Cactus: How to Care for a Cactus


I love cacti. Since I was little I have had a true passion for this type of plants. They are easy to maintain, pretty, plump, spiked and very decorative. In Mexican cuisine it is cooked and its flavor is excellent. In addition, apparently they are perfect for eliminating the radiation that our desktop computers give off.

In this article we are going to teach you not only how to take care of a cactus but also some peculiarities of this unique plant. Let’s get started!

What are cacti?

Cacti belong to the Cactaceae family. These types of plants are characterized by being thorny and succulent due to their high water load. In general, cacti come from the American continent. However, there is a variety, the Rhipsalis backfire, which has become the exception that confirms the rule. This type of cactus is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar and Ceylon. It is only a few hundred years since this plant species has spread throughout the Old World. It seems that it has been transported in the digestive tract of those birds that migrate from one continent to another looking for warmth. There is another theory according to which it is believed that logs driven by sea currents can also release these seeds. In addition to this natural way of moving this unique plant, man has also been responsible for extending its cultivation.

Although there are many succulent plants that are reminiscent of cacti, they are only cacti that come from the cacti family. A simple way to distinguish them is by the areola. The areola is the structure from which the spines and flowers arise.

What are cacti like?

In general, physically cacti are divided into three parts

  • The stem. The stem basically occupies the entire body of the plant. They are bright green in color since it is a photosynthetic plant. They also have a juicy and plump appearance due to the development of the parenchyma. Parenchyma is the term by which plant tissues are known. The stem, in turn, can have three main forms. Cacti that have this type of stem are flat and racket-shaped. An example is no pales. Columnar type. Do you remember the typical elongated cacti that appear in western movies? This variety, known as saguaro, is an example of columnar cacti. These stems are cylindrical and may or may not have branches. The last type of stem is the glucose. These types of stems are balloon-shaped. They are very round and chubby. An example of this type of stem is the binges.
  • The areola. It is a vegetative structure that is located on the pod Aries and ribs.  Flowers or floriferous meristems grow on the top of the areoles. Spinuliferous meristems grow posteriorly. In the areolas you can find a kind of cotton-like hairs and thorns. In the oldest varieties, instead of thorns, leaves can be found.
  • The flowers and the fruits. Typically, cactus flowers are solitary. Many succulent plants, such as aloe Vera, maintain this characteristic even though they are not cacti.  These flowers are most often hermaphrodites. Sometimes they are unisexual. The periapt, the structure that surrounds the sexual organs of flowers, is made up of a large number of teals that grow in a spiral shape. This shape gives them a metalloid appearance. Sometimes the outer teals are soloed in appearance. Regarding the fruits, these are usually indehiscent. That is, they do not open spontaneously when they reach maturity. In very few occasions these fruits are dry.

Caring for a cactus is complicated?

Really caring for a cactus is not complicated. The problem is that many people think that they should not be offered the same pampering as the rest of the plants. This happens because they are watered less often. In this article we are going to teach you how to take care of a cactus. Very soon you will have beautiful cacti throughout your house and you will be able to create small terrariums. We would also love to hear your tricks on how to take care of a cactusDo not forget to send them to us with your comments. Let’s get started!

What do you need to take care of a Cactus?

  • Have one or more cacti.
  • Read the next post.
  • Be a true lover of this unique plant.
  • Consult a nursery with any questions you may have about caring for cacti.

Instructions to care for a Cactus

  1. Water your cacti with the proper frequency. Although many people think that cacti should not be watered, this is practically not the case. The frequency of irrigation will be marked by the type of land they have. The ability of the type of cactus to retain water also influences. Nor should we forget the temperature of the place in question and the amount of humidity in the environment. But how to understand all these tips without dying trying? In general, if you follow the following tips it will be easy for you to know how to water your cacti. In spring, it is best to water them approximately every two weeks or 10 days. This should be done in early spring. That is, when there is no longer any risk of frost and the plant is beginning to sprout. In summer (and in general in the warmer months)it is appropriate to increase the frequency of irrigation. In this period, as the environment is drier and there is less chance of rain, it is best to water them every 4-8 days. In autumn, the irrigation intensity must be progressively reduced. It is best that during this season you water your cacti infrequently. The idea is to virtually completely suppress irrigation during this time so that the plants go to rest. In December and January, the most normal thing is that you no longer water them or that you simply give them a very, very light watering every 20-40 days.
  2. Keep your cacti at the right temperatures. It is normal that during the winter our cacti have to endure warmer temperatures when they live indoors or in offices. This happens by direct contact with the heaters or air conditioners. If your cactus is in a room with a temperature above 20º, you will not allow it to enter its winter rest period.  This rest is very important for the development and survival of your cacti. Keep in mind that the temperature should not be less than 7º. Cacti, as a general rule, are not able to withstand lower temperatures for a long time. Also be careful that there is not a lot of humidity or cold in the space in which they are living.
  3. Don’t forget the sunlight. It is clear that cacti need to be nourished by the sun’s rays. Not in vain do they come from very hot climates. However, there are certain varieties that cannot stand direct sunlight. But, which species do not have problems with direct contact with the sun and which do? In general, all those cacti with many hairs and thorns are prepared so that the sun’s rays fall directly on their stem. However, those that have almost no thorns and those that are succulent or succulent need shade. Do not forget that they must also be well ventilated.
  4. Cacti also need fertilizer. In general, cacti are used to living in very poor soils with practically no nutrients. This does not imply that they cannot be planted in better quality land. If so, the cacti will grow much stronger and have a truly beautiful bloom. The most suitable soil for cacti is very porous, with a moderate nutrient level, medium moisture retention and a pH close to 6. You can find ready-made soil for your cacti friends. There are also special fertilizers for them. Fertilizers should only be used in the spring, when the cacti are in full growth.
  5. Transplant your cacti when necessary. If you notice that they have stopped growing or that the roots are expanding between the drainage holes of the pot, it is time to repot them! In these cases, remember to use a pot a little larger than the current one so that it can develop and grow a little more. The best pots for this type of plants are those made of clay or bowls. Use gloves to transplant them and this way you will avoid pricking yourself. When laying the soil, place a drainage layer (for example volcanic soil) below followed by another layer of special cactus soil. Then introduce the cactus and fill the holes with more soil. You can put a last layer of volcanic soil to decorate and so that the cactus never comes into direct contact with water. Always transplant your cacti in spring to facilitate their growth.

Tips to care for a Cactus

Remember that at temperatures below 10º you do not have to water the cacti. If you do, you will end up rotting its roots.

When you water, remember to do it in such a way that you wet the soil well. Everything must be well soaked so that the water penetrates correctly. If you do superficial watering you will not achieve good results and the water will not reach the roots.

Remember that before drying your cactus again, the soil must be very dry.


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