How and When To Plant Peas


Generally, many people when they want to eat peas in Spain go to the market and buy canned peas. These grains, due to the canning process, always lose their characteristic sweet and fresh flavor; and they not only lose the flavor, but also all the vitamins and nutrients that this grain has; Therefore, today we present the importance of planting peas in your own garden.

Planting these grains in your own home, in a simple and ecological way, gives you the opportunity to consume fresh peas, making the most of all the benefits it offers us. They belong to the legume family; scientifically known by the name of Possum sativa.

Originally, it was brought in ancient times from Palestine – Egypt, but it is cultivated throughout the European continent. In addition, there are many varieties; these can be consumed in the form of shelling or with its pod.

It has among its virtues a high amount of protein; therefore, these peas can be consumed as a substitute for meat. They are almost always green; there is also a variety with a smooth shell and another with a wrinkled shell.

You have to take into account several factors when sowing them: the climate, the type of soil, the method of irrigation, the type of seed and the procedures.

Instructions for and when to plant peas

  1. The first thing you should do is select the pea seeds that you are going to use, since there are many varieties.
  2. Then, place them in containers and let them soak for 5 hours so that the germination process begins.
  3. Then, select the ground space where you are going to plant them; you can plant them directly on the ground, in pots or barbecues.
  4. Also, you can make growing tables with wood to place the crop higher, preventing the plant from being mistreated.
  5. Then you have to move the sand and mix it with the natural compost or organic fertilizer so that it is very loose.
  6. When making the mixture, add a little water, sprinkling it so that the sand and fertilizer are moist.
  7. The best time to plant the pea is in the fall, but it can be planted at any time as long as it is provided with a good environment.
  8. To sow the seeds you must make a small hole 5 centimeters deep.
  9. Four seeds should be placed in each hole, just in case one does not grow, the other grows.
  10. The distance that should be between each planted hole is 20 centimeters.
  11. You must look for some wooden or metal sticks to plant them between each one, in order to tie a mesh.
  12. This mesh is so that the plant, as it is a vine, is sustained and the pods do not fall to the ground.
  13. Next, you should try to make it a drip irrigation system. You can do this with fine hoses that go through each plant attached to a water tank; a small hole is opened in the hoses in each plant so that water comes out in small amounts or in drops.
  14. This must be permanent, keeping the soil moist so that the plant grows faster.
  15. It is approximately 60 days when the plant begins to sprout pea pods.
  16. Next, you need to make sure the pod is fully formed and ready to harvest or remove the pea. If the pod is very thin or crushed, do not remove it because it needs to grow.
  17. The pod has to be very plump and a little rough so that it can be pulled out, so that the roundness of the pea can be felt to the touch.
  18. If you miss harvest time, the pod will turn yellow, dry and hard, and the peas will come out hard.

What do you need for and when to sow peas?

The basic materials you need are:

  • Pea seeds.
  • Sand and compost.
  • Long sticks of meter and a half.
  • Metallic or plastic mesh with medium squares.
  • Small and medium blades.
  • Water tank.
  • Hoses for drip irrigation system.

Tips for and when to plant peas

  1. The best time to sow is in the fall because it starts to rain and rainwater is very good for the plants.
  2. Then, you should always be checking the plants because sometimes worms or pests  that eat the leaves can fall on them.
  3. You also have to check well and select the type of fertilizer you are going to use.
  4. The type of sand is very important since clayey sand is not highly recommended for this type of plant.
  5. If you have it outdoors, I recommend that you make it with some clothes that you do not use a bird scare. The birds like to eat the peas very much and in an oversight you can lose the harvest.
  6. There is also a plague that falls on the leaves and leaves white spots. Therefore, you must be careful to buy the most suitable chemical according to the color of the spots on the leaves of the plant.
  7. We recommend that you carefully remove the weeds that grow around it, as these remove nutrients from the plant.
  8. Peas also attract many insects; you have to have an insecticide on hand.
  9. Leaves and branches that are diseased or dry should be pruned.
  10. When the harvest is over, cut the plants near the sand so that they remain as fertilizer for the next planting.


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