How to Care For Poinsettias


Poinsettias are those that are typical in winter; in some countries it is known as the Christmas flower; in the tropics decorations are made with false flowers that imitate these.  We will teach you how to take care of poinsettias.

Its care is not really great, but it is important to highlight that it is an indoor plant, since its sensitivity to cold is quite great.

When winter arrives, the first plant that we associate with this season will most likely be a poinsettia, which because of its red color reminds us of Christmas and is also said to bring good luck.

Its scientific name is Euphorbia pulcherrima, it has other common names such as Easter, shepherdess, Christmas night or poinsettia; a plant that is typical in the winter time and it is thought that it will only bloom for that time, but it could last a year if certain recommendations are followed.

There are more than 100 varieties of these flowers; they are widely cultivated and marketed as they are of great beauty; This occurs much more at Christmas time where it is sold as a plant to decorate the interiors or so that the person has a good gift to give, it is also possible that you will receive it as a gift; It is beautiful and it can be said that it is a perfect combination between something that is very natural with something exotic.

If you want the decoration of your house at Christmas to be with this type of plants, it is good that you read the advice that we bring for you.

Buying poinsettias 

These can only be bought in November or December, it is at this time that they are sold; its price may vary since there are several sizes, we have the standard which measures approx. 60 cm high and can cost around 15 euros, there are also some taller ones that can cost approximately 25 euros.

The light

The plant will need a good amount of light to enter it and it must be of natural origin, so you are not going to put it in a dark place in the house, but you will not need to put it in the entire window either.

If you put this plant in the shade and in a dry place, its leaves will turn yellowish or even fall off; yes you can put it a little near the window, only at night you will have to move it, and also be aware during the day in case there is any frost. Many times when these plants get cold they never recover.


The plant is indoors and very sensitive to cold, so the balcony cannot be its home.

Although the plant is grown outside, where large bushes are made that can reach up to 3 meters in height, inside the house it is something else and it becomes quite delicate and fragile, that is why it must be placed inside and they must take some precautions.

It is important that you analyze the conditions of the environment that your house has, such as humidity, temperature, air and, as we said before, lighting. Avoid putting it near appliances that work with heat, such as the stove or the stove, nor where there are many drafts.


The temperature is also related to their care in terms of light; they do not tolerate very high temperatures.

Due to its sensitivity to cold, the place where the plant is placed should not be less than 12º; this, of course, can happen if the weather allows it, although the ideal would be for it to be 16 degrees at night and 22 in the morning.

If the plant receives a lot of heat, or on the contrary, a lot of cold, both its leaves and its stem will stop being resistant and will become weak; remember that you should not give them drafts either. These are the reasons why we have to locate the plant where it receives sun, with a warm temperature and where the environmental change is not very noticeable.


These flowers do better in environments that are humid and suffer a lot in those that are dry, since their leaves would dehydrate until they fall; For this reason, we tell you that if you have the heating on, it will be quite harmful for your plant, so if you want them to be very beautiful, you should do without it.

If where your house is located is a very dry environment, it is good that you put the pot (pot) inside a container with water, taking care that the liquid does not overflow. There will be a slow evaporation of the water that will make the environment humid without the plant drowning.

The watered

This plant is perfect for those people who easily forget to water their plants, as this flower will only need watering twice a week.

It can even be just once a week and it will not be necessary to pour the water directly on the flowers, just put your pot in a dish that contains water, leave it there for 15 minutes and then remove the remaining water, if you do not do it you could cause stems to wilt.

Plant monitoring

In order for you to keep your flowers in good condition, you should be examining them, see how their color is and how beautiful the leaves are.

If you see that the edges of the leaves are turning yellow, it is because the plant needs more hydration, if its leaves begin to fall it may be that it is getting too cold, that it does not have enough natural light or that cold currents are entering it of air. If you find leaves that have fallen off and are already wilted, it is possible that you have watered them more than necessary or that the quality of the water was not good.

It is also important that you know that these flowers are very prone to getting sick with bacteria, parasites or fungi; if you see that its leaves have silver spots, it may have a virus and if you see that its stem is turning black, it is most likely that it suffered from an attack of some bacteria. You can use a fungicide to prevent these situations.

Also use a fertilizer on your entire plant which must be liquid, you can do it the same day you water your bush, but make sure that 10 days have passed between each application.

Once the winter is over

When this period of time passes, more or less between April and May, the leaves of your plant will fall; When this happens, you will have to prune its stems and ensure that it remains without light until September and you will see that at the end of the year its leaves will be born again and will decorate your house in the most beautiful way with this red color.


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