What Are Wild Flowers


Wild flowers are those that grow spontaneously and naturally, that is, they were not taken by man for their cultivation, within these we can also find the native flowers of a region because they are the ones that grow naturally around a city, in parks or squares that have been abandoned. Wild flowers have a fairly large gene pool (genic heritage), which differentiates them from cultivated plants and the strength they have has not yet been lost despite the manipulation of man. Continue reading what the wild flowers are.

In other words, these flowers are the ones that grow wild, meaning they were never intentionally seeded, however meadows of this type of mixed species flower are sold in packets with seeds.

This type of flowers has a good capacity to adapt to the environment, also a biological quality and good vitality, since they have not been modified by humans to take advantage of them.

Wild flowers are very beautiful and have an exotic beauty, which is why they are marketed, even illegally, since in some countries they know their potential and their extraction is not allowed.

Undoubtedly wild flowers are fascinating, it is but to stop for a moment to look at them and see their shape, we can appreciate that there are a variety of beautiful colors, a rich aroma, and delicate and soft petals; on the other hand they have elegance that makes landscapes are more beautiful.

Without a doubt, they are admirable and very attractive flowers, but they have a main function, which is to produce seeds to fulfill the life cycle of reproduction. Due to this, the flowers have structures made to attract birds, insects and even bats that will be in charge of pollination. Butterflies and birds called songbirds especially look for wild flowers, since they find more food in them than in those that have been cultivated.

If you are wondering how wild flowers can be distinguished from cultivated ones, the answer is that it is not easy. These flowers that have not been manipulated by man, in encyclopedias are found as: that plant that has a soft stem and showy flowers, but other books that also deal with this subject include flowers with woody stems, so these inconsistencies make it is difficult to reach a definition that covers all the flowers called wild. For example, in North America alone, there are more than ten thousand classified wildflowers.

There are some of these flowers that have quite traveling seeds, which can make very extensive journeys both by water and by air, although most have a natural limitation, as they grow only in specific areas. There are very fine seeds that have no problem making a trip through the wind and traveling many kilometers, on the contrary, those that have integrated parachutes, such as dandelions, can only travel a few meters (hundreds).

Common mallow

Its scientific name is Malta Silvestre’s; this flower is traditionally used for its coloration to give color to some infusions or preparations with plants. In ancient times, its flowers were used to treat respiratory system problems such as bronchitis, cough, and asthma, among others. This plant contains mucilage in good quantity (this is an expectorant), it has five petals that are shaped like a heart.

Daisy flower

Its scientific name is Bellies Perini’s, this flower is quite common and is even used as a plant in gardens, it grows in northern and central Europe, and it is herbaceous and is widely used for decorative purposes.


Its scientific name is Brassica Napes. This flower became famous in a sad way, since in Spain, in 1981, 1000 people died and twenty thousand were poisoned by consuming oil from this plant, as it had traces of pesticides that were quite toxic to humans. On the other hand, it is still a cheerful plant that fills fields with a beautiful yellow in the spring. Similarly, oil is extracted from some rapeseed, especially to feed the animals, but it is done with a responsible and delicate elaboration. There is a variety of this flower that can be toxic if consumed in large quantities, making it difficult to distinguish.


Its scientific name is Convolvulus Sabatier, this wild plant is known for its bright colors and very beautiful flowers, it has a tone that is between bluish, purple and purple, this plant develops in cold places and on rocks, it is also quite fragile.


Its scientific name is Palaver Rheas, it is a beautiful plant, which today connotes sad circumstances, because opium latex is extracted from some types of it, morphine is extracted from there, but also other substances that are illegal to use, which are later are marketed in the same way. This plant, among its medicinal-type properties, we find that it is sedative, which is why it is also called opium poppy, in small quantities it is used to alleviate different problems, among which we find nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. The petals that are already dry are used to dress various dishes of good cuisine, especially salads. Its petals are delicate and its color is an intense red.


Its scientific name is Hyacinths, this flower has its origin in Africa and the Mediterranean, these wild flowers emanate a peculiar and delicious fragrance, and there are various colors among which we find yellow, white, blue and red.


Taraxacum Officinal is its scientific name. Many people like this plant, especially children, since it is common to take the flower, then make a wish and then blow on the dandelion until all the seeds of the flower fly, on the other hand it is a plant that It has many medicinal-type properties, it can help purify the body and also relieves problems that stem from fluid retention. The flowers are yellow-orange, but once dry they become snowball white and volatile.


Its scientific name is Myosotidium Shortens; it has its origin in New Zealand, exactly in the Chatham Islands. It has striking colors between lilac and blue; it is in cluster and is used as an ornamental plant.

Lavender, lavender or lavender

Its scientific name is Lavandula Officinal is, this is a flower that is quite aromatic, on the other hand it is very beautiful and therefore decorative, the flowers have a violet tone and are in the form of spikes. The essential oil of this plant is used to relieve coughs, muscle aches and as a relaxant. In ancient times they put lavender on the pillow to combat insomnia. If you want to learn how to plant lavender here we will teach you.


Rosmarinus Officinal is its scientific name. On the one hand, this plant has great medicinal value and, on the other, it is very versatile. It is also a very aromatic plant that is used to flavor and season a variety of dishes. Rosemary is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stimulates blood circulation and helps muscle tone.


Its scientific name is Thymus Vulgaris. It is an aromatic plant, so it has many uses in the world of cooking. Its essential oil is used to relieve digestion problems and colic.


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