How to Graft Roses


Roses are beautiful flowers and there are countless types of different rose bushes. Some have huge and precious leaves, others are multicolored, there are variegated, very fragrant, those that do not smell, climbing rose bushes, mini rose bushes, those with very curly leaves, bright colors, etc.For this reason, and because they are precious plants, many try to be able to get more of them from a rosebush or make more varieties. Therefore, it is there, when they begin to graft roses.

We are going to tell you, what it means to make a graft or it can also be called many times “germination “. Both one thing and another, it is the same. It is the same technique, but with different words.

These methods are a way to be able to reproduce the plants that we want ourselves.  You just need to have a plant, take a piece of this plant and make combo/merge/attach it… to another plant of the same type.

With the case of rose bushes, which is what we are going to talk about now, this method is very feasible, in fact, it is one of the best. All grafts usually come out without problems, as long as they are carried out correctly and a few small guidelines are followed. But don’t worry,  we will try to explain the most important steps and in the simplest way so that you can do it yourself at home.

Instructions for grafting roses

  1. It is essential that the graft is always done following the specific times of the year.  With roses they are in late spring and summer.
  2. With roses, the most suitable grafting mode is the so-called stakes. If this method does not convince you, another one that works very well is the t method (although it is somewhat more complicated and requires more skill and some experience).
  3. When you have already chosen the shoot you want to graft, in the case of roses you should check that it has flowers at its base. Keep this in mind because when you do the graft the flowers will grow.
  4. To choose the best stem, keep in mind that it must have leaves, that it has previously flowered and, if possible, that it be somewhat fibrous.
  5. Once the rootstock has been chosen, it must be another rose because if not, it will not turn out well. Before making the graft they must be very humid, water them well before hand. It is very important, if they are not well hydrated; the new stem will not grow and will die.
  6. When you go to cut the plant, sterilize the knife with alcohol. It is a very important step so that the plant cannot be damaged or even die. Many can suffer from fungi, viruses, bacteria, therefore, always before and after using the knife and scissorsclean them with a cloth moistened with alcohol. Be careful not to forget either the base of the knife or the sides. Do it all this way we will avoid greater evils. To dry it, if you are in a hurry you can dry it with the cloth, but it is better if you can do it leaving it in the open air.
  7. Start now with the plant that is the graft. Remove leaves, flowers, and stems that may be dead. Just keep what is healthy and many leaves that you see are healthy and prosperous.
  8. Remove the thorns if they bother you while you are working, it will not interfere with its growth or harm it. But if it doesn’t bother you, you don’t need to remove them.
  9. When you go to cut it at an angle, never do it straight.
  10. When you go to cut it at an angle, never do it straight.
  11. Cut a t-shape on the stem. With the knife cut at that is no more than 3cm in the bark and then do not reach the “cambium” layer (the one that is light green and moist).
  12. The area where the t is made is in the center of the stem, which is between the two nodes (it is where the leaves and buds are).
  13. When you have cut a stem, cut the upper part and also the lower part and leave about 5cm in the center (provided there is a child for a leaf to grow).
  14. Insert the stem into the rootstock and always face up (it will be the direction it will take when it blooms).
  15. Speaking technically, we would say that now the “cambium” and the rootstock are already in contact, therefore, the graft has already been carried out successfully.
  16. Finish the process with the duct tape. Place it on the bark where the stem is. Tighten it well so that they are united, they do not fall and they penetrate well.
  17. Water it well because it will need a lot of water, it must always be well hydrated, do it daily but do not get soaked so that it does not rot or wither.

What do you need to graft roses?

  • Pruning shears. To prune cut the stems.
  • A knife to cut the grafts, although reluctantly, you can always use a normal one or a knife.
  • A tape that serves to be able to tie the grafts and is adhesive so that it lasts.
  • Gloves.
  • Alcohol. To sterilize scissors, knife or razor.
  • If you can, keep a rootstock handy.

Tips for grafting roses

When you go to graft roses, as we have already mentioned, it is very important to take into account the time of year. Preferably always, in summer or at the end of it.

The trick that many nurseries and gardeners do is to take advantage of this time because they take into account the cycle of the flower (for example, in the month of August). As the sap flows inside the plants, its nutrients also and, therefore, it is much safer that the graft will take and it will be feasible for you.

Also remind you that it is very important to clean very well all the utensils that are going to be used for pruning and/or cutting. They must always be sterilized both before and after use. In this way we will prevent the spread of pests, fungi, viruses… or possible conditions that may arise in plants.  Therefore, always remember when you finish using gardening tools that are cutting or come into contact with other plants, clean and disinfect them.

Now knowing the most basic things and how and when the grafts should be carried out, it will no longer be a secret or a problem to carry out your little experiments or multiply the number of roses you already have. Try a rosebush with large curly leaves (which some do not smell) with one that is very fragrant and has velvet leaves. It could be a real gem.

Rosebushes usually endure without major problems, all seasons of the year. Both the heat of summer, like the rain of spring and the cold of winter. But still, take care of them and protect them. Avoid snowfall, hail and freezing cold by protecting them or covering them with some plastic, or in a greenhouse. There are gifts, but neither they nor the earth, are soaked, much less, flooded because fungi will proliferate and rot. The land should be good and you have to be careful to prune them whenever you touch and add fertilizer to the land.

And remember, if the first times you try to graft a rose bush and it doesn’t come out or bloom… don’t give up. Try again. If they don’t work out for you, go to a garden center and ask there. They will solve all your doubts and can help you achieve it.


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