Bridal Bouquets: How to Choose Bridal Bouquets


A wedding is a unique and special moment in the life of any couple, especially for the bride, who dedicates enormous amounts of time so that even the smallest detail is perfect.

As for the bride, the first concern is to find the perfect dress, then the perfect shoes, the perfect veil, the jewels… and finally, and when they come to mind, the bridal bouquet!

Despite being the great forgotten, it is also very important, and choosing the perfect bridal bouquet becomes imperative.

To choose your ideal bridal bouquet, it is not only important to think about what flowers you want to bring, but you also have to take into account the color, shape, size, type of bouquet, as well as the allergies that flowers can cause, the aesthetics of the bouquet, without forgetting the combination of flowers and how you want to bring the bouquet to the altar.

As there are numerous alternatives and combinations to make a wonderful bridal bouquet, below we will give you some essential advice, so that you can choose the perfect bouquet.

Characteristics and tastes of the bride important in choosing the bouquet

Choosing the ideal size of the bouquet for the bride according to her body type and height is really important, since women of short stature will favor bouquets made up of small flowers and rounded and well-styled bouquets. On the contrary, tall women are more favored by long or large bouquets. Keep in mind that the size of the bouquet is always in proportion to the size of the bride, this way everything will work, and the bride will not be hidden or disadvantaged by a poorly chosen bouquet.

The color on the bride will also influence the choice of flower color. We must take into account the color of the hair, skin and eyes, without forgetting the colors chosen in the makeup. Blonde brides and light-skinned brides will be very favored by pastel tones, including white flowers. The opposite happens to brunettes, for them the tones that best suit them are bright colors, such as yellow, green, fuchsia, red, etc. If you happen to be a redhead, then opt for flowers with strong hues, much better if they have some orange highlights. Finally, for all brides it is important that the bouquet matches perfectly with the shades chosen in the makeup, especially that of the lips.

As we have mentioned, normally the bride has already chosen her wedding dress when choosing the bouquet, so she must take into account the style of the dress, the volume, the structure and the chosen color. The bride’s dress and the bouquet must be in harmony, so as not to overload the bride and so that the bouquet does not turn out to be an addition that does not “match” the dress and the bride. For example, if the bride has chosen a dress with lots of embroidery, lace, and embellishments, the bouquet should be as simple as possible. On the other hand, if it turns out to be a very classic bride, with a train and a long veil, the bouquet that would best fit the bride will be one with a fall or waterfall type. Finally, if the bride’s dress is very simple, then the bouquet can be very elaborate and eye-catching.

Remember that the color of the flowers must match the color of the dress and its decorations. The bouquet should stylize the look and not be the protagonist.

Keep in mind how you want to carry your bouquet on the way to the altar, since you can place it on your forearm, like a baby, so a waterfall-shaped bouquet would be the ideal option, carry it informally and relaxed at the height of the hip, in this case a bouquet would be perfect, and if what you want is to give all the importance to the dress and you do not want a bouquet that stands out, you can choose to wear a small corsage.

Are you allergic to pollen? In this case, you should talk to your florist to advise you which are the best options for you. Normally the flowers most chosen by brides with allergies  are azaleas, hydrangeas, pansies, orchids and tulips, but each bride must make sure which ones can affect her and which ones cannot. And if not, there is always the increasingly popular option of carrying a bridal bouquet with artificial flowers. These bouquets are becoming more careful, and the details are becoming more realistic. In addition, you already start with the advantage that you can keep it forever without having to do any treatment.

The personality of the bride it also greatly influences when choosing the bouquet, since if a bride wears a bouquet that is the complete opposite of what she likes and how her personality is, it will seem that she is in disguise and may feel uncomfortable throughout the ceremony. Think of an aspect that really defines you, in this way, you will know what type of bouquets you can choose and which ones go best with your personality. Keep in mind that there are many types of brides, but there is also a bouquet for all of them (romantic, serious, melancholic, fun, etc.). The types of bouquet bouquets, simple with very few flowers, tied bouquets and white bouquets are ideal for conservative, serious brides, etc. On the other hand, for the most daring and fun brides, it may be a good idea to choose a bouquet with bright colors, combine the same flower in different shades,

Wedding factors that influence the choice of bouquet

The time of year in which the wedding is celebrated greatly influences the type of bouquet, if it is in summer, the green touches in your bouquet will give freshness and a feeling of lightness, and on the other hand, if it is in winter you could opt for compact and well-charged bouquets one or two types of flowers without problems. In addition, it is best to choose seasonal flowers, in this way you avoid some types of problems that could arise when choosing other flowers, such as the higher price or the special care that must be given so that they do not die.

The theme and aesthetics of your wedding will also influence the choice of bouquet and flowers, since flowers are part of the decoration and must fit in with the environment you have created. In other words, if a wedding is romantic in style, with candles, white or beige details, the flowers that are most often used are roses, whether they are white or pale pink, because it is what harmonizes the whole scenario and makes the bride fits in it. If you are going to celebrate a country or bohemian wedding, the choice of wild flowers will be the most successful.

You must also take into account the aesthetics of the place of celebration because normally the flowers of the bouquet coincide with those used in it to decorate, and if not with some of them, in this way a global harmony is achieved.

What colors to choose for flowers?

The colors of the flowers have a meaning, so you may want to know what they mean in order to choose the shades that best suit you and your wedding.

  • Pink flowers are the clear symbol of romanticism and youth. They also show tenderness.
  • Red flowers are the symbol of passion, love, sensuality and of course strength.
  • Yellow flowers represent energy, vitality and friendship. So they are ideal for very active and friendly women.
  • Orange flowers represent joy, enjoyment, and pleasure. This color will be ideal for spontaneous women, who like parties and enjoy life.

Finally, but at the same time the most chosen, are the white flowers, these are symbols of purity, elegance, calm and compassion.

The most used flowers at weddings

Roses are the most used in weddings; they come in different colors and sizes.

Hydrangeas are used both fresh and dried. They also exist in various colors and are ideal for use in headbands or crowns.

The pediculate has found a place among the most used flowers at weddings in recent times, mainly because they are beautiful and at the same time very cheap. The flowers are tiny but the bouquets are beautiful.

Tulips are very elegant and come in many colors, however, keep in mind that in hot weather they open quickly.

These are the most used, but we can also find daisies, buttercups, peonies, freesias, gerberas and lisianthus.

As you can see, choosing a bridal bouquet is not one of the simplest aspects of the wedding, although there are brides who are clear about how they want their bouquet from the beginning, you must take into account the different factors that we have shown you, in this way you will ensure that your bouquet complements you and does not take away or subtract from you the prominence that you deserve to have on your wedding day.


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