How to Plant Vines or Climbers


These are ideal plants to decorate your fences and balconies in a simple and natural way, they are very varied plants, and for others beautiful, every day they become more useful in homes, because they take them as a special decoration for the facades of their house, Well, there are many wonders that can be achieved with these plants, they are definitely quite malleable, you can make arches, and decorate your main walls, they are very elegant, if you know how to take care of them, and their colors are very varied, as there are many species among which you can select, even its aroma is very pleasant, so if you have them in your home, the atmosphere of this will be very interesting.

If you like to get out of the conventional, and set the tone, if you are plant lovers but you consider that your gardens lack a touch that takes them out of the conventional, you should only choose a climbing plant or vine, there are many species, but all, and a great style to your home will give. You will only have to provide them with good care once you acquire it, because it is the secret for them to have the ideal growth, because like any plant, proper care gives you guaranteed growth, so plant a climber in your garden, decorate your balconies, walls or design facades and arches with the help of these, if you do not know how to do it, I will provide you with some advice and instructions, so that you can take the first step.

Instructions for planting vines or climbers

  1. The land and site where this plant will be planted is the main thing that must be analyzed, we must try to do it in a land free of weeds, if it exists, it must be eliminated, it is something quite simple to do, and even just using your hands you can do it. As for the type of soil, it must be fertile enough, or you must fertilize it correctly before the plant is planted.
  2. To open the trench, take into account the size of the roots, as this must be much larger, at least double, so that the plants have enough space to expand.
  3. It is a climber, so it will definitely need a base to hold on to during its growth, it can be a fence or a balcony, you will decide, the point is that you have to be very careful with something, and it is the distance between the base chosen and the planting of the plant you must leave, the reason is very simple, with a distance between 45 or 50cm between the two, it will be enough for this plant to enjoy an ideal irrigation.
  4. You must place some supports that help the plant grow as desired, you can use bamboo canes for this, in addition to giving them a really great touch, the idea of ​​placing these supports is to facilitate the climbing process that the plant will carry out, especially if it is a balcony, which can be found at a great distance. And even if we intend that they extend along a wall, with its bamboo cane that you place, it will be enough for it to have a good growth.
  5. Undoubtedly you acquired the climber in a pot, once you have opened the ditches and fixed the supports or bamboo canes, you must remove the plant from the pot and plant it, to later select the stems of this, which look stronger, and fasten them to the canes or main supports, in this way you will be indicating where the growth of the plant will be, and you will be able to achieve the desired objective, a beautiful wall, with decorated climbers.
  6. It is necessary to cut the rest of the stems, which because they seem weak to the canes have not been fastened, this must be done with an ideal tool, so that the plant is not going to be damaged, so this procedure must be done very carefully.
  7. Make a kind of ditch around the climber, to guarantee its irrigation, this will allow the greater retention of water that the plant requires being able to grow as expected.
  8. During the growth of the plant, you must be attentive, since you must provide it with help to go holding on to where you want it to, moving its branches, pruning the unnecessary ones, you can give it the shape you want, or help it to hold on to the structure of your choice, in short, the proper growth of this plant is only in your hands.
  9. If, on the other hand, you want your vines to spread on the ground, you can also do it, you just have to provide them with adequate space to spread, and simply let their growth flow.

In pots

  1. If what you want is to plant a climber in a pot, the procedure is very similar to the one explained above, only that at this moment, the place is a pot, the main thing is to choose a good size one, the material can be that of your preference, but deep is the most appropriate.
  2. Fill the pot with a suitable soil, and that it is well fertilized, in addition to being permeable, so that it helps maintain humidity, improving the efficiency of irrigation.
  3. Place in the pot the same supports that we explained previously, they can be made of plastic, wood or bamboo canes, the ones you have at your fingertips, three of these will suffice, however, the amount will vary according to the extension of the chosen recipient.
  4. Regarding the stems of the plant, they are taken to hold the supports, as always, selecting the strongest, later you will prune what has been somehow discarded.

What do you need to plant vines or climbers?

  • Plant
  • Material

Tips for planting vines or climbers

  1. Climbing plants or vines are very varied, you should pay attention to that, some get entangled by themselves to the support you have provided, but you should lend a hand to others, therefore, do not neglect their growth.
  2. This plant can be in the sun or in the shade, you only have to take into account the following, if it is in the sun, you must increase the frequency of its irrigation, remember that the greater the exposure to radiation, the greater the evaporation of the water that is in the ground.
  3. The irrigation that you must provide also varies according to the species of plant obtained, since some are more sensitive to drought, while others resist it better, likewise, take into account the type of terrain, if it is permeable, you should not do the irrigation as often, but if it is a dry land, increase the frequencies, you should always be very attentive to this.
  4. Use organic fertilizers on the land used, since they are the most suitable for facilitating and contributing to its growth.
  5. If you observe in your plant, a yellowish color of its leaves, and these later fall off, it is indicating that you are doing excessive watering, so study this a bit, when the climbers are in pots, the water tends to accumulate a little more, so reduce the frequency of irrigation a little.
  6. Before venturing into the planting of climbers, take into account the climate to which it will be exposed, there are many species from which you can choose, so get the one that best suits you.


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