How and When To Plant Green Beans


The bean is a plant belonging to legumes, widely consumed in cuisine around the world.  These plants can be presented in two ways: those with tall stems or branches that require stakes to stay erect and those with low bushes.

The climate for these plants is temperate and humid; they do not require much preparation of the land for their cultivation in terms of specific fertilizers. They can be combined with other plants such as cabbages, corn, pumpkins, etc.

We will teach you how and when to plant green beans so that you can grow them in your own garden and use them in your kitchen in the healthiest and tastiest preparations.

What do you need for and when to plant green beans?

  • Green bean seeds
  • Land prepared for cultivation
  • Water and sun

Instructions for and when to plant green beans

Prepare the soil in advance, stirring it well, and place natural fertilizers well before sowing so that at the time of planting the soil is enriched and suitable for growing your green beans.

The soil must be moist, soft, well stirred, not compact or clayey, it must have humus, it does not require special fertilizers since, like all legumes, these plants fix nitrogen from the atmosphere thanks to the nitrifying bacteria that have their own roots.

Green beans do not adapt to cold climates, they need heat, and they do well in warm and hot climates. Being fragile plants, the winds break them; they can turn them over or break them, so they must be protected.

Buy the green bean seeds choosing whether you want trailing or tall stemmed. The procedure to sow them is the same, the difference will come later, when the plant takes height, in the case of those with tall stems because you will have to place stakes so that they do not fall with the weight of the pods.

The seeds are sown directly in the final place since legumes do not support transplanting like other plants in which it is advisable to carry out these two stages. In this case, the place where you place the seeds will be the final one.

The low-growing beans are usually planted in furrows about 50 cm apart and the enrage beans should be further apart; the furrows should be 70 cm apart.

To sow the green bean seeds you must make holes every 60 or 70 cm apart and 3 cm deep. In each whole place 4 or 5 seeds in case some do not work.

Water your plants daily and decrease the amount of water when they flower the first time.

When the plants have a considerable height, if they have tall stems, you should place a stake that can be made of reeds and gently tie the plant to it to protect it.

After sowing the seeds you will have to wait about two or three months until you can harvest the beans. If we want to harvest them green, we can do it at this time, but if we want them dry, we will wait a little longer, approximately one more month.

The ideal is to sow them when they are well formed and not leave them too long in the bush as they will become fibrous. You have to be careful when harvesting so as not to break the plants. This, due to its fragility, usually happens.

If, on the other hand, what you want is to harvest the dry beans, you can take the pods one by one and take out those that we see as very ripe.


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