How and When To Transplant Cacti

Cacti are beautiful plants and are part of a very interesting botanical group; they evolved in America and have been developing extraordinary adaptations to withstand the...

How to Grow Cacti

For plant lovers, they are all really beautiful, and sometimes having an ideal garden consists of having at least one specimen of each type...

How to Make a Flower Crown

Do you want to know how to make a flower crown, whether you need it for an event, for example a wedding, a garden party...

How to Plant Ivy

If we are going to talk about a plant that is versatile in the world and has a good and popular coverage, that is...

Sea Lilies: How They Are, Care and Cultivation

Lilies are one of the most common and easiest to care for flowers out there, they also form parts of bouquets and decorative centers. Although...

How to Plant Flower Bulbs in Pots

The bulbs are the plants that in their underground part have a quite fleshy shape, this structure has a function and it is to...

Water Lilies: Care and Cultivation

The Water Lily is also called Water Hyacinth, Trauma, Bora, Camelot’s, Agapes, Lampasas and its scientific name is Eichhornia crosses, this is a plant that...

What Is the Meaning of Champagne Roses?

There are many colors and shades of roses, but champagne roses are always the most elegant option for all types of decoration. Roses are the most...

What Is the Meaning of the Black Roses?

Black roses represent one of the most exotic varieties of these popular flowers. Black is the favorite color of the Gothic, throughout history it is associated with darkness and...

Lilies – How They Are, Origin and Meaning

Also known as lilies in certain parts of the world, lilies are flowers characterized by their penetrating aroma and the elegance of their delicate petals, which makes them...

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How to Give Plants

There are numerous special occasions in which you have to give a gift and you don't know what to give, because flowers are always...

What Is Fennel For?

In this post you will learn what the fennel is for and its main benefits for your health.  Fennel is a highly commercialized plant throughout the world,...

How to Fix a Garden

You can fix a garden easily and cheaply if you know how to do it. Having the garden of your dreams is easier than you...

How and When To Plant Garlic

Garlic is a crop that generates a large amount of work; labor, since its global consumption is very large. Not only in the kitchen of the...

How to Care For Outdoor Plants

Plants give a lot of life to a home, either indoors or outdoors. Having plants in the dining room, in a room or at the entrance, is...

How to Identify Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy is a common plant found throughout virtually all of North America, especially in areas below 1,500 meters above sea level. Its scientific name...

How to Graft an Avocado

A trick so that you can get to germinate an avocado in a very simple and simple way, reusing an avocado is the following. It does not always end...

How to Grow Copied At Home

The copier is a flower with a strange name, but we all instantly recognize it if we see it planted in a garden, since it...