How to Care For Blue Hydrangeas


Blue hydrangeas are one of the most valued flowers that we can have at home, but unfortunately, not many people know how to take care of them and, on the contrary, it is common for people to make mistakes when trying to take care of these plants and end up mistreating them or accelerating them. They wither.

Among the many mistakes that people make when caring for this type of plants, is watering, because people do not always know at what time or how often it is better to water this plant, even the temperature can affect it, so we must know when to water it, what type of land suits it best, what is the best lighting for its flowering and development. A series of guidelines that will help us extend the life of these plants and help them to flourish optimally.

That is why we must always be clear about how to care for blue hydrangeas, since this variety, as well as the others, tend to be somewhat fragile and sensitive to some actions that can wear them out or damage them.

In order to be able to take care of blue hydrangeas correctly, we recommend that you follow a series of simple but effective actions that you must carry out constantly if you want to progress in the care of these beautiful flowers.

So take note and start following all the care, advice, instructions and precautions that I will be mentioning here and that you must follow in order to get the best blue hydrangeas  you can imagine inside your house or in your garden.

What do you need to take care of blue hydrangeas?

  • Water
  • Land
  • Flower pot

Instructions for caring for blue hydrangeas

  1. Hydrangeas are plants of Asian origin which arrived in Europe hundreds of years ago, which is why it is considered that their origin is between both continents. These plants normally grow in the form of a vine and are characterized by large and quite colorful leaves and flowers as well as a peculiar aroma that can be very pleasant. Although these plants have survived for thousands of years, when we talk about growing them at home, a lot of care is required to ensure that they can flourish and last a long time.
  2. It is important that we know what type of soil these plants need. We must try to prevent the soil where we plant our pot from containing other types of herbs that may be an impediment to the development of our hydrangeas, so we will have to remove the invasive herbs that may be surrounding our plant. We will also try to make it an easily drainable soil in order to avoid accumulations of water that can rot the roots of our plant or generate the formation of fungi and pests that can affect it.
  3. We have to locate the plant in a place with a stable and cool temperature. A temperature that is too warm can be counter productive for the development of our plant, because it can favor this plant to wither. Hydrangeas prefer cool places where you can give them a little air from time to time. Look for a place where the temperature is relatively stable, possibly a place where there is partial shade and during the night it can be cool. This is the ideal type of temperature to care for blue hydrangeas.
  4. In the same way that we avoid very hot temperatures, we also have to avoid very strong cold. The cold will simply kill our plant, so we must seek that the place where our plant is always be a cool but stable place, where the quality is continuously balanced and neither extreme cold nor extreme heat is reached. Very strong.
  5. We have to water our plant with care and a lot of responsibility. During hot times when we cannot inevitably achieve a stable temperature, we must prevent our hydrangeas from being subjected to a lot of heat and dehydrating. For this reason, it will be essential to water our plants relatively frequently during hot weather. We just have to make sure that the soil is always somewhat moist; it is not about flooding our plant since these will only kill it.
  6. To properly water our plant, it will be necessary to use a spray bottle to spread fresh water on the leaves and flowers. We will do this twice a day during hot weather. As for the roots, as we have already mentioned before, we will only ensure that the floor is always moist without becoming waterlogged or muddy at any time.
  7. It is important to prune the stems of our hydrangea. When we do not prune the stems, there tends to be uneven growth and sometimes even counterproductive for the flowering of our plant, for this reason it is necessary to prune the stems and ensure that they do not exceed 4 per pot (or depending on the space in our garden). It will be essential that the tools you use to prune are clean and free of all oxidation, so we will avoid damaging our plant.
  8. Last but not least, we will prevent our plant from being in closed places. One thing is to keep our plant in a stable place and the other is to keep it locked up so that it cannot receive oxygen or that the heat becomes too concentrated and ends up affecting it. These plants need a lot of sunlight in order to grow and flower properly. If we keep our plant in a closed place away from the sun, it will simply die. It will be necessary for our hydrangeas to receive sunlight for at least 4 continuous hours a day, so we can ensure their flowering.

Tips for Caring for Blue Hydrangeas

  • We also recommend using vitamins for plants to be able to keep our hydrangeas very nourished, in this way we can help them flourish and last much longer.
  • It is also important to keep the soil fertilized, fertilizer and natural manure are ideal to keep the soil rich and with a stable temperature.


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