How to Care For Camellias


Flowers give a lot of life to a home, a terrace, a balcony or a garden. And it is that flowers in general are a type of very colorful plants that give off very rich aromas. Therefore, having a house with plants and flowers totally changes the place; it becomes more alive, more cheerful, with better taste. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind that there are countless plants and flower families that you can choose to decorate and give life to your home, your garden. Daisies, hydrangeas, gardenias, roses, camellias etc. At the end of the day, all of them are very different flowers, but each one with its own peculiarities wonderful that you should choose depending on your tastes and preferences. For all these reasons, today we want to pay attention to camellias. And it is that camellias are plants native to East Asia that bloom in very varied and very cheerful colors. In this case, they are very showy flowers with a lot of aroma that range from yellow to reddish colors passing through very soft orange tones. If you want camellias to be the flowers that decorate your home and you want to grow and care for them, today we explain in detail how to care for camellias, so that they bloom beautiful and healthy.

What do you need to take care of camellias?

  • Camellias.
  • Substratum.
  • Pots.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Water.
  • Regular care.
  • Responsibility and time.

Instructions for caring for camellias

  1. The first place is to choose the place where the camellias are going to be placed. Thus, keep in mind that camellias are outdoor flowers, that is, you must place them in the garden, terrace or on the balcony. In the same way, it is also very interesting that camellias cannot receive direct sunlight at rush hour (from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). In this sense, we also recommend that you try to protect your camellias from strong winds  and heavy rains. Thus, as you can see, they are outdoor flowers but they are sensitive to environmental changes.
  2. In line with the previous section, we recommend that you place your camellia pots in a place where the sun shines during sunset or sunrise -with the mild sun- and during peak hours it gives them shade. In the same way, a porch or a place with a semi-roof would be ideal, since the rain will not hit it directly. Thus, if your pots are outdoors, you should pay some attention when there are storms or significant changes in temperature.
  3. Secondly, we recommend that as soon as you bring the plants into your home, you plant the camellias in a sufficiently large pot. And it is that since the camellias arrive -in seed if that is how you buy it- they must be planted and they must not be moved from the pot. Therefore, put a medium pot, since they do not grow much more, and take care  of your camellia regularly.
  4. Thirdly, we are going to focus on watering your camellias. In this case, you must water your plants daily, that is, every day. Thus, we recommend that you monitor the watering levels, since your camellia must be hydrated but not flooded. For this reason, water your camellias during hours of mild sun-before 11 am or after 6 pm- and try not to wet the flowers. And it is that you should only water the lower part of your plant, that is, only the stem, although you can also slightly wet the leaves. Now, in no case should you wet the flowers.
  5. On days of moderate rain you can resort to exposing your plant to rain so that it is watered naturally. Thus, you must do it responsibly, since too much rain can be harmful and drown your camellias. In the same way, you must also be clear that your plant must have good drainage. In this sense, in summer you must make sure that your plant is not dry and that it is well hydrated; during this hot season, make sure you also water your plant well, moistening the soil and the leaves.
  6. On the other hand, keep in mind that you must prune your camellias. Thus, after your camellia blooms, that is, after spring and summer, you should prune the excess leaves of your camellias. In this case, start by removing the damaged leaves and then remove those leaves that you consider left over.
  7. Finally, keep in mind that it is essential that you plant your camellias in a quality substrate. Your camellias must have the proper nutrition to photosynthesize in the right conditions. Therefore, add black earth and a part of sand to your substrate. Similarly, use fertilizers during the first months of planting and during the flowering season. Your plant will grow in a proper and healthy way.

Tips for caring for camellias

  • Try to combine the colors of the flowers of your camellias, so you will get a better result, that is, you will give more color to your home.
  • On the other hand, also keep in mind that growth is slow; therefore, you must be patient and wait for it to grow at its own pace.


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