How to Transplant a Plant At Home


Many times we need to transplant the plants so that they maintain their healthy life; For example, it is likely that you have a plant that you look at that has grown a lot and that is too big for the container you keep it in, leaving it there could cause its roots to suffocate or be damaged, which would cause the plant to begin to have an appearance not healthy at all and also start to grow slower.

This can be avoided if you move your plant to a larger container; it is a process that must be done but with great care since it could be something dangerous and even traumatic for your plant. We explain how to transplant a plant avoiding complications.

It is a fact then that the plants that are in pots must be transplanted every time they grow, since they need more space to be able to have a correct development, besides that it will be a great opportunity to provide them with a new fertilizer and substrate, which it will make them more beautiful. It is common for people to always leave their indoor plants in the same pots in which they came from their purchase and this is a big mistake, they should be given more space so that they can continue to grow healthier and more beautiful.

What do you need to transplant a plant at home?

  • Plant in its original pot
  • A pot (Matera) larger than the original
  • Farmland
  • Fertilizer
  • Water
  • Shovel

Instructions for transplanting a plant at home

  1. Water: two days before the plant is transplanted you should water it with a fertilizer;  must be done in advance.
  2. The soil: take the pot and fill it with the soil for cultivation; there should only be 2 cm of distance left with the top edge of the pot.
  3. Fertilizer: take the fertilizer and mix it with water (the same amount of each), then you must saturate the soil that you already have in the pot; check that all the soil is moist, there should be no dry area.
  4. Dig: Now you must make a hole in the ground, the dimensions should be approximately those of the original pot of the plant.
  5. Original pot: now you must take the plant out of the pot (pot) where you originally had it and you must hold its base very well, do it with the palm of your open hand; You should try to make it well covered with soil, for this proceed to turn the pot over and then gently pull the plant so that it comes out with as much soil as possible. You must be patient and do this procedure calmly and taking your time, doing it quickly could damage its roots.
  6. New pot: now put the plant in its new home, in the pot that you had for it, you must put it very carefully, paying close attention not to damage its roots. Take more soil so that you finish filling the holes that may have remained, you must cover all the roots very well, none should be visible; water your plant with the same mixture that you made of water and fertilizer.
  7. Location: put the current (large) pot with the plant in a place where it does not get much light, this should be done only for a few days and then you can put it back where the sunlight falls.

Tips for transplanting a plant at home

  • It is very important that you transplant your plant following the due process, since not doing so can cause it to wither and even die; doing it in the best way can even make it recover if you have a sick plant.
  • It is very important that the new pot (pot) has a good space that allows your plant to continue its growth; it will easily get used to its new home and will expand more easily.
  • Choose the hours of the night to transplant your plant, it will be the best way for it to get used to it without having to put up with the sun until the next day.
  • It is good that the fertilizer you use is a quality organic one; this will allow your plant to have a better development.
  • It is recommended that you transplant your plant when we are in spring, higher temperatures and more hours of sunlight will make your plant grow faster.
  • Before transplanting your plant, it is good that you disinfect your pot in the following way: wash it well, checking that there is no dust, insects or any other type of dirt inside, take a brush with thick bristles and wash and scrub the soil of the pot well, this is in order to remove any minerals that are harmful, if any. If the pot you have is made of clay, soak it for only 30 minutes.


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