How and When To Prune A Rose Bush


Rose bushes are some of the most beautiful plants that exist. Its variety of scents, colors and shapes has made the rosebush a true wonder of nature. The flower they produce, roses, is considered the flower of love. What couple has never given each other a rose or a bouquet of roses?

Having one of these plants in a beautiful garden is a wonderful way to beautify our lives.  However, you have to know how and when to prune a rosebush to ensure that it bears beautiful roses and is always healthy.

In dotcoms we are going to teach you all the details so that you learn how and when to prune a rosebush. But before we start, let’s get to know this precious plant a little better.

What is a rosebush?

Rose bushes are considered thorny shrubs that belong to the Rosacea family.  Today there are more than a hundred wild species of this plant recorded. Rose bushes come from the Northern Hemisphere and are characterized by blooming throughout the year. Normally from spring to early winter. Although it all depends on their care and if they are in hot climates.

Roses are considered the flowers of love, and although rosebushes are usually grown for decorative purposes, it is also done for other reasons. For example to manufacture  essential oils, for medicinal use or even for gastronomic purposes.

What do you need to know about how to care for a rosebush?

For your rosebush to shine with its own light, you have to offer it enough water.  These bushes a lot of water during the flowering season. Watering a rosebush well is the only way for roses to sprout. Above all, special attention must be paid to watering during the first year of the rosebush’s life.

If you want to make sure that you are properly watering your rosebush, it is important that you do not wet the leaves or the flowers. The water has to go as close as possible to the ground.

For the rosebush to be truly beautiful throughout the year, you need to pay it. The right time to fertilize rose bushes is spring. To pay them you must spread it well over the surface. Aerate the soil, that is, combine it, to get the rosebush to give more roses during flowering.

When to prune a rose bush?

In addition to watering, pruning roses is one of the most important jobs you have to do with this plant. It is advisable to prune rose bushes at least twice a year. The best seasons to do it are when summer ends or when winter ends.

If you do not decide to prune it twice a year, at least you have to prune it once so that it is always perfect.

Now that you know a little more about these types of plants, the time has come to learn how and when to prune a rose bush. You are ready? In that case, read on!

What do you need for and when to prune a rosebush?

  • Shears.
  • Gardening gloves.
  • Read the following article and pay attention to the instructions.
  • For more advice we recommend that you go to a gardener.

Instructions for and when to prune a rose bush

  1. Get yourself some good pruning shears. If you want to properly prune your rose bush, nothing better than getting good pruning shears. Unfortunately not all rose bushes need the same scissors. Everything will depend on the size and the species of rose that we care for. If your rose bush is very large, use telescopic by-pass scissors. These scissors are characterized by having an extendable handle. This feature will allow you to access any part of the rosebush and the trees that you have in your garden. If you have doubts about which scissors to choose for your rosebushes, nothing better than going to a nursery or a garden store to buy them. There they will advise you and inform you of which scissors is best for your type of rosebush. Whatever scissors you are going to use, it is important that they are always sharp and in good condition.
  2. Wear gardening gloves. Rose bushes are characterized by being bushes loaded with thorns. For this reason it is so important that we buy good gardening gloves. Rose thorns tend to dig into hands and arms when we can. So now you know, protect your hands with gardening gloves and always wear long sleeves. You can get yourself a gardener’s jumpsuit if you want and use it whenever you go to fix the garden.
  3. Make oblique cuts. One of the most common mistakes when pruning rose bushes is not making the cut properly. In order for the rosebush to continue blooming year after year and to be in perfect condition, you have to make oblique cuts.
  4. Remove branches that are not healthy. For the rosebush to always be perfect, it is necessary to prune those branches that have been deteriorating with the passing of the seasons. You have to proceed in this way with all those that do not give flowers or that are dry or in poor condition.
  5. Remove withered flowers and fruit. If you want your rosebush to have enough capacity to continue throwing beautiful flowers, it is important that you eliminate the remains of withered flowers and fruits. Maintaining these elements only detracts from the rosebush’s energy and ability to continue growing.
  6. When pruning, respect the young branches and buds. We have already said in the first steps that when it comes to pruning you have to remove the branches that are not well. So, which ones should be left for the rosebush to bloom? Basically those that are young and have buds. The buds are the part of the rose bush from which the roses will emerge later.
  7. Pay attention to the strong branches and the thinner ones. The strongest branches will have enough capacity to feed several buds. Remember that roses come out later from the buds. The thin branches, however, do not have as much strength. If you have strong branches after pruning them you can let them keep about 4 or 5 buds. The thin branches, on the other hand, will not be able to feed more than 1 or 2 buds.
  8. If your rosebush has the shape of a bush, prune it in the shape of a cup. To do this you will have to eliminate the central branches and all those that grow in a disorderly way and harm the rest of the branches. When the branches are thick we must leave an average of six buds. In case they are fine, a maximum of three.

Tips for and when to prune a rose bush

In addition to learning how to prune a rose bush, you need to know how to take care of it. In this section we are going to offer you some tips that will help you do it.

  1. Make sure your rose bush has enough sunlight. If you want your rosebush to grow strong and vigorous, it must have at least 6 hours of light each day. Even roses, which are usually happy in the shade, bloom best with 4-6 hours of direct exposure.
  2. Make sure the soil drains well. One of the biggest problems rose bushes have is drainage. You have to make sure that the land on which they are planted does not accumulate water or flood it. Otherwise it will end up rotting the roots of your rosebush and killing the plant. The best thing to make sure you have the right land is to consult an expert. Go to your neighborhood nursery or gardener to find out which soil is the best to plant your rosebush.
  3. Always remove faded roses. It is the only way to ensure that the new roses that are to bloom have enough space and energy to grow.
  4. Always have sharp scissors when pruning your rose bushes. Remember what we talked about earlier. Depending on the type of rosebush you have, it will be better to use one or the other scissors. In all cases, the most important thing is that they are well sharpened and of good quality.
  5. Watch out for pests. Rose bushes can be affected by different pests. For example aphids, beetles, snails and even caterpillars. These adorable bugs can do a lot of damage to your rose bush. If you do not know how to eliminate them, it is best to go to a gardener so that he can give you all the necessary tricks.
  6. Try to give your rose bushes enough space. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when caring for a rose bush is planting it too close to another rose bush or another type of plant. We must make sure that our rose bushes have their own space and that their growth will not be affected. It is also important to make sure that there will be no trees, plants or any other element that prevents sunlight from reaching them.
  7. For when you create your bouquets. It is very likely that if you have some beautiful rose bushes, you will take some roses to make beautiful and aromatic vases with which to decorate the house. For the roses to last longer once cut, it is important that they are not exposed to the sun. Also, it is vital for them that you submerge their stems in water as soon as possible. A very good trick to make them last longer is to dip an aspirin in the water. This will allow you to keep them fresh and aromatic for much longer.


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