Interflora: How to Buy At Interflora


If I were to show you a logo of the interflora company right now, you would surely recognize it without any problem. This brand of florists has been accompanying us all our lives, creating a great franchising company with users from all over the world.

This company is one of the largest in the world, since it is one of the few that allows you to have fresh flowers all year round; in addition to allowing you to send them to the person you want, regardless of where they are.

They achieve this through a delivery system, thanks to the fact that there are florists of this type all over the world; they can allow themselves to send deliveries to any address, wherever they are, whether in our country or abroad.

In addition, interflora not only has this service, but also allows us to send famous dedications to that person that matters so much to us. These dedications can be sent both anonymously and revealing who has been, being able to choose the version of the dedication that you likes the most.

Surely if you are a romantic person and have had a long-term partner, you have ever gone to an interflora center to send some flowers with a dedication to that special person. This is very easy since just going to the florist, giving the address and paying was done.

But interflora also adapts to new technologies, since it has now installed a system that allows you to make payments online, being able to send dedications without having to go to a store in person, something that is great for many people who do not care like to exercise too much.

Today we are going to teach you how to buy through this great florist, so you can buy any type of flower, send it to the address you want and of course, send a romantic dedication to that person you care so much about.

Instructions to buy in Interflora

  1. Traditional purchase in store: The first option we have to buy in interflora is the traditional system of a lifetime, that is, go to a physical interflora store and buy what we want to buy there. To detect an interflora store, we must look at the famous yellow logo, which must be found at the door of the flower shop. Upon entering the florist, we will be able to consult the saleswoman about which flower we want to buy.  Next, they will offer you prices, budgets and they will give you advice about which is the best flowers to give or to buy depending on what you want to do. Once we have finished making the purchase, we can choose to make a dedication to send to another person, for which we must provide a shipping address. We also have the option to buy the flowers directly by hand, pay and take them home. Here you can pay both in cash and by credit or debit card.
  2. Buy online step 1, choose the products and add to the cart: The first step to make the purchase online is to visit the official website of interflora, which is well located at the top of the Google search. This online store is like a set of all interflora stores, but online, allowing you to choose between all its products. The way this store works is identical to that of other online stores, that is, the only thing we have to do to buy online here is to search for the product we want and add products to the shopping cart, which will serve to place a joint order. When we have finished shopping, we are going to click on the cart icon, we are going to make sure that everything is fine and finally we are going to click on the option to pay, to go to the next step.
  3. Buy online step 2, Choose delivery address: Once we have finished shopping, we will proceed to indicate how we want the delivery of the flowers we have purchased. This step is crucial, because if you want to send dedications or choose local collection so that it costs less money, this is the time to do it. Interflora gives us three options to make shipments, which we will see below.
    1. To me: The first form of payment that we have in interflora is to send the flower to ourselves, that is, indicate the address of our home. This is done in almost all online purchases, so surely you know the procedure to follow in these cases. When sending it to you, the shipping costs must be paid, a price that depends on two things, since firstly, it depends on the location of our house with respect to an interflora store and secondly, it depends on the amount of gender that we have requested.
    2. Local pickup. Now we have the option of making a local collection that is, going to the nearest interflora store and collecting the order to be placed ourselves. This will allow us to save the cost of shipping, since we will be able to go to the store directly, as if we had bought it there. The bad thing about this system is that if we have ordered a lot, then we will have problems when it comes to transporting everything home. In addition, we do not always have stores like these nearby, so this shipping method is the least used.
    3. To another person with or without a dedication: Finally we have the best option, that is, to send the flowers to another person as a gift, something we can do indicating a dedication or not. A dedication is a kind of note attached to the gift in which we indicate that it was us and add something like a message of love. Here we will choose the dedication to write, we will choose the address of the person to whom we are going to make the gift and finally we proceed to make the payment of the product.
  4. Buy online step 3, verify order and choose payment method: Once we have decided what to order, we already have the last step ahead, that is, make the payment for the product and therefore, confirm it and leave everything finished. To verify an order, we will go to the payment option. Here we are going to have two forms of payment, since we are going to be able to pay both from our PayPal account and pay from our credit card. In these cases, I always advise paying with PayPal, since it is a more comfortable and secure way, however, the credit card is better for people who are not familiar with computers, since it is a more traditional system. However, the form of payment that you choose is something that can be chosen entirely on a personal basis, since nothing matters what I can advise you, but what matters is what you think. Each person has a different way of paying, since some of us pay better with PayPal and others prefer the credit card. Choose the payment method that you like the most and that you normally use, mainly for comfort. Once we have paid, a copy of the order will be sent to our email and we will have to wait for it to be completed in a few days.


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