How to Decorate Gardens


Many people confess that they are in love with vegetation. Living in it makes them feel better and project their life in a more comfortable way. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more families and people decide to live in a house with a garden decorated to their liking. The claustrophobia of a flat and the freedom that comes from having a space to breathe the air, being outside without leaving your home and having a place to meet with family and friends, breathing in the fresh breeze and also enjoying of beautiful views that make the meeting more appetizing. If you want to spend a holiday at home  and you don’t know what to do, here are some ideas.

What is a garden and different types?

When we talk about a garden, the typical public gardens come to mind, which are usually accompanied by benches to sit on, a park for children to play, along with fountains and sculptures, clearly decorative and ornamental elements. However, in recent times, private gardens in homes have been gaining prominence over public ones and open to everyone. However, the gardens have a really ancient origin. You have to go back to the famous gardens of Babylon, considered one of the great wonders of the ancient world to find the beginning of a long tradition that has lasted until today. Even those in love with animals can find the so-called zoological gardens where they are exhibited important species in a clearly vegetal habitat.

Throughout history, changing styles and scientific advances have also been reflected in the changes that gardens with hybrid varieties have undergone. Likewise, ecological trends have managed to decorate them with native species, maintaining a balanced biodiversity around the world. However, we can find many different types of gardens. One of the great advances in recent years is the awareness of the impact we have on plant species when building our space. This is how the so-called sustainable gardens were born. Their main differentiation is that they respect the environment and, therefore, they bet on species of the land, taking care of the organization and orientation of the plants and, therefore, generating energy and cost savings in relation to the watering of the plants.  Others, on the other hand, give greater importance to the type of climate of the region in which they are found. In the Mediterranean climate, the use of trees such as cypress, palm or stone pine combined with other fruit trees such as olive, cedar or banana trees is recommended.

Properties with a larger space are recommended to opt for this type of garden, since it is original and attracts the attention of most. We are talking about the so-called water gardens. By its name, it is denoted that water is one of the main elements and benefits from all the properties it has. It requires, however, the correct handling of some appropriate drainage techniques to clean the corresponding pond or fountain and a high level of knowledge about the flowers and plants that live in this type of habitat. Have you ever wanted to use an original slogan to present your house? We help you to do it. How about something like “the jungle in your own home? It would be an ideal presentation for those who opt for a tropical type garden. Leafy vegetation, tall trees and temperatures close to 30 degrees on average would be the necessary requirements to be able to carry it out. Some geographical areas such as Australia, the Caribbean and some European and American areas are ideal for this. It is necessary to have electricity and abundant water at all times. It is ideal for a party in summer.

Benefits of decorating the garden

All in all, decorating the garden has enormous functional and mood benefits since you better project your way of being and increase the comfort you feel when you are at home. The most prominent are the following:

  • You project your image better. A garden has decorative capabilities that the rest of the elements do not have. Without going any further, it gives it a certain air of freshness and sophistication. Also, investing in a garden has a long life cycle as plants never go out of style and have the ability to live for many years. As if that were not enough, the type of outdoor space you choose will help you project the way of being you want with your home.
  • You add value to your home. If in the medium-term future you consider selling your property, you should know that a well-cared-for garden will only add monetary value and increase the chances of sale. It will look more attractive, while with a neglected garden, the feeling of abandonment will be noticeable in the environment.
  • You create a comfortable outdoor space. Whether they are balconies, terraces or a garden, taking care of these aspects is essential as it will help you create a comfortable space for your guests. Many end up using them as space to store goods, limiting outdoor spaces. On the other hand, if you take care of these spaces and add a little shade, you will be able to create truly spectacular rest areas, inviting your friends and family to visit you in total comfort.
  • Improve your quality of life. Obviously, taking care of your garden will improve your quality of life and mental health since it will increase your self-esteem, seeing a house in good condition. Plants create that feeling of peace but also their planting and maintenance forces us to be physically active, improving our fitness and physical and psychological health.

You can even create your garden on your power supply. You can plant anything you want, including fruit trees and wild fruits, such as strawberries or cherries, among others. If you have regular parties at home, sow to get a good natural dessert for your guests. In addition, you will have a more sustainable vision of what happens on our planet since plants connect us with Mother Nature and make us understand everything that happens around us.

How to decorate a garden?

