How to Care For an Azalea


The azalea or rhododendron nudiflorum or rhododendron tsutsusi is an evergreen and deciduous shrub in the ericaceous family.

There are thousands of hybrid varieties of this plant, created by humans to enjoy the beauty of its flowers, which, due to these creations, are of different colors (orange, yellow, purple, white, pink, red…). Each one of them has more or less predisposition to get sick from red spider mite, aphids or marcescence of the flowers.

The azalea grows in any acidic non-calcareous soil. The important thing is the accompanying weather. Excessive rains that muddy the soil or high temperatures that dry out its roots (the azalea already has very dry roots) will make it impossible for it to grow.

A curiosity of this plant is that the honey generated by the bees that suck from it is poisonous to humans.

What do you need to take care of an azalea?

  • Azalea seeds.
  • Azalea plant.
  • Acid substrate.
  • Natural mulch (pine, hemlock, oak).
  • Fertilizers.
  • Water.
  • Flower pot.
  • Watering can or hose.

Instructions for caring for an azalea

  1. To take care of an azalea, and, in general, any plant, there are some points to observe because its characteristics will determine its needs and, with it, its care.
  2. The soil or substrate: For the azalea to grow well, we must plant it in loose soil, making sure that it does not clump. We will try to keep its pH low since the azalea needs acidity.
  3. Watering: The azalea is a plant that needs a lot of water. In order for it to remain upright and beautiful, its soil must always be moist, without muddy. Although, its leaves and flowers should not get wet.
  4. Hours of Sun: The azalea is an outdoor plant, but this does not mean that it cannot be kept indoors. That, yes, it must be in a very bright place, but without the sun’s rays falling directly on it. The ideal temperature for this plant is between 12º C and 22º C. We will always look for a semi-shaded place.
  5. Planting: It is best to plant the azalea in the fall so that when the time for flowering arrives, it is carried out satisfactorily. Its seeds should not be buried very deeply and it is necessary that the land where they have been sown always remains moist, watering immediately after planting.
  6. Pruning: This will be done when the azalea has finished flowering, in order to maintain its shape. Azalea pruning consists of cutting its dry leaves and some cuttings if we see that the plant is no longer symmetrical. We will also cut some bouquets if there are too many.
  7. Transplantation: We will transplant the plant, if we consider it necessary, also when its flowering ends, in summer or as soon as autumn begins. This process is incredibly delicate since we must keep the roots of the plant intact, therefore, we will work with the entire root ball. We fill the new pot with soil, leaving a hole in the middle and place our azalea. Once all the roots are covered, we will mix new and old soil so that everything forms a single new pot.

Tips for caring for an azalea

  • To achieve optimal results during flowering, add fertilizers to the irrigation water.
  • If you have access, grow with iron sulfate to acidify the soil.
  • We must also bear in mind that too much carbonated water can be very harmful to the plant. The ideal is to store rainwater to irrigate it. If this is not possible, we can separate the lime from the water by boiling it and allowing the calcareous deposit to sink to the bottom.
  • Place the azalea in the northeast section of your home; is how best they will grow.
  • Spread over your azalea a thick mulch – about 3 centimeters high – with oak or hemlock leaves and pine needle. These will feed the roots of your azalea, which are relatively hollow.
  • To prevent mold on the leaves or flowers of the azalea, it is best to water in the morning, thus giving time for the Sun to evaporate any water that may have fallen on the leaves. Although, as we have already mentioned, we must try not to spray these parts of the plant.
  • Not all species of azalea bloom in the spring. Find out about which one you have acquired because this information can disrupt the entire planting.
  • If you want your azalea to bloom again for another season, give it “its own winter.” That is, place it in a place with low temperatures so that it remains inactive for a couple of months.
  • The most important thing is that you inform yourself about the characteristics and peculiarities of the type of azalea that you are going to plant, since some require different care.


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