Freesias: How to Care for Freesias


The freesia, hybrid or freesia, is a tuberculosis plant that has its origin in South Africa, it belongs to the Iridaceous family; there is a great variety and a good combination in its colors; their cultivation is simple and they release an intense perfume; these flowers are arguably not as hugely popular as they should be, continue reading how to care for freesias.

There are approximately 14 species of freesias; The bulbs of this flower are grown primarily for cutting purposes; It should be noted that the 14 species come from Africa and 12 of these exactly from the Cape Province located in the southern part of Africa, so the other two would remain in the tropical part of this continent.

The flowers of this plant have a good fragrance; Most of them are yellow or white, being the colors of natural origin, although there are other colors due to both scientific and natural modifications, among which we find lavender, blue, pink, red and some even with two colors.

The flowers are supported by spike-like clusters; its beauty makes it become the favorite of many when spring arrives, these are bell-shaped, measure about 4 centimeters long and grow in the form of inflorescences.

Its perfume is used in lotions and soaps; The extract of this plant, without the need to add alcohol, is long-lasting, so its oils are very good for use in aromatherapy, oils made for massages, bath oils, candles that are aromatic and as a perfume for the body; also as a gift on a special occasion; on the other hand this flower represents innocence.

It’s Latin or scientific name is freesia hybrid, its common name is freesia or strawberry, its name comes in honor of a naturopathic doctor named T. Freeze, who lived in the 19th century; this plant grows from bulbs and reaches 30 centimeters in height, its leaves are dark green and narrow, they measure approximately 15 centimeters long.

This flower, when cut and placed in vases as decoration, lasts a long time and releases a pleasant aroma.

It can be planted both in pots and in rockeries; this flower is more for outdoors, but that does not mean that it cannot be grown indoors in a pot.

Get the freesias

You can get them from an acquaintance or neighbor who has already planted them a year before, or you can also go buy them at a nursery or wherever you know they sell this kind of plants; when you do it, take your time so that in this way you don’t keep the first one they give you, but look for one that is beautiful, without diseases, with leaves and stems in good condition, try to take the best one.

Freesia planting

Depending on when they are planted, they can bloom when winter is ending or during the spring season, if the planting is done late in the fall, or have freesias blooming in the summer if we proceed to plant them in spring.

It is recommended that the planting of the bulbs be done in the autumn time in a temperate climate and if it is going to be done in spring, in a continental climate where there are no strong frosts.

They should be planted at a depth of approximately 7 centimeters and if several plants are to be planted, there should be a space of 10 centimeters between each one; if they are planted in a group they will be much better.

You can plant them in the form of a row, if what you are looking for is to create a kind of segment in your garden.

If they are going to be planted in a pot, it is also recommended to put several, depending on the size of this container, because we remember that we already mentioned that it is better to plant them in a group, in this way their effect will be better.


This plant should be placed in semi-shade, because if it is placed in full sun, its flowers may deteriorate, especially if it is in a climate of high temperatures.

This does not mean that they do not like to receive some direct sun, as it is good for them only that it should not be in the hottest and heaviest hours of sun.


They are not frost hardy, although there are some people who have had a different experience with this.

Freesias that have their flowering in the winter must have a good protection so that they develop well; let’s remember that there are some that bloom when summer ends.

So pay attention to the climate where you are going to be, whether you are going to plant them in pots or soil, outdoors or indoors, they will need a preferably warm or temperate climate.

I usually

They need a soil that is slightly acidic and with a lot of organic matter.

The land where you are going to grow your freesias must be aerated, light and very important that it has good drainage, if you add peat and it is blond, it will be much better.

You must disinfect the plant and the entire area from any possible plant-type disease; it reduces the content of salts and seeks to fertilize and nourish the soil on a regular basis, especially when it is going to be transferred or before being sown.


During the budding and flowering season, it should be done every 2 or 3 days, and then it is good that you make your plants enter into something called a vegetative recess, for this you must reduce the water more and water them approximately every 5 days.

Irrigation then must be moderate, whether it has been planted in pots or in the ground, and it must be done according to the conditions of the climate and the soil, but what is certain is that they do not like the excess water; You always have to watch out and be aware that the earth does not dry out completely and that it does not get soaked.


It must be paid before flowering, a few weeks in advance; you can use commercial fertilizers and fertilizers, although they love homemade ones.

The bulbs

When the foliage is dry, you should dig up its bulbs so that you can then keep them in an environment that is dry, but at the same time cool, and so on until the fall so that they can be planted again; In general, this is not taken advantage of and they are usually thrown away because their flowers fall.

Do it this way: when the season has arrived you should make the chromes rest inside the earth by watering them just a little, and when the end of the year has come, dig up the bulbs, then proceed to shake them dry, then wrap them inside of newspaper and put them inside a box, which you must store in a warm and humid place until next year, the humidity should be approximately 70% and the degrees 28 ° C.


The best moment for this plant to flower is between the beginning and the middle of winter; at this time you can cut its stems (stems) with the flowers that are more mature, so that you can put them in vases and decorate your house, or also to perfume interior spaces.

It is important that if you are going to use cut flowers, that you take a vase or vase that is clean, then fill it with tap water (tap, tap) that is at room temperature; when you are going to cut them, do it with scissors or a clean sharp knife, proceed to do it diagonally about 4 centimeters. There are fertilizers that are special for flowers that are already cut, so that they last longer; when you have them in a vase you should not put them in full sun, nor near heat sources, remember to change the water regularly; And if you have a fruit bowl you shouldn’t put them near either, believe it or not, there is a reason for this, fruits emit a type of gas called ethylene and this will make your flowers wither faster.


It really is not a plant that is often affected by different diseases and parasites.


It is done either by seeds or by division of the bulbs. If you are going to do the multiplication by means of seeds, you should put these in greenhouses during the winter, or also in spring so that they can be transplanted when autumn arrives, to leave them in what will be their home.

Doing it by dividing bulbs will always be an easier way; you can do this if you already have freesias in your garden. For this, what you will have to do is take the mother plants and remove their bulbs. You will have to do this once it has finished flowering and the leaves have begun to turn yellow. . The bulbs that you have removed are smaller; you should save them so that you can plant them later between the month of February and the month of May.


It really is a pretty plant, as well as aromatic; if you have a garden it will be a way to have it beautiful, and if not, you can have a nice ornament in your house that at the same time gives it a pleasant aroma.


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