When it comes to decorating a garden you can find many ideas depending on the needs you have and the function you want to give it within the home. In addition to painting pots, if you have a huge social life, and you are constantly welcoming many people to your home, you would be interested in incorporating a bar cabinet in the garden. You can even do it yourself using concrete blocks to support a small bar or table. You can also use the holes in the concrete to place plants. In this sense, you can also introduce a folding dining room if you do not have space for a luxurious bar with which to impress your guests. The shelves are ideal for storing merchandise and can be decorated with plants on top. Without a doubt, a really original idea. But, there are many more that you can take advantage of. As if it were an American wedding, you can hang plants using an invisible thread, freeing up floor space and making pots with a lot of color to give your garden and, obviously, your house a different air. Near the main door, you can bring to light another idea really similar to the previous one. By painting a pallet you can display the main flowers. It takes up a lot of space and you can change them every season so as not to lose originality.

If you are tired of planting horizontally, and want to do something different, you can choose to fence a part of the garden with wood and use the vertical parts to place the plants proportionally. The lawn is another of the great debates at the decorative level in the gardens. Many prefer to have it natural because they like the routine of cutting it and taking care of it and it keeps them physically and mentally active. Others, on the other hand, want to have a lawn but do not like the idea of ​​having to take care of it and maintain it constantly. So, you have two options available. On the one hand, hire the services of a gardener to take care of it or opt for one of the fantastic artificial grass rugs that are so popular today. When we have a small garden, we want to have a bigger one. And, when we have one that is too big, we want a small one. It is called Murphy’s Law. However, if you want to see it bigger, it’s possible to at least make it look bigger. The trick is to hang some vintage spaces in front of your plants and you will give them a greater depth. You can also use colorful succulent plants in the garden in a rectangular plastic tray giving your guests a sweeter touch. In this sense, you can also use pots in the shape of a coffee cup to encourage a social touch in your outdoor space. As said before, you can use your garden as a small vegetable garden. However, surely you also want to organize meals and take advantage of it to share it. For this you will need space so that you can meet everything with total comfort. Therefore, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it is possible to do it on the roof by placing the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, you can also use colorful succulent plants in the garden in a rectangular plastic tray giving your guests a sweeter touch. In this sense, you can also use pots in the shape of a coffee cup to encourage a social touch in your outdoor space. As said before, you can use your garden as a small vegetable garden. However, surely you also want to organize meals and take advantage of it to share it. For this you will need space so that you can meet everything with total comfort. Therefore, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it is possible to do it on the roof by placing the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, you can also use colorful succulent plants in the garden in a rectangular plastic tray giving your guests a sweeter touch. In this sense, you can also use pots in the shape of a coffee cup to encourage a social touch in your outdoor space. As said before, you can use your garden as a small vegetable garden. However, surely you also want to organize meals and take advantage of it to share it. For this you will need space so that you can meet everything with total comfort. Therefore, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it is possible to do it on the roof by placing the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, you can also use coffee cup shaped planters to encourage a social touch in your outdoor space. As said before, you can use your garden as a small vegetable garden. However, surely you also want to organize meals and take advantage of it to share it. For this you will need space so that you can meet everything with total comfort. Therefore, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it is possible to do it on the roof by placing the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, you can also use coffee cup shaped planters to encourage a social touch in your outdoor space. As said before, you can use your garden as a small vegetable garden. However, surely you also want to organize meals and take advantage of it to share it. For this you will need space so that you can meet everything with total comfort. Therefore, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it is possible to do it on the roof by placing the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it’s possible to do it on the roof by putting the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, growing tomato plants can take up too much space, so it’s possible to do it on the roof by putting the tomatoes inside a bottle. To make the most of the space, you can also plant in a spiral to have more free space.

In other cases, you may only have a small terrace and you dream of having a garden. With a container, such as a wooden box, you can make the most of a small garden by planting it inside. If someone wants something, everything is to propose it. Gardens can also be indoors and small glass containers are enough, which you can even hang in your kitchen.  Stacking the pots with herb plants will have a double effect. On the one hand, you will get that space you want so much and, on the other, you will create a scent that will calm you and your guests and, in addition, help you connect with nature. It is perfect for practicing meditation. You can even take advantage of hygiene items in a truly incredible way. Let’s take, without going any further, a laundry basket and we are going to give it another use. We can plant mushrooms inside it and surprise everyone who comes to our house. In the garden, as they appear in the movies, you can build a tool shed that you can use to store the tools or to get another space within the garden. When creating interior garden decoration, you can take advantage of a terrarium to place grass combined with flowers inside, and thus decorate any type of room. All in all, decorating the garden will make you feel better about yourself because you will see your house as an ideal space to live in, as well as being able to enjoy it with your loved ones during your free time and stay mentally and physically active by wanting to share it and enjoy it with your loved ones, especially when summer approaches.


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