Petechiae – How To Treat And Care For Petechiae?

Sometimes some people discover some tiny red spots not bigger than a pinhead on their skin, which are not painful or itchy and in fact do...

How to Care For Tropical Flowers

The so-called tropical plants, as their name indicates, are native to the tropics, therefore many times these plants will need much more exhaustive care...

How to Care For and Grow China Roses

Chinese roses, hibiscus or kissing flower, are ancient roses, used in the art of tea infusions; however, the uses of these delicate flowers are not only concentrated...

Jasmines: How to Care for a Jasmine

There is a flower, apart from the rose, that represents the maximum when it comes to floral fragrances, so its essence is one of the most...

How to Care For Geraniums

Geraniums are one of the most common plants that adorn the balconies of our cities. This success does not happen for any reason and their...

Carnations: How to Care for Carnations

Carnations are one of the most widespread floral species in Spain, and become an  emblematic flower in all kinds of popular or religious festivals, such...

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How to Care For Lilies

Lilies are some of the plants that, both in their terrestrial form and in their aquatic form, are beautiful and are always a perfect...

Parts of a Flower

We find them in gardens, painted on pictures, stamping fabrics, as accessories, as decoration; in short, flowers are part of our lives. Some may be...

Bougainvillea – Care, Colors, Cultivation and Pests of Bougainvillea

What is bougainvillea? Without a doubt, if you have ever traveled to the coastal areas of Murcia or Alicante, you will have seen this plant...

How and When To Plant Carrots

The carrot is the root of the plant, edible, tasty and very good for a healthy diet as it is a source of vitamin...

Daffodils: How to Care for a Daffodil

One of the most attractive flowers that exist is daffodils, flowers that have managed to captivate millions of people thanks to their beautiful slightly yellowish colors. These...

How to Decorate a Garden

The question how to decorate the garden? It invades you constantly, especially when you look at that simple but full of potential space that you have at...

How to Grow Copied At Home

The copier is a flower with a strange name, but we all instantly recognize it if we see it planted in a garden, since it...

How and When To Plant Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best known and most used plants both culinary, gardening, perfumery and even medicinal. It has multiple benefits and uses. Rosemary is not...