How to Fix a Garden


You can fix a garden easily and cheaply if you know how to do it. Having the garden of your dreams is easier than you thought and you can do it yourself. At any time of the year it is pleasant to go out to the garden to enjoy the day or to relax. That is why we like the place to be tidy and harmonious. There are many styles to decorate your garden, but the important thing is that you feel comfortable when you look at it and that you create a place to be that is easy and that offers beautiful views.

In this article we will give you some tricks and guidelines so that you can do it without major problems.

How do I fix a garden?

Instructions to fix a garden

  1. The first thing you need to do is a sketch. Take a paper and a pencil and draw how you want your garden to be. Make divisions by zones, for example, one in which the land will be where you can plant flowers, an orchard, trees and everything else you want to plant; another where the ground or path is, etc. Having an elaborate drawing will help you stay true to your initial goal and will make your tasks much easier.
  2. Once you have decided on the distribution of the plots, customize. That is, within the drawing in the plants area, draw exactly where each pot, each flower and each tree goes. Keep in mind that quality is better than quantity. Having many plants does not make your garden more beautiful. It is better that there is a fair amount of things but that they have a good harmony and distribution.
  3. It is time to prepare the ground. Discover the potential of your garden and explore it to the fullest. Buy a good land to plant if you see that yours does not meet the characteristics you need.
  4. When you have the land ready, make holes where you will place the different plantations. If you are going to put an orchard, separate the area from the others with a small fence or wire. In this way you will group the plantations into sections, which will make your garden look spectacular and, at the same time, it will be easier to work with each of the parts.
  5. Mix varieties. In the garden area, mix fruits with vegetables. In this way, the flowers of the fruit plants will give color and harmony to the vegetables that do not usually bloom since they grow underground. Also think about adding a dwarf fruit tree that fills your little garden with life.
  6. Group the plants by colors. For example, create a circle of plants whose flowers are white and surround it with other circles of plants that bloom lilac flowers or another color that creates a contrast. This will give a new aesthetic to your garden. Play with the different combinations until you find the one you like best.
  7. Do not forget to plant flowers that give off aroma. So you will have a pleasant feeling every time you pass through your garden. Some examples of flowers that give off a wonderful smell are: roses, jasmine, lilies, lilacs, hyacinth, lavender or iris. Place some in each section so that they all have a characteristic smell.
  8. Lastly, make a trail. So that it is not expensive for you to make paths or walkways in your garden, you can choose to use cobblestones, white gravel, colored stones, sand, flagstone or concrete. There are many alternatives, and it will give your garden a special touch.

How do I finish decorating a garden?

  • The best things you can use to decorate your space with furniture are the chairs and tables that they sell for it. You can find them in supermarkets and DIY centers. You can even find pieces in second-hand stores. This is your choice.
  • Another option may be to install a small water source on it. For this, make sure that the circuit is closed so that you do not waste water. Garden water pumps and fountains are available at garden, DIY, and home improvement stores. Take your time in choosing well the source that you will put and in the consumption of water that it entails.
  • If there are areas where you are not going to plant any flowers, you can cover the land with grass. This is a good system if you also have a pool. When buying grass, make sure you choose one that matches the climate that is usually in your area. Natural grass is usually indicated in places where the climate is not too hot or dry. If your city has this kind of weather, chances are your lawn will go bad. But don’t worry, you can buy artificial grass that will give a finish very similar to natural and you will have the advantage that it needs less care.
  • Install lights and small lamps to create a pleasant atmosphere when it’s dark.  On summer nights it is common to go out to the garden to enjoy the good weather. So that your family and your visitors take away an unforgettable memory, decorate your garden with lights that illuminate while improving the views.


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