How to Care For Petunias


A petunia is a small plant that has recently become very popular as a plant to put on the terraces and gardens of all homes in the country.

The reasons for this increase in the popularity of this plant are the ease of care, its ability to withstand extreme temperatures and that they are very beautiful and pleasing to the eyes of others.

Although petunias are not one of the most demanding plants when it comes to the care they need, they are still a living being, therefore, they need certain basic care that must be known when caring for it, since if they are not done correctly, the plant is going to end up dying and it would be a real shame, since we would really have killed a living being.

The good news is that the care required is simple and anyone can learn and carry it out easily, managing to have petunias in their home that grow healthy, strong and with beautiful flowers.

I am going to explain how to take care of a petunia step by step, explaining the entire process that requires its care and maintenance so that it grows in the most attractive way possible and that it lives as long as possible without having withered flowers and without the plant dying .

What do you need to care for petunias?

  • A petunia, which you can get at any ordinary florist.
  • A shower cabin.
  • Water.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Earth.
  • To be able to place these plants in the sun.

Instructions for caring for petunias

  1. Plant and place the petunia: The first thing to tell you is that this plant is not an indoor plant that can be kept inside a room with little exposure to sunlight. Petunias are plants that need to live outside, since they need sunlight to be able to look beautiful and have spectacular flowers. The best places to place them are usually terraces, gardens and very sunny galleries, placing petunias both in pots and in hanging plant mode around the terrace. Before planting the petunia, we must prepare the pot with good quality soil and fertilizer, so that the plant can take root and thus be able to absorb the water that we will pour into the soil in the following steps, which guarantees the good health of the petunia. Plant.
  2. Water: All plants carry out photosynthesis, which is a process that requires water, mineral salts, sunlight and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is provided by the air, sunlight by the sun, mineral salts by the fertilizer of the earth, leaving us with water. What I mean is that for the plant to be in good health, we must water it ourselves and does it well. They are plants that need a lot of water, but we should neither pour the water on the flowers nor flood the pot when pouring the water there, since a small amount of water could drown them and leave them completely dead. These plants are usually watered once every day, except in rainy seasons when we will not have to water as much because they already obtain energy from rainwater.
  3. Fertilized: When the plant is in the stage in which the flowers grow, it is advisable to add a little fertilizer to the soil, since this way we will achieve a faster, more efficient and more beautiful growth than in the absence of it. There are also people who say that phosphorus must be added to the plant, but it seems to me that it is something completely optional and that it must be done by totally personal choice, but that we can do without it perfectly.

Petunia Care Tips

  • Remove dead leaves: When the summer season has passed and autumn arrives, petunias, as with other plants, lose their leaves, which will fall to release new leaves in the spring of the following year. I advise you to remove the dead leaves when they fall, for the simple reason that we will have a little more space for the new leaves to grow correctly in the spring, since if we did not remove them, they would not have enough space to grow and would grow completely incorrect.
  • Low temperatures: Petunias are able to resist sub-zero temperatures and extreme climates, so you can be very calm in this regard. However, pick petunias during torrential rains, as they could drown due to excess water in the petunias pot.


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