How Is the Giant Bamboo?


Bamboo is a shrub or grass that belongs to the grass family and its importance for the conservation of humanity is more vital than many know. The most popular use attributed to these herbs is as food for Panda bears, but the truth is that their usefulness goes beyond gastronomy, as these plants are an element that plays a valuable role in the conservation of the planet.

Bamboos are ancient plants that are characterized by their accelerated growth; they spread through most countries, but having their largest reserve in the forests of China.  There are around 1,500 species of these plants, which are grouped into three different groups, depending on the area in which they grow, these are:

  • Elyria, New World herbaceous plants.
  • Arundinarieae, temperate woody bamboos.
  • Bambuseae, tropical woody bamboos.

Among these varieties we find the giant bamboo, which is an extraordinary and imposing plant, which can grow up to 50 centimeters a day and reach 35 centimeters in diameter and once they reach their adult stage they can measure up to 30 meters in height.

Although bamboo is a plant that grows in various climates, giant bamboo only occurs in tropical areas. The world’s largest plantation of giant bamboo is in China, with an area of ​​about 6 million hectares arranged with this plant.

Over time, giant bamboo has been not only a plant for man, but because of its peculiar elongated and hard shape it has become a useful element for making a wide variety of utensils. However, there is currently a much more beneficial use that we have identified in bamboo canes, it is its great utility as a substitute for wood and the zero impact that the felling of these canes leaves on nature.

The construction of buildings with varieties of giant bamboo is gaining ground on beaches and outdoor decoration. Many beachside huts and hotels are being built and decorated with giant bamboo.

Ecological importance of bamboo

The growth and industrialization of society has generated important and negative results in the life of our planet earth. In addition, global warming, pollution and other harmful agents destroy our great home a little more every day.

The only shield that we have as a species is the vitality of our ecosystems, but the treatment we give to forests, rivers, lakes and other habitats is the least indicated to combat pollution. The felling of trees is one of the most harmful activities for health and life in general on earth.

It is at this point that the importance of bamboo arises and the great value it represents for healthier and more ecological lifestyles. Bamboo has become an option that replaces wood and its felling does not generate a negative impact on the ecosystem such as felling of trees

Because it is a grass, its growth and propagation far exceeds that of a tree, which takes up to 10 years to recover its adult size. Bamboo canes are one hundred percent sustainable, since their growth is equivalent to a third of bamboo plantations that are scattered in the world and square kilometers of virgin forests, which means that this plant replants itself.

The most important characteristics of bamboo as a substitute for wood are:

  • Complete compatibility with the environment.
  • One hundred percent natural constitution.
  • Biodegradable.
  • Strong and durable.
  • Able to adapt to various climates.
  • Its sustainability.

Giant Bamboo Instructions

There is a vast diversity of bamboo species, more than 1,000 varieties worldwide. But their general characteristic is that they are plants with long canes that exhibit small elongated leaves in striking green tones on their tops.

Below, we present the most outstanding characteristics so that you can easily identify bamboo plants:

  • They are shrubby plants with evergreen leaves, that is, they remain on the tree at any time of the year.
  • They are made up of woody stems in which hollow internodes can be seen.
  • All the lower part of the canes do not have branches or leaves, they grow at the top.
  • The leaves show a very striking greenish tone, with a thick texture and an elongated appearance.
  • Bamboos have the ability to self-reforest.
  • It is common for bushes that grow in the same area to share the same life periods: flowering, fruiting and death.
  • They proliferate through their rhizome system.
  • They are robust herbs.
  • The color of bamboo canes varies between green and grayish tones.

Bamboo is a plant resistant to different climates and soils, but depending on the temperature of the environment, some species do better than others.

Here is a series of steps you need to do to grow your own bamboo plants:

  1. Locate a spot on the land that is fenced and receives sunlight several hours a day.
  2. Choose the species that you like the most according to its characteristics.
  3. Soften the earth.
  4. Dig a large, deep hole so the bamboo roots can spread out far enough.
  5. Put the plant in the hole.
  6. Fill with the earth that you extracted before. You want to make sure you apply enough pressure to extract all the air.
  7. You must maintain a constant irrigation during the first year of growth of the plant, to keep the soil well moistened.
  8. The irrigation rhythm must be by intervals; considerably moisten the soil, then wait for the soil to dry a little for a few days.
  9. You must repeat the watering process daily. Do not let the soil dry out at any time of the day.
  10. Enrich the soil by fertilizing the soil around the bamboo with a 6-inch layer of organic mulch to ensure healthy growth.

What do you need for giant bamboo?

  • Land space not very clear.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Bamboo plant.
  • Toilet.
  • Sunshine.

Giant Bamboo Tips

Bamboo grows in both arid and cold climates, but it is in temperate climates where these plants reach higher altitudes; that is why if you plan to plant bamboo canes and you are in very cold areas, you must condition the environment.

In order for your plant to acquire a more prominent height, do not forget to expose it to the sun, as these plants require it to develop. Here are some tips to help your bamboo bush reach majestic size:

  • Bamboos withstand temperatures below zero.
  • So that the natural growth of the plant is not damaged or affected, you must locate it in an area where it receives the greatest amount of sunlight.
  • The soil where you plant your bamboos must have an optimal drainage through which the water circulates.
  • If you exceed the amount of water, the roots are at risk of rotting, which would damage the plant.
  • Create channels around the plant, so that the water does not pool but runs through them.
  • Moisten the soil around it, but don’t flood it.
  • In very hot areas, a thick, organic blanket spread around the bamboo will help retain moisture.
  • You must not allow the soil to dry out completely; this would do a lot of damage.
  • If the bamboo is in a pot for decorative use, control the growth by cutting off any canes that start to protrude.


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