Lilies Of The Valley: How They Are, Care and Cultivation


Lilies are one of the most beautiful plants, and there are about 110 different species, although in general they have some similar characteristics.

This specific type, the lily of the valley is one of those types of lilies that we can find. The lilies of the valley grow in colonies, and their beauty is unmatched. They are also part of floral centers and plantations in the garden.

If you want to know what lilies of the valley are like, what care they require and how to grow them, in this article we will explain everything you need to know about lilies of the valley.

How are the Lilies of the Valley?

The lilies of the valley, or also known as convallaria masalas, are a perennial herbaceous species that comes from the more temperate zones of the northern hemisphere. Lilies of the Valley belong to the Liliopsida class, of the Rosacea family.

The lilies of the valley are elegant, which differentiates them from others that we can find in the same habitat, and this species stands out above all for its charm and the sweet fragrance it gives off.

This plant grows in large colonies of various sizes in which its rhizomes are separated and the spurs are sent out. They have a stem that reaches between 15 and 30 cm in height and which remains underground until the plant dies, the earth that covers it falls off or it lengthens as it needs to form longer roots that maintain the firmer plant inside the earth.

One or two leaves emerge from it that can be between 10 and 25 cm long. They have an elliptical silhouette of a deep green color and are elongated on long peduncles. From the center of the vines the first clusters appear in a curved shape with five or ten flowers with a semi-flared shape and a little hanging, which are also very pure white and give off a rich aroma. Its flowers will start to come out in spring.

The flowers are hermaphrodite and actinomorphic, whose corolla has 6 steals and is bell-shaped. The corolla can be white or pink and also gives off a sweet perfume. Fruits in the form of berries will emerge from the flowers.


The lily of the valley grows in central Europe, in general, and is rare in the countries bordering the Mediterranean. In Spain it can be found in certain specific points of the Pyrenees, Iberian System, Basque Country, and Sierra de Credos and its presence is still very rare.

It can be considered that this plant is not properly speaking a lily, but it is the only plant that represents this genus in a wild state inside the open forests of Europe. Therefore, this plant grows wild and develops in wild environments.

Popular facts

The lily of the valley is recognized in the Holy Bible, referring to the second arrival of Christ on Earth. In addition, it is also the symbol of the tears that Eve shed once she was expelled from the Garden of Eden due to her sins; it is also present in other Christian acts, so this plant is a clear symbol of the Bible and of the Christianity.

In France they are called magnet, and they have been the symbol of luck and happiness since even before the middle Ages. It is the representative flower of the First of May, so that day it is tradition to give this plant to the closest people. You can go to the woods to collect them, give them away and even sell them on the streets.

Also the lily of the valley is the national flower of Finland.

Finally, in Spain the lily of the valley is also known as convulsion lily, lily of Our Lady, wild lily, magnet, magneto, muguete, convalaria and Solomon’s tears.

Properties of lily of the valley

This plant has some medicinal properties, but it can also be toxic, so you have to be careful with it.

  • During World War I lilies of the valley were used to treat victims who suffered from mustard gas.
  • It has effects similar to those produced by digitalis, and is indicated to treat problems of heart failure and palpitations.
  • It is associated as a heart tonic with Hawthorn
  • It can also work slightly as a diuretic, especially in cases of edema, especially those of cardiac origin.
  • As we have mentioned, it can also be toxic, since it can cause vomiting and diarrhea since it contains spirostane-type sapiens. And even in some serious cases of poor ingestion of lily of the valley it can even lead to death. For this we must be sure that the berries that we are going to take have been treated correctly.
  • The leaves and flowers have cardio tonic glycosides of the cardenolide type.
  • Its main active ingredient is convalamarin, which is also a solid crystalline glycoside once it is extracted from the plant.

How to grow lilies of the valley?

As we already know, lilies require little care, and generally they should be planted in autumn so that the root takes a lot of strength, and that the first flowers begin to appear in spring, but being one of the exceptions that we can find among the species of lilies, lilies of the valley do not usually show their flowers until at least two to three years have passed since they were planted, so you must be patient, the result will be worth it.

The lily of the valley needs a soil with abundant organic matter, and it must also be kept fresh throughout the year. In this case, the drainage system must also be taken into account, since the soil must be kept cool and moist, but not excessively. In addition, it must be planted in places where frost occurs in winter; otherwise the plant will not flower.  (In the case of Spain, the southern area, which is not high in the mountains, will not be the most suitable place to grow these lilies.

Lilies of the valley can be planted in narrow beds, borders, and even in diversity groups.  And although it can also be grown in pots and indoors (getting the plant to flower before its time), the truth is that it is a plant that is generally grown in rustic areas and very natural and airy areas. It is important that you know that these plants need to be outdoors, not only to feel the frost, but also that they need a lot of oxygen to survive.

You can buy the bulbs to plant it in specialized gardening stores; they will come ready to plant, without the need to do anything else.

After you have chosen the most suitable area in your garden to grow the lilies of the valley, you only have to make a hole between 13 and 15 cm. At the bottom of the hole loosen the earth a little with a few blows with the shovel and we can put a bit of bone meal. Then place the bulb carefully. If you are going to plant more than one, you should leave a distance of at least 13 cm between them, so when they grow they will have enough space to capture enough sun and oxygen. Then you must return to soil and cover the hole. Then use a watering can to moisten the soil. Remember that this plant needs constant moist soil.

When winter is approaching and the intense cold takes the opportunity to put a thin layer of fertilizer on the buds, so you can protect them, but not too much, the lilies of the valley need frost to finish blooming as they should.

Lily care

The basic care of lilies of the valley is that the soil is well drained and constantly moist and remove leaves that are completely withered (if they are not completely you will harm the plant, since the leaf is still partly alive and is collecting nutrients for the next season).

You can fertilize your lilies in early spring when the first buds start to come out. You must choose a suitable fertilizer for lilies, and if not, the one used in growing potatoes will do.  You should give very little fertilizer, since they do not need much, and an excess of nitrogen can cause serious damage to the plant, such as its stem not being strong, and in the worst case, the bulb rotting. A month after fertilizing, it does it again for the last time.

The lilies of the valley are one of the most beautiful and sweet-smelling lily species that exist, they are easy to care for, but for their cultivation remember that they have specific needs, so any area of ​​the world is not suitable for planting these plants. (Although everything will depend on the environment that we can give them, of course).


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