How to Care For Lilies


Lilies are some of the plants that, both in their terrestrial form and in their aquatic form, are beautiful and are always a perfect ornament to give life and color to our garden. It is very nice to be able to see these beautiful plants contrasting with the green of the leaves and other flowers that may be in the same garden.

But in order to have this type of plant in our garden and enjoy its beauty and aroma, we must first learn how to take care of lilies from situations or factors that may affect their development and growth, since these plants are often very fragile and their care can become a bit laborious.

There are many measures that we have to consider before planting or caring for lilies. In the event that you have this type of plants in your house and you do not know what to do to keep them alive and in good condition, do not worry here we will show you some tips that you can follow to learn how to take care of the lilies properly.

You just have to take into account some preventive ideas and other maintenance tips that you can easily follow and whose perseverance will help you have beautiful lilies at home.

What do you need to care for lilies?

  • Lilies
  • Land
  • Water
  • Sun
  • Home compost
  • Plant fertilizer
  • Natural fertilizer

Instructions for caring for lilies

  1. The first thing you have to consider when caring for lilies is the type of soil in which they are planted. Lilies need easily drainable soil, this is because when water accumulates in the roots along with other bacteria and heat, it can cause root rot and the lilies die quickly.
  2. In addition to this, the retention of humidity and heat can lead to the appearance of fungi that alter or damage your lilies and other types of plants that you have planted in your garden, so that an epidemic can be caused in your garden and many of your plants will be damaged. Affected.
  3. An easy way to identify a soil that drains properly is by looking at the soil after a rain, the place where the water dries the fastest, is where the soil is best prepared to drain liquids; this type of soil is suitable for plant lilies.
  4. Remember that you must plant your lilies as soon as you have bought them.  These types of plants do not resist spending long periods of time away from the ground. For lilies to grow well, it is necessary to plant them as soon as possible in a suitable, rich and moist soil where they can begin to develop.
  5. It is important that when planting the bulbs, you make a deep hole, because, despite the fact that the lilies that have already sprouted require the sun to be able to grow, the bulbs grow better when they are kept protected by the stability of the temperature inside the earth, they will grow when the time is right and conditions allow.
  6. You must water your lily very carefully. Ground lilies often do not need much water other than what they receive from natural rains and breezes as well as dew. If you water your lilies excessively, as we said before, you are not only promoting the appearance of fungi, but it could saturate the plant and decompose its roots, drowning it. Although the soil must maintain certain humidity, only water when you notice that the soil is dry, these plants do not require daily watering.
  7. It is very important that the soil where your Libyan is planted is well fertilized, these plants need nutrients so if you can buy some natural fertilizer and enrich the soil with compost, and this would be excellent for your plant. In addition to the fertilizer, we also recommend using natural fertilizer, as this will allow both the buds and the flowers of your lily to be healthy and beautiful.
  8. Another care that we have to take into account when having lilies at home is the type of lighting and solar heat that they will receive. Lilies are often affected by the weather; frost is capable of killing this type of plant. To prevent the cold from affecting your lily, you can cover them with some straw to prevent cold winds from damaging the plant.
  9. Also, it is important to trim the shoots back to about 2/3 the size of the stem when it is blooming season, so that the stem will continue to grow strong and healthy for years to come. Another thing that could be recommended is to remove some tips of the branches whose leaves are very thick and can prevent the sun from reaching the size of the lily.

Tips for caring for lilies

  • We hope that the instructions that we show you throughout this article have been of great help to you. Another tip that could surely work for you is to make homemade compost from the leftover fruits and vegetables you have at home. This type of vegetable fertilizer is very good for enriching and feeding plants.


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