How to Care For Outdoor Plants


Plants give a lot of life to a home, either indoors or outdoors. Having plants in the dining room, in a room or at the entrance, is something that gives a lot of color to the house, but you have to be careful not to fill the interior of the house with too many plants. On the other hand, outside you can decorate your terrace, your balcony or your patio, with as many plants as you want. And there are countless types of plants that can help you give your home a personal touch that can help you decorate a corner, an open space that you want to have color and life. Hydrangeas, jasmine, raised bushes, daisies, petunias, etc. All of them are just examples of types of plants that can decorate and bring life to your patio or to your terrace. Thus, you should know how to choose the type of outdoor plant according to the space you have and the climate of your habitat. In addition, you should also know that plants, whether indoors or outdoors, must be cared for so that they shine. Outdoor plants bring a lot of joy to a house, they decorate, but at the same time they must be cared for in a specialized way. For all these reasons, today we explain how to care for outdoor plants.

What do you need to take care of outdoor plants?

  • Selected plant, suitable for outdoors.
  • Water.
  • Flower pot.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Care.
  • Attention.

Instructions for caring for outdoor plants

  1. First of all, you should know that there is a wide variety of plants to be planted outside. Thus, you have to choose the plant that you like the most and that catches your attention, but also taking into account the climate and conditions of the area in which you live. What do I put in my outdoor area? When faced with this question, you have to distinguish between a sunny and a shaded area. So, try to pay attention to the type of plant you want and make sure it will get the sun it needs.
  2. Second, always keep in mind that the peak season for outdoor plants is during the spring season. Thus, if it is not too hot in your area, it will be good spring but also summer and autumn. In the same way, there are plants that withstand temperature changes well -annual- and others that are more seasonal -perennial-. Therefore, take into account your conditions and, depending on it, buy one or another plant.
  3. In line with what we have explained to you, here we propose those plants that best withstand the change in temperatures. Therefore, we present a series of examples so that you can choose the ones you like the most. In this case, they are very resistant plants that require little care and that will withstand possible changes in outside temperature very well. The carnation, the hydrangeas, the rosebushes, the geranium and also the lavender and rosemary plant, are just some of the examples of plants that we recommend. In addition, the vast majority is plants that give off a very pleasant aroma; In addition to decorating, they will set your garden, terrace or balcony.
  4. On the other hand, it is also very important, as we said before, the issue of light. Keep in mind that the most outstanding thing about outdoor plants is that they can receive natural light, sunlight. Thus, you should try to get sunlight, but avoiding peak hours.  Therefore, place your plant somewhere where it gets the sun in the morning and in the evening, but avoid the strong midday sun. Otherwise, if it is always in the shade, you should try to move the pot so that at some point of the day it receives natural light  and can carry out photosynthesis, which is essential to grow well.
  5. Watering: You should water your plant regularly. Thus, it is not good neither too much humidity nor that it is dry. Therefore, try to water your plant once a day, avoiding peak hours of sun; we recommend that you water your plant first thing in the morning or after sunset. Similarly, you should water your plant depending on its size; a geranium is not the same as a rosebush. For a geranium, half a liter every two days will be enough, while for a rose you will need a liter a day, more or less.
  6. Continuing with the theme of irrigation, you should try not to hit them directly when it rains a lot, since if the water falls hard it can damage your plants. In the same way, if it rains moderately, you should let them water naturally, since it is favorable for them. Thus, the day they are more humid because it has rained, you should not water, since you would drown them or they would be too wet.
  7. You should also pay attention to the pot, since it should be according to its size.  Therefore, if you buy the plant very small, you can buy a small pot, but if it grows you will have to change it to a larger pot with more soil. If you buy small plants you can share the same pot for several plants, but always paying special attention to having enough space to grow and soil to take up nutrients, otherwise they will not grow.
  8. Finally, you should know that your outdoor plants must be paid. For this reason, buy specialized fertilizer for your type of plant -for sale in drugstores, supermarkets, gardens, etc. – and do it once a month -approximately-. It is very important that you follow the instructions well, since fertilizing the plants is very simple – there are many that are spray or solvent powders – but you should not exceed the amount, since you can damage your plant.

Tips for caring for outdoor plants

  • Depending on the type of plant you choose, you can prune it once a year. In this case, you should do it in the fall or at the beginning of spring. In this way, you will remove the leaves and flowers that are already damaged and allow them to grow new.
  • There are many varieties of plants suitable for outdoors; choose those that you like the most and complete your decoration with some pretty pots, you will have a beautiful and cheerful garden or terrace.


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