How and When To Plant Onions


The onion is one of the condiments and foods that is practically not lacking in any home.  At the time of planting, it is one of the simplest tubers to be able to sow, cultivate it and it is not complicated to maintain either.

You have to know what type of onions you are going to plant, because there is a wide variety on the market. The same will happen depending on the type of planting/seeding.

There are many types and classes of onions on the market. There are some that can even eat the leaves. There are some with a very mild flavor, sweet, with a spicy touch, with a strong flavor, others that are ideal for making sauces, the little ones, those with long leaves, etc. You just have to know what type each one corresponds to. That each one is suitable in a certain season of the year, not all of them are available throughout the year. And, above all, that there is a type of onion that goes more with depending on the food, prepared and even and if you like, they can be eaten raw. Keep reading; here we will try to reveal some of them.

Instructions for and when to plant onions

  1. Take into account the type of sowing, as the one that is most used and is called direct.  To make this plantation, it is simply sowing type, with the seeds of the onions or through the bulbs.
  2. In the event that it is decided to plant the onions by bulbs, they will have to be covered with a small layer that will act as a parapet/blanket and just enough to cover it, but without leaving it too buried.
  3. Consider the space. It doesn’t have to be a big garden, not even that you have a garden. You can plant it in a slightly large pot or in an urban garden. Simply, assess the space that you must leave between the bulbs and the seeds (because later it will grow and they will not have room to grow well and the onion will not do as it should).
  4. When you see that it has already grown a little, about fifteen centimeters approximately, it can be pulled up and the onions will be ready.
  5. The ideal seasons for planting onions are always spring, summer, autumn and winter. In other words, all except autumn.
  6. The plantation always with a lot of sun so that it grows without problems.
  7. You have to take into account the type of onion to know which family it belongs to and when is the ideal time for planting and later harvesting.
  8. Keep in mind the onions that are spring and summer planting (they will take a few months to harvest).
  9. And keep in mind too, the ones that are onions that are planted in October (autumn).

What do you need for and when to plant onions?

  • A pickaxe you will need it to chop the ground and be able to plant the bulbs or on the contrary chop to prepare the ground for the seeds.
  • Land.
  • Make holes in the ground and bury the onions.

Tips for and when to plant onions

Type of onion that we can find in the market. Keep in mind that each onion can give a different taste to the dishes. Because there are onions that, for example, are sweet!

The most common onions, which are the most consumed and most easily found, are the yellow onion and the white onion. And there are the onions that can be eaten raw, which are the ones that are grown almost all year round. And we can even find them with particularities.

Did you know that there are onions that are eaten cooked and taste sweet but can also be eaten raw and have a spicy touch?

The most classic, the most used in the kitchen and the easiest to grow and, moreover, it could almost be said that the cheapest, is the spring onion. It has that characteristic smell (like the famous calcites), they can even be eaten raw and have a mild and sweet flavor.

The classic onion is the yellow onion. It is brown on the outside, the most used in the kitchen and its flavor is mild. The softest of the whole “family” of this type. Known as wild leek, which is given an air of spring onion, it has a flavor similar to garlic and onion together. Its flavor is sweet and mild and in this case the difference is that the leaves can also be eaten.

The white onion is very similar to the yellow onion, but in this case, it is milder and sweeter. They can be eaten raw. It is the ideal onion to add to salads, homemade pizzas, pasta, etc.
The famous shallot, so recognized by French chefs. This type of onion has different types of shape, they can be found more elongated or smaller and rounder. They are the ideal onions to make sauces, pasta and are also used for Asian food.

Pearl onions are tiny, white onions. The leek, did you know that they are included in the onion family? Many people confuse it with chives.


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