How to Care For Tulips

Tulips are a type of flower that from my point of view are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, there are more than 100...

How to Care For Poinsettias

Poinsettias are those that are typical in winter; in some countries it is known as the Christmas flower; in the tropics decorations are made with...

How to Care For Parsley

Parsley is one of the so-called aromatic plants and is a delicious complement to meals, seasoning sauces, broths and rice dishes with its particular flavor and freshness. It...

Freesias: How to Care for Freesias

The freesia, hybrid or freesia, is a tuberculosis plant that has its origin in South Africa, it belongs to the Iridaceous family; there is a great variety and...

How to Care For Violets

Violets are plants that are so important that they even gave the name to a color that is exclusive to them. These plants have a very nice...

How to Take Care of a Carnivorous Plant

We call carnivorous plants those that feed on insects or very small animals, so they are also called in a less shocking way: insectivorous plants. There...

How to Care For Blue Hydrangeas

Blue hydrangeas are one of the most valued flowers that we can have at home, but unfortunately, not many people know how to take care of...

How to Take Care of the Poinsettia or Christmas Plant

How to take care of the Poinsettia or Christmas Plant? This concern seems useful and valid only at a certain time of the year, although we...

How to Care For an Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera is a short - stemmed shrub without sprouts full of jagged leaves, which grows in temperate and subtropical zones, withstanding medium-high temperatures and dry...

Pothos: How to Take Care of It

The pathos or also, called pathos, are plants that we commonly find inside houses, offices, shopping centers, etc.; it is a nice decoration element; its...

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How And When To Plant Corn.

The right season to grow a fruit such as corn is spring, since the cold drops and the rise in temperatures approaches. To grow corn...

How to Plant Parsley At Home

Little by little as consumers we are becoming more and more aware of the origin of the food products that we acquire. Organic crops...

How to Plant Strawberries

Planting strawberries is a very fun activity to do as a family. The little ones in the house will not only enjoy the cultivation work, but in...

How and When To Prune A Fig Tree

Figs are one of the richest fruits you can find on the market. Its sweet taste drives more than one crazy. However, so does its price. Despite...

How to Care For Geraniums

Geraniums are one of the most common plants that adorn the balconies of our cities. This success does not happen for any reason and their...

Cherry Blossoms: How to Care for Cherry Blossoms

If you want to know how to take care of cherry blossoms, continue reading the article that dotcoms brings to you; this tree in Japanese is...

How to Care For Callas or Water Lilies

Taking care of coves is a good way to have one of the most beautiful plants at home, a plant that will give a different...

How and When To Plant Garlic

Garlic is a crop that generates a large amount of work; labor, since its global consumption is very large. Not only in the kitchen of the...