How to Plant Lavender


Flowers always bring joy to the whole home, especially those flowers that are aromatic as in the case of lavender. This plant brings a sweet and soft aroma to any place or atmosphere, from giving a sweet aroma to the garden, to perfuming our house in a natural way just by having this plant at home.

There are many types of floral plants to decorate the home, you can choose the ones you want, from roses, hydrangeas, and why not? You can also plant lavender.

Remember that these plants are very aromatic, their aroma is soft and pleasant for any type of person, and in addition, the flowers of this plant, in addition to having a pleasant aroma, are also very beautiful and fill our garden with color and softness.

In case you want to plant lavender in your garden or in a pot for your house or roof, we will show you the correct way to plant lavender and how to care for lavender according to where you put it.

It is not the same to plant lavender indoors as it is for a garden or roof terrace that is why we have created this article so that you know which the most suitable ways are for you to plant lavender at home.

What do you need to plant lavender?

  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Sprinkler
  • Sand
  • Land
  • Natural compound
  • Garden tools

Instructions for planting lavender

  1. Choose the place where you are going to put the lavender first so that you know how to provide it with sunlight. If you are going to put the lavender indoors, the ideal is that it stays most of the time near the window so that it can receive sunlight. The problem with having lavender inside the house is that many times it is left in a place where it does not receive sunlight or it hardly reaches it, in the case of having it at home, you will have to ensure that the plant is in a place where it receives sunlight, but not in constant heat throughout the day. In other words, in a balanced place where it receives light for much of the day, but in the afternoon there may be shade to avoid damage to the plant caused by excess heat.
  2. In gardens and rooftops it is easier because you only have to plant lavender in a place that has sunlight for several hours of the day, but at sunset there is enough shade for the plant to shelter from the heat caused by sunlight. This does not mean that the fact that there are a lot of light harms the plant, in fact, it flowers better and gives better shoots when the place where it is located is warm and sunny, hence the importance of receiving full sunlight. However, if we have just watered the plant and the sun is excessive, the water will evaporate or overheat the plant’s soil as the water is heated by the sun, so to avoid damage caused by the sun, we will ensure that the plant can receive shade.
  3. During the cool of the day or in the afternoon when the sun has diminished is that we should water the lavender, it is never watered in times of strong sun or when the heat is excessive. For this reason, we remind you that depending on the time of year, you will have to water the plant at a certain time of the day, either in the morning or in the afternoon, but never while the sun is strong. However, lavender does not grow in very humid climates, and humidity can favor the putrefaction of the plant, so we will ensure that the soil always has moisture, but not too much, since lavenders are more for dry soils and a little loose. .
  4. The soil in which you are going to plant lavender should be rich, not excessively alkaline or acidic, but well fertilized and easy to drain. That for no reason there are puddles of water on the ground, because as we said, the mud as well as the humidity can favor the putrefaction and wilting of the plant. So we will maintain a balanced level of humidity trying not to overdo it. You can even water lavender during warmer days every 2 days or in cold climates every 3 days or less.
  5. It is also important that before planting lavender, you prepare the soil by mixing soil with compost, plant substrate and fertilizer. It is recommended that if the soil is very hard, you soften it by putting one part of sand for 2 parts of soil, since lavender grows better in sandy soils than in soils that are too firm. Later we will plant the lavender; it should be approximately 10 centimeters below the ground. Then with a gardening trowel or with our hands, we will slightly crush the soil to compact it but without overdoing it because we could break the roots or compact the soil so much that it becomes hard.
  6. We will not wet the soil until after we have finished planting the lavender when we will only water it with a little water so that the plant can begin to develop in this new environment and cool off, after this you will only have to continue the irrigation rhythm that you already we have explained previously and of course, ensure good fertility in the soil.
  7. We will also take care when planting lavender that it is not in danger of a plague or infection, for this we have to change every 4 months most of the old soil that surrounds the lavender and change it for new soil without touching or damaging the lavender. Also in case you cannot change the soil, you can put homemade compost every 2 weeks and when noticing any negative changes in the plant that may be caused by a future infestation, use a garden pesticide.

Tips for planting lavender

  • Avoid weeds around where you are going to plant lavender, as weeds can seriously affect lavender growth. Choose a certain place only to plant lavender and no other plants.
  • You can also opt for seeds instead of sprouts to plant lavender at home. This will be up to you.


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