How and When To Prune A Fig Tree


Figs are one of the richest fruits you can find on the market. Its sweet taste drives more than one crazy. However, so does its price. Despite everything, there are many who cannot give up this unique fruit as soon as it is in season.

Nowadays there are many proud garden owners who decide to plant a fig tree in the garden. In my parents’ house there is one and I assure you that it is worth it. It is a long-suffering tree that responds very well to climatic changes. And it is quite easy to maintain.

Undoubtedly one of the main tricks to get incredible braves and tasty figs is to know how to prune a fig tree. In general terms, if you have fruit trees and you want them to bear juicy fruit, you need to know how to prune them properly. we want to teach you how and when to prune a fig tree. However, before we start, we want to tell you all the details about this unique tree. In this way it will be much easier for you to know how and when to prune it.

Fig trees, what are they like?

The fig tree, or focus carioca, is a small tree belonging to the Maraca family. As a general rule, fig trees can reach between 3 and 10 m in height.

The fig tree comes from Western Asia, although today it grows naturally in much of the world. For example around the Mediterranean Sea. As a general rule, it is an undemanding tree in terms of terrain. It can practically grow in any type of soil. In fact, it is common to find fig trees that grow spontaneously on the edges of roads or in very rocky terrain.  However, the drier it is, the harder it will be for it to develop quickly.

Its bark is grayish and it is a deciduous tree. The fig tree is famous for its sweet fruits known as figs. The fig trees known as viperous or re-flowering vertebrae, in addition to the figs, produce the braves. These are two different harvests at different times of the year.

In general, it is a tree that is very easy to prune and will have to be cared for with more care during the first two years. In this period the growth pattern is trained. That is why it is so important that these years the pruning is done carefully and knowing how to do it.

After that time the fig tree will live and grow perfectly even without pruning. Although the fruits will always be tastier if you take care. Now that you know what a fig tree looks like, let’s start with tips on how and when to prune a fig tree. Go for it!

What do you need for and when to prune a fig tree?

  • Saw
  • Shears
  • Gardener protective gloves
  • Gardener’s ladder
  • Read the next article.
  • Pay attention to the steps that we are going to explain to you.
  • If you are not sure, you can always go to a gardener.

Instructions for and when to prune a fig tree

  1. Make sure you do the first pruning at the right time. Depending on which expert you go to, the theories are somewhat different. There are some gardeners who consider that the first pruning should be done right after the tree has been transplanted. Others, however, believe it’s best to wait out the first numbing season. The best advice we can give you in this regard is to go to an expert in your area. This way you will make sure you do it the right way. Think that in each territory the rules may be different.
  2. Start with training pruning. When you are clear at what time you have to do the pruning, you should start the pruning period known as “training pruning”. Remember that as with most fruit trees, you must prune the fig tree in a specific order: from the roots to the tips.
    1. Start by cleaning the root zone. It is normal for different weeds to appear around the trunk of the fig tree. These can take away from our fig tree the necessary nutrients for it to grow healthy and bear many fruits. That is why it is best to remove them. You must leave this area completely clean of weeds. Pull them out and be sure to prune nearby plants so they don’t encroach on this space. The clearer the trunk, the better.
    2. Prune branches from the base. It is time to start shaping our fig tree so that in a very short time we can enjoy its delicious fruits. Make sure to cut off any branches sticking out from the trunk. So you know which ones we mean, look at the top of the tree. Just those that come out under this cup must be removed.
    3. Prune crooked branches. In addition to the branches growing on the trunk below the crown, there are many times that our fig tree will have crooked or twisted branches. We refer to those branches that do not naturally move towards the sunlight, but rather go down or to the sides. It is important to prune them so that the rest can continue to catch the light properly.
    4. Prune bad or rotten branches. Similarly, if you see a branch that has broken is dry or is in poor condition, you should also prune it.

How to prune a fig tree so that it gives good shade?

If you like to sit and read under the fig tree on hot summer afternoons or late spring, this technique is the best way to prune the fig tree so that it provides shade. You will create a homogeneous cup, with well-distributed branches and that will also allow the figs to grow easily. Here are the most important steps.

  1. Eliminate the crossed branches that you find both in the crown and in the trunk. As we have explained a little above, it is important that the tree has a suitable shape so that all the branches can receive the sunlight correctly. Having crooked, dry or rotten branches will only make our fig tree not grow properly. When we talk about crossed branches we refer to those that grow towards the interior of the crown.
  2. Prune the inside of the canopy. To be able to do this step well, you need to have a gardener’s ladder, since you will have to be able to properly access the interior of the cup. Once there you should worry about checking branch by branch to prune those that do not allow light to penetrate. Remove all those branches that go down or towards the interior of the fig tree.
  3. Create a homogeneous cup. If you want your fig tree to produce tasty figs equally on all sides, make sure you create a homogeneous cup. To do this, look at the shape of the cup from the ground. If you see that one of the sides has the longest branches, cut them back a bit so that both sides are as symmetrical as possible.

How to prune a fig tree so that it produces good figs?

In the previous point we have taught you how to prune a fig tree so that it provides good shade. This technique will allow you to create a tall, leafy canopy to wrap yourself under in the summer months. However, so that you can enjoy a fig tree that bears good fruit, it is more convenient to prune it so that its crown is somewhat lower. In this way it will not cost you so much to collect the figs and savor them. Let’s see what the steps are.

  1. Start by planting a fig cutting in your garden. We recommend that you do it in a large hole. The larger the hole where you plant the fig tree, the larger it will acquire as it grows.
  2. Cut the shoots from the cutting of the first year. This step is very important to shape our fig tree. Remove all but the strongest and thickest shoots that come out during the first year. This will act as a trunk as it grows.
  3. During the second year check the height. Normally, during the second year after planting, the fig tree has already reached a suitable height to collect the figs. From now on you must prune it so that it does not exceed this height. To do this, allow the branches to grow wide instead of tall.
  4. During the second year…the shape of our fig tree will already be a reality. From now on, the steps of maintenance pruning must be applied so that it looks perfect and some delicious figs and braves.

Tips for and when to prune a fig tree

Go to a gardener for the first few years. As we have explained a few lines above, the first years of the fig tree’s life serve to create a growth pattern that will be maintained for the rest of its life. That is why it is so important that in these early years a gardener be in charge of shaping it and creating the pattern. If you dare to do it yourself, go ahead. If not, as said, go to an expert.


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