How and When To Sow Grass


It is very nice a garden with a landscaped area and lawn. We see large green gardens, with a beautiful lawn… and yes, it draws attention and yes, it is beautiful. Not so much, the care, its maintenance (which has its job) and much less, it’s sowing.

Beforehand, two things must be differentiated: one thing is to sow the lawn from scratch and another is to replant it. Two different things.

We are going to give you the tricks to start sowing the lawn from scratch, trying to keep it perfect and not spoil it. Planting the lawn from scratch using seeds, the best time to do it, the necessary irrigation, and the right type of cut, basic care… everything you need to leave the garden beautiful.

Instructions for and when to sow grass

  1. It will always be advisable if you have no idea how to plant the lawn or the right season, ask the gardener or gardeners. They will advise you first-hand and will solve all kinds of doubts about it.
  2. You have to take into account the season of the year in which you want to do the sowing/replanting, etc.
  3. Better to forget the winter and when the summer has already passed.
  4. Preferably, start with always in spring time.
  5. Always opt for the spring/summer season or even September (when the summer has passed) but the land is still at its best and the grass will grow earlier due to the greenhouse effect.
  6. It is very important if you really want to have a perfect lawn, to have good drainage.  Be careful, because if it is not checked or taken into account, it will end up being very expensive. On the one hand, you will spend a lot of money later, the grass will rot and you will have to finish replanting it again.
  7. Use good soil. Essential.
  8. Once you plant the seeds, follow the instructions to the letter: watering, do not tread, re-seed… these steps are essential.
  9. Do not forget the type of grass you want and need to plant. There are many types (keep this in mind when planting).
  10. It is not the same to plant the lawn from scratch (without having had it before) in those cases it will be essential: remove the earth, level it, drain it if necessary, flatten the land again, place the automatic irrigation system (if possible economically), throw the seeds, have the right watering, do not step on it for a while… and always take a look in case some areas were not well sown (when it grows it will be noticeable) although it would not be ideal, far from it.
  11. On the contrary, if there has already been grass before, you will only need to chop a few centimeters. Pull out the old one and put soil on it again, flatten it and seed it.
  12. As for irrigation, it is obviously ideal and almost essential to have it. On the one hand, because when it is planted it cannot (or should not) be stepped on. So that it grows well, it does not sink… Over time you will see that it is very comfortable and does not have to be a high cost. Some are expensive, yes. But with a simple irrigation method, it is also enough and it will be enough for you. They are programmed for one hour and the thicknesses jump by themselves. When they must stop, they will. So you forget to be watering it.

What do you need for and when to sow grass?

  • A good land that is specific for the lawn. Also take into account if it is a specific type of grass.
  • A vegetable land.
  • A pickaxe to chop up the earth and pull out stones or roots of other herbs if necessary.
  • A rake
  • A shovel to remove/remove the soil.
  • In some cases possible or necessary: ​​a motorized tractor and a roller/roller. To pave the way.
  • An irrigation system. It can be manual or automatic (depending on the needs or economic possibilities of each one).
  • Special land for grass (topsoil).
  • Grass seeds.

Tips for and when to sow grass

Do not forget that planting/sowing the lawn for the first time is not complicated. In fact, it’s simple, but if you want to forget about having a hard time when it starts to grow, makes sure it comes out correctly, doesn’t rot, doesn’t dry out, etc. By following these little tips, you will save yourself from those evils that once occur, will only cause frustration and spend a lot of money.

Do not forget before sowing the lawn, that there is a good area of ​​land without stagnant water and that previously if there is areas of water, drain it. Don’t forget the season of the year. If you want the plantation to be effective and fast (better autumn). Forget winter.

Installing a lawn sprinkler kit is a must. Automatic irrigation is always better for the functions and comfort it offers, where you can program the hours and the irrigation jumps and stops by it. But if financially, you cannot afford it, manual watering is also worth it.

Always think, if the grass that you are going to plant/sow is going to be placed in transit areas, for decoration, it will simply shine, but it will not be stepped on… it seems silly but it is very important to take it into account because planting a type of grass that is very loose and high, if you decide to walk through it or to be a recreational area, games… it will end up spoiling, crumpling, burning (it stays brown and ugly )… keep that in mind.

For cases where a lot of use is going to be given and there will be a lot of foot traffic, one that is thick is better, the so-called stoneware, for example, is ideal in these cases. But we recommend that you always ask in the garden center so that they advise you which would be the perfect one in your case.


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