 2 or 3 times its size, make a hole in the center of the soil to the desired depth and place the bulb with the roots down, compact the soil by hand to eliminate any possibility of air gaps in contact with the bulb.
  7. Water well on the entire surface of the soil in the pot, until you see that the water comes out of the lower hole, as it is the first time for the soil to settle well, we are going to use abundant water.
  8. Place the pot in the shade, once the plant comes out if it is good for it to receive a little sun, but in the meantime the shade is better.
  9. The irrigation of growth and development will be with a small amount of water, it is preferable that it be a little scarce rather than abundant.

Tips for planting bulbs in pots.

The size of the pot is important. Once the bulb is buried, press down on the surrounding soil to eliminate any possibility of air bubbles.

When the planting work is finished, irrigate with a good amount of water, it does not matter that the first time it is flooded, it is so that the soil and the bulb settle in the pot and absorb a good amount of water. Growth and maintenance water must be scarce.

Relax and enjoy pleasant moments preparing, planting and watching this plant grow to a colorful bloom.


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