Anemones: How to Care for Anemones


We will focus on explaining how to take care of anemones (it is good to clarify that it is a plant in this case, since there are also sea anemones).

This plant is universal, so it can be easily found in different countries in the world; its name comes from ancient Greece, exactly from the word animus, whose meaning is wind.

This plant comes in many varieties and flourishes easily in temperate zones around the world.

The garden anemone is also called anemone coronaries; it is of herbaceous type, it is perennial and is widely used for purposes that are ornamental, both in pots and in gardens; This is due to the fact that they have an extensive chromatic variety within their flowers, they look quite similar to poppies; They are also famous for being very easy to grow and for having excellent resistance against diseases and pests.

It’s Latin or scientific name is anemone coronaries, the common or common names are: garden anemones, garden anemones or simply anemone.

This plant had its origin in the Mediterranean basin; especially it comes from the mountains of Japan and China; it is a plant that reaches between 15 and 25 centimeters in height.

Among the most important species we find the Santa Brigade and the Caen Series; the former have semi-full flowers with narrow petals, while the latter are large flowers with beautiful colors.

Among the types that we can find in garden anemones are: autumn, spring and Mediterranean. These last ones have their flowering in winter if they are kept as plants for the interior and they do it in summer when they are outdoors.

The number of species exceeds 60, among them we can find some that create tubers, others in their formation only have the thickening of the roots (tuberculiformes) and others have the traditional root system that are typical of perennial plants.

General Anemone Care

Having a beautiful and flowery garden is something very beautiful, but it is very important to take into account the planting times of ornamental plants. When spring arrives, anemones stand out for their beautiful colors.

It is common for people to confuse an anemone with the famous poppy; this is because among the varieties of anemones, there is one that is quite similar, as well as others similar to daisies.

This flower can also give life and joy to the home, since it can be planted in pots without any problem, but always taking certain care so that they look beautiful and healthy.


Buy the seeds and see what space you have to be able to sow them.

The bulbs or rhizomes should be planted for the first time in mid-September, that is, in the fall, and should not be more than five centimeters deep and if several are planted, there should be a separation of 10 centimeters.

It can be planted either in pots to put on balconies or terraces or directly on the ground to have a beautiful garden and also to have optimal light conditions.

When the time comes to plant the plants in the respective holes, you should check that the roots are flat and then cover with the soil without exerting much pressure, the latter is important from the moment you start to pour the earth, because if the surface is very compact, it would be difficult for the root to penetrate well into the substrate.

As advice, we tell you that it is good to let the bulbs of these plants rest in water for 24 hours before proceeding with the planting, this will make their roots grow better.

Once planted, the soil should be watered with plenty of water, but this will only be during the flowering process, we will see watering later.


They prefer soil that is loose and enriched with organic matter, with good drainage. This plant develops well in clay-type soils that contain good humus.


It is a plant that cannot stand a frost or a strong cold; it must be remembered that these bloom spontaneously in the spring.

These plants live better in temperate climates where there are mild winters, so if you live in a place where there are frosts, you should find a way to protect them.

In the winter you should get a plastic cover to protect them; It is very important that when you cover your flowers you make sure that they do not come into contact with the plastic;  If there is not adequate separation between the cover and the vegetable, the anemones will be more prone to disease due to excessive humidity.

The lighting

This subject is not so delicate, because they can grow without problem if they do not get direct sun, in partial shade; the same if it can enjoy the morning sun, the better it will be.

In summary, we can say that they are plants that like the sun, but do not receive it throughout the day, so try to place them in places where the shade only enters them during a few hours of the day, especially in the summer season.


It must have an environment that is humid, that resembles that of forests of this type.


Irrigation should be done frequently, but without reaching abundance; the ideal is to give it every day but with little water, maximum every other day. You have to make sure that the land of the anemones remains fresh and moist but without soaking it.

The fertilizer

We already mentioned that it is a plant that is better in soil that contains organic material, so if you can add compost that is organic or another type of fertilizer from the same origin, this silver will begin to grow looking even more beautiful and with a beautiful color.

It is important that when spring arrives you fertilize it, do it when you see that new foliage is beginning to grow.


Remember that there are many varieties and this can change, but most do so in spring.

Your multiplication

Wait for a year to pass, after this time, if you have the desire to have more plants of this type, you can do the multiplication by separating the bulbs.

Your new bulbs should be planted in mid-autumn, about two inches deep, and planted wherever you like, either in pots or in the ground.

Plagues and diseases

Pests are not really very common in these plants, but they can give those snails and aphids, very occasionally fungi appear on their leaves and they are stained. For this you must use natural fungicides and pesticides.


The fungi that can give this plant are mildew, rust and canker or anthracnose, these are very careful since they not only affect the beauty of the plant and its aesthetics, but can also endanger its existence.

If your plants are attacked by mildew or rust, look for a commercial fungicide that is based on Zane, this compound is organ sulfur and is quite good for counteracting this type of disease. Mildew is fine white mold and the surface of the leaves begins to turn yellow and later brown.

It is possible that you protect your anemones from a canker attack, use a mixture that is Bordeaux, or a Bordeaux mixture.

Regardless of the disease that gives your anemones, you must remove those parts that have been affected in order to prevent it from spreading to other stems or branches, even reaching other plants.

You can find spots or mottles on the leaves, these would be caused by fungi such as Stories, Phyllosticta and Cercospora, and in this case they should be protected with a fungicide.

Blight or charcoal

It is also possible to find a blight or charcoal in them, this is when both its leaves and stems have a deformation with a grain and from these a type of black powder is released, which has been formed by the fungus, If this happens, the affected area should be cut and then burned.

Rhizome rot

This can also be caused by other fungi such as Corticium and Sclerotinium; these types of fungi are soil-borne and are dangerous because they can cause the plant to die. If this happens, it is important to uproot the plant that is sick and then burn it, there should be no remains of the rhizome, in addition to the fact that all the land that surrounded it should be equally discarded.

Powdery mildew

This occurs when a layer made of mold is found; it is whitish in color and causes the leaves to turn yellow and dry. It is important to combat it in time so that it does not spread throughout the plant and subsequently cause death. The most serious attacks are those that occur in the fall, for this a treatment must be done by means of a fungicide that is entioidium; sulfur can be an example of this.

Gray mold or Botrytis

This can occur more easily in hot and humid environments, its name is Botrytis camera.  The wetter the anemones are, the more likely they are to become infected with this mold.

This type of mold can cause necrosis of all parts of the plant, its flowers, buds, leaves, seedlings and shoots.


They can hit the anemones and in this case there is nothing to do, there is no cure, so they must be uprooted to be burned later.


Among the pests we find aphids, which suck the sap and this makes the plant weaken; we also find the Nematodes (Meloydogine) which cause galls or bulges in the roots of the plant, when this plague invades the bush, the leaf turns yellow and then withers, to solve this the substrate or the land for a new one, which of course is not infested with this plague; It is important to clarify that using chemical products as a treatment can have relative efficacy and their use is not highly recommended for amateurs; and we also have gray worms (Agrestic caterpillars) these and other butterflies that are nocturnal, which are commonly called donuts, can wreak havoc on anemones.


We explain all the diseases that can give the plant as a precaution and so that you know what to do in case you find that your plants suffer from some of these, but in general they are flowers that are very resistant to diseases.


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