How Is Drip Irrigation


One of the best known irrigation systems in the world is known as drip irrigation. This irrigation system is today one of the most widely used irrigation systems in the world.

This system, which has existed since the 1970s, is known because it allows us to do more for less, that is, if it is done correctly, we can achieve the same result as other irrigation systems, but using much less water.

This has the main utility of being able to save water, that very limited resource that we have on our planet. It is really appreciated that there are people who care so much about our planet, since it is a very good idea that with a few drops of water it can be irrigated in the same way as if we had a sprinkler or a hose.

Actually this type of irrigation is one of the most sustainable that exists. Sustainable development consists of being able to continue producing consumer products, while respecting the environment. This type of irrigation complies because it produces the same as other types of irrigation and, furthermore, it is capable of doing so without spending hardly any water, spending just what the plant needs to survive.

This irrigation system has been implemented in thousands of farms, since in many cases; it is a synonym of success. Thousands of people who have used it have discovered how this method of watering is very effective and allows them to spend hardly any water throughout the year.

This translates into resource efficiency never seen before, so if you have a farm with irrigated products, this type of irrigation could be a winning combination for you if you know how to use it correctly.

Today for the moment I am going to teach you all the secrets that have to do with this type of irrigation system, so that you can see the secrets it has, its usefulness, its advantages and its disadvantages. In this way, you will be able to make the account to see if it suits you to take it or not for your farm.

Instructions for drip irrigation

  1. What it is: The first thing to understand this type of irrigation system is to make a correct definition of it, since I consider that the starting point to understand a little how a given system works is to know what you are going to be asked. Drip irrigation is an irrigation system that consists of using as little water as possible to irrigate an irrigated field. The name drip means that irrigation is done drop by drop, something that can be done by a kind of dripper, which emits a drop that is enough to water that surface. As we will explain a little later, drip irrigation Drip must have a continuous system of drops, to prevent the plant from drying out completely.
  2. How to do it: The way to do drip irrigation is very simple but very complex at the same time. First of all, make a dripper channeling system, which must be strategically located near the plants to be watered, as we can see in most of the images in this article. Once we have it installed, it must be configured in such a way that a continuous supply of water is established, but drop by drop. In this way, we will save water, since when it arrives drop by drop, the plant will make the most of it, something that will increase the efficiency of the system to the maximum possible. A kind of filter must also be installed, which is necessary so that the water reaches the plant completely clean and full of impurities. Every drop of water will seep into the root and be absorbed by the plant, making every drop count as the TV commercials say.
  3. Utility: The main utility of this irrigation system is the saving of resources, specifically the saving of water and therefore, the preservation of the environment by contributing to the sustainable development of planet earth. However, the advantages of drip irrigation do not stop here, since too much water is often not good for the plants. For example, drip irrigation is capable of avoiding what is called drowning of plants, since the soil will never become waterlogged, something that is fatal for all plants because it is literally capable of killing them. It also has the great advantage that this system is automatic, since being so well channeled, there is no need to go around manually watering, something that will translate into less work for employees and therefore a reduction in costs to long term of it. Finally we have the option of being able to control the water drop by drop, that is, if we are adding a certain special nutrient to the plant, we can control it better,
  4. Disadvantages: However, not all are advantages to drip irrigation, since there are also certain disadvantages that are not entirely positive for us. And that they could give us a good headache. The main disadvantages of drip irrigation have to do with the high cost of production and installation, since installing this entire system and maintaining it costs a lot of money. This money spent is going to pay off, especially if you have a very large plantation, however, you have to be able to make the initial investment. The second disadvantage of drip irrigation compared to other types of irrigation is that we have to have a very controlled system, since if a single drop does not reach its destination, it can be fatal for the entire plantation. For example, it is very common that the holes can be covered, due to the appearance of some insect or lint that lands on it; therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant that these holes through which the water comes out are not blocked.

Tips for drip irrigation

  • So, is it profitable or not? After having seen a little about the advantages, operation and disadvantages of drip irrigation, you may be wondering whether you should install it on your farm or not. My advice is to look a little further, that is, the size of your farm, the price of water in your province and the money you are willing to spend.  In the first place, the larger your farm, the more expensive the system will be, but the more water you will save by irrigating. Whether or not you save money will depend on the price of water in your province, since it is not the same to irrigate in Murcia than to do so in Castillo y León. Finally, you have to take into account your money, that is, if you are able to pay it or if you have to borrow. Many times asking for a loan is a good option to grow, but other times it can ruin the person who has requested it because they cannot pay it, so always be careful with this.


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