How to Care For Chrysanthemums


If you want to know how to care for chrysanthemums, continue reading this article.  These plants are from autumn, they are quite beautiful and there are several colors among which we find gold, purple, orange, violet, amber, different reds and different pinks. Having these plants in the garden in the autumn season will make it look very nice and the best thing is that their care is not very complicated, they are also very resistant flowers and have a way of growing that is quite simple, what’s more, if the If you take good care of them, you will see that you will be able to enjoy them even for more than a year.

This plant native to China belongs to the Composite or Asteraceae family; its real or scientific name is Chrysanthemum spy; within this genus there are approximately 37 species. It is widely cultivated in Japan and in fact it is the favorite flower for many of them, since this autumn flower is the symbol of happiness and pleasure.

In China it has been cultivated for more than 2,500 years and it arrived in Europe in the 17th century; in warm countries it is grown outdoors, but in colder countries it is usually grown in greenhouses.

These flowers are quite popular for adorning different tombs in cemeteries, but this does not mean that they do not look quite good in gardens and houses, because they are very colorful and take a long time with their flowers before they bloom. They fall off.

It is a plant that also adapts very well to interiors, which will be ideal for you if you do not have a terrace or garden. It is a plant that prefers to be in outdoor light, but that does not mean that they cannot be kept indoors.

Apart from the amplitude in its colors, we also find a variety of shapes, which allows us to choose the one that we like the most according to what we want; with this type of flowers you can also make beautiful bouquets.

The purchase of chrysanthemums

You can get these plants in the autumn period in different establishments or in nurseries.

Pot location

We have already said that it is one more outdoor plant, so if you are going to put it in your home, choose a place where there is light, where there is good ventilation, but without reaching the point where a draft enters.

The temperature to care for chrysanthemums

You must be very careful that they do not get hot, because they do not resist it for a long time, so do not put them in places where the heating is on or next to appliances that radiate heat.

Both heat and cold, in extreme conditions, will be detrimental to the plant, the ideal is that you have it between 12 and 18 degrees.


It is important that they receive their respective lighting and that it is good, because if this is not the case, their flowers simply will not open.

Light is very important, but direct exposure to the sun is also not an option since the chrysanthemums could burn.

The watered

Make a watering on a regular basis; this plant needs water so that its flowers are not going to wither, but you must also be careful because if you go too far and add more water than necessary, your plant will also be damaged.

Less frequently, it is good to dust your chrysanthemums using warm water, this will help the flowers and leaves stay fresh, especially on hotter days.

You must ensure that the root ball always has moisture, that it is well hydrated and that it is not going to dry out. During the summer its watering must be greater and its soil must be fertilized.

Dead flowers

In the event that your flowers wither, you should remove them immediately, in order to give space to the new ones that are on the way and can bloom without obstacles.

In the garden

You can take your mums out as early as mid-spring and bring them in in October when temperatures start to drop. Your choice may also be to plant them in the garden.


If this is your case, you must choose the place where you want to plant your plants, you can make a kind of corridor or an entrance with these, and it will look very nice.

Sowing time

You must choose the morning to do this planting; this is with the aim that they receive the sun throughout the day.


Before planting you must see that the soil is well drained so that the plants can withstand you for winter.


If you plant these plants in the garden, initially you should proceed to water them at least 3 times a week; when you see that they are already fully rooted you will not have to do it anymore, unless there are times of drought, because the rain will do the job of keeping them well.

The fertilizer

You must pay the plants you planted each month; get an organic fertilizer and cover the soil; Read the instructions on the package carefully before use.

It will be easier for the chrysanthemums to be planted in the fall since you will not need the help of fertilizers, but it is good that you observe and monitor your plant and if you see it weak, do not hesitate to fertilize it. The fertilizer will help the plant maintain its flowers for a longer period.


When spring comes prune your plants and do it again in the summer; this is done so that the bush branches out and takes on the shape of a bush.

Look at how the growth of each of its branches is going and when you see that they have reached approximately 15 cm, cut them in half. You can do this by putting it between your fingers or using small scissors that are special for pruning. Before repeating the process, it must have grown again at least 12 cm.

When the summer is ending you should no longer prune, because the plant will begin to grow much more slowly; when the last days of August arrive, the plant should begin to bloom and its flowers will last until the end of November.

Check the ground

When November is ending or in the first days of December, check that the soil has moisture before the first frosts arrive and then cover with straw or mulch around its roots so that in this way you can protect the bulb of chrysanthemums during winter; When spring comes remove the straw and everything you see that has died on the plant. You can change the mulch that you removed for cypress when you see that there will be new shoots.

Your multiplication

It can be done either by means of seeds or division of the same plant, the best method without a doubt and the simplest is by means of cuttings.


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