How and When To Graft Grass


When you have a garden with grass and suddenly it starts to dry up or breaks down or you don’t have grass, but you want some areas of it to have grass, you have to consider the possibility of grafting grass. It is not as complicated as it seems and you will once again have the land, garden or area where you want to graft it, beautiful and green.

It must be made clear that, in order to make grass grafts, it must be of a very specific type. It is perhaps not the finest grass, in fact, it is called Gram on and it is for it that grafts can be made. We are going to try to comment on how it can be grafted, in what way and what type of grass it is.

The following must be taken into account: if you want a very beautiful lawn with fine grass or, on the contrary, a green grass that is very resistant but that to the touch, is not entirely pleasant and tends to be coarse. You must take that into account.

For example, when placing it in transit areas where you are going to be walking, stepping, playing, parking the car, if there are children, animals, etc. Sometimes, you have to be more practical and think about whether it is more durable and holds up better, even if it is not the most comfortable or beautiful to touch and up close.

It is not complicated at all to replant or plant the grass grafts for the first time. Of course, there are quite a few steps to take and they are important. Do not ignore them to save or to go in a hurry. Then it will be more expensive. And you have to take into account both the time it takes to grow (several months); it must be a warm climate so that it does not spoil and grow well and the season of the year suitable for planting.

And of course, go thinking about buying a lawn mower if you don’t have it because you should have it yes or yes. You have to cut the grass and you will not be able to do without it. There are already quite cheap on the market, for forty euros, you can buy one. Simple, but it will fulfill your mission, which is simply to cut the grass.

Instructions for and when to graft grass

  1. Buy the so-called “sods” that can be both the so-called Gram on and the other “Bermuda” variety.
  2. If you decide on the Bermuda, you will have to take the cuttings from the sods yourself.
  3. If instead you opt for the Gram on, go taking areas where you see that the length is acceptable, start pulling what is called the stolon.
  4. You will need to take approximately a number of pieces to replant it well. Calculate to take a wheelbarrow or a couple or three, of bags.
  5. You must measure the garden first. Measure the area you want to have grass.
  6. Once you have calculated it, you must take into account the measurements of the sods.
  7. For example, we can tell you that a sod usually measures 1m2. From this single sod, you can take cuttings for a space of 20m2. Once you know this, make the accounts for your land according to the space you need to cover.
  8. To plant the Gram on, the most suitable time so that it does not spoil and grow without problems, is between spring, summer and early autumn.
  9. They need a warm climate. In this way it expands better, grows well and the roots are linked (which are the grafts of the lawn).

What do you need for and when to graft grass?

  • You will need to chop the area where you are going to replant. Do it as if you were starting with the sowing or if you had to put up curtains.
  • If you have uneven terrain or there are holes, you will have to fill and level them.
  • Preferably use topsoil.
  • Remember that you must have an automatic irrigation to be able to water it later.  Always think that you will be very grateful if you place the programmable automatic risk. It will be faster, you can add the hours you want and you will forget to be watering every day.
  • A shovel
  • A pick or chap to level the area by removing stones or weeds.
  • Top soil to plant the cuttings.
  • Fertilizers are very important.
  • Always remove weeds, always. Don’t leave any. Pull them out and spray them with herbicide.
  • Fertilize it with a mineral-based complex fertilizer. It already incorporates potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • Cut pieces of stolon. You will have to take into account the knots that it has that you can cut it as you see fit. It can be two, four, and six…
  • Put the cutting in the middle, buried, but when you put it in; make sure it is not completely straight. It must be entered lying down (inclined).
  • The other must be placed close, but with an approximate separation of about fifteen and a maximum of forty centimeters.

Tips for and when to graft grass

It doesn’t grow quickly, think that it can take anywhere from three to maybe four months to start seeing some visible results. In that time, they will take root and expand.

There are many people who, in these cases, who do not want to wait between two and four months, to see the land with pieces of grass or without it, is to do a little trick or trick.  When they graft the lawn, they also seed a particular lawn. This trick is used by many gardeners.

What do you get with this? That while in these months the roots are growing, the seeds do it before and leave the land and that area green to the naked eye. But later, there will be no problem, because the grass will “eat” what you planted and you should not worry.

Think about doing all the steps well when it comes to properly grafting the lawn, you will thank yourself later.

As for irrigation, if you already had it, you should not add anything else. But in the event that you did not have it before, you must place the famous thicknesses. You will need to water the lawn. Obviously it is not essential, you can gift the hose if the budget does not reach you more, but it is much more comfortable and you will end up thanking it. The same goes for automatic watering. If you can afford it to also be programmable, you’ll end up thanking it later. It is much more comfortable to be able to program the hours you want the lawn to be watered, alone (without having to give it your own or even worse if you do it with the hose), calculate the exact time you want it to be watered… think about it when installing it because although it is true that they are not cheap, over time they have come down a lot in price and now you can find many interesting offers.

And something that you must have yes or yes and that you will have to buy, a lawn mower. It doesn’t matter if you buy it very expensive, from a good brand, simpler, cheaper, gasoline, four-wheeled to sit down or handheld and using your arms, etc. Be that as it may, it doesn’t matter much, except in snobbishness, speed and others, but they all cut the lawn the same. You will have to get hold of it, so think about it as soon as you have planted it, because when it grows, you will have to cut it often if you want to keep it beautiful and not spoil or look like a jungle.


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