Parts of a Flower

We find them in gardens, painted on pictures, stamping fabrics, as accessories, as decoration; in short, flowers are part of our lives. Some may be...

What Is the Meaning of Salmon Roses?

Roses are synonymous with delicacy and femininity, especially if their color is soft like that of salmon roses. Salmon roses are one of the species of...

How to Dry Flowers

Sometimes when it is an occasion in which someone special has given us a bouquet of flowers, it is common for us to want...

What Is the Meaning of Purple Roses?

Purple roses are used on certain occasions to express a deep feeling of respect and understanding; many use these bouquets of flowers as religious offerings, as a sign of support...

White Roses – What Is the Meaning of White Roses

Who doesn't like roses? We all like roses, but we don't always know enough behind them, like what is the meaning of white roses or...

What Is the Meaning of Blue Roses?

Flowers always have a special meaning, when women receive flowers we feel flattered and if they are roses even more so. Flowers convey a message of love;...

Floraqueen: How to Buy In Floraqueen

One of the best web pages for online purchase of plants and flowers is Floraqueen, which is a new project that was born with the...

How to Make a Wildflower Garden

It is said that in North America alone there are more than twenty thousand species of wild flowers, these are the ones that have...

What Is the Meaning of Violet Roses?

Among the wide variety of roses, violet roses are emerging as one of the favorite flowers to balance environments because they convey the language of love...

How to Plant Lavender

Flowers always bring joy to the whole home, especially those flowers that are aromatic as in the case of lavender. This plant brings a sweet...

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How to Plant Parsley At Home

Little by little as consumers we are becoming more and more aware of the origin of the food products that we acquire. Organic crops...

How to Decorate a Garden

The question how to decorate the garden? It invades you constantly, especially when you look at that simple but full of potential space that you have at...

The 22 Most Beautiful Flowering Plants

You have decided to make a garden with ornamental or fruit trees, beautiful flowers and it goes without saying that with an inspiring green...

How to Plant Geraniums

Geraniums are perfect plants to decorate our balconies or terraces as they withstand high temperatures very well and are very easy to care for. In addition, the...

Why Do Plants Die?

Do you like to have beautiful plants at home? Have you given up buying plants because they don't last at all? Have you tried to have...

How to Care For a Hydrangea

Flowers fill every home with color and joy. There is no other natural adornment more beautiful than vegetation and especially flowers. There are hundreds of known species...

Gerberas: How to Care for a Gerbera

One of the most beautiful flowers and, at the same time, less known and more undervalued, are the so-called gerberas, flowers that can make...

How and When To Plant Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best known and most used plants both culinary, gardening, perfumery and even medicinal. It has multiple benefits and uses. Rosemary is not...