How to Grow Bamboo


Growing bamboo has become an activity in great demand in today’s society. The planting of this herb has multiple purposes because it also presents various species around the world. In addition, it belongs to a family of more than 1,000 different varieties. Bamboo is making its way into a large manufacturing market, due to its immense potential to make a wide variety of objects and structures; this condition has made its cultivation quite popular in recent years.

Bamboo is considered a plant of maximum utility, because from the canes that are extracted from this grass it is possible to manufacture the most varied objects and tools for human use. In addition, it is a wild plant that is reforested in rapid cycles, unlike trees and other shrubs. Despite its already recognized ecological advantage over wood, growing bamboo is still an expanding task. 

Today, there are still relatively few farmers engaged in bamboo cultivation. It is important that you are aware of the invasive power of this plant, just to get rid of the rhizome you will need about two years. Also, if you do not control bamboo properly, it can become a pest.

However, thanks to its sustainability properties, which make the plant regenerate it after being cut, it has become the ideal ecological alternative in these times of environmental pollution.

The above reasons guarantee that growing bamboo will soon be a highly manufactured task. The benefits of bamboo are unlimited in our society, because just as it can be used for endless tools, cutting down bamboo does not harm the environment.

Grow bamboo for commercial uses

The commercial uses of this plant are expanding every day, as there are hundreds of applications and uses that can be attributed to the canes of this bush. Next, we present the areas and commercial uses of the bamboo cane:

  • In the area of ​​construction of houses and all kinds of ecological buildings.
  • Manufacture of all types of furniture: tables, chairs, sofas, benches, among others.
  • In the manufacture of curtains, bridges, scaffolding and construction tools.
  • To make accessories: necklaces, bracelets.
  • Musical instruments.
  • Cosmetic uses: oils, creams.
  • Certain varieties are edible.

Remember that bamboo plants occur in the wild and through cultivation.

In recent years, these shrubs have become important for their ecological value, which is why their current market is expanding. Several features distinguish its unique appearance from other shrubs.

The particularities that differentiate it and exalt it above other trees are the following:

  • Fast growth rate.
  • Great variety of species.
  • Adaptability to different climates.
  • Ability to replant itself from its felled canes.
  • They exhibit large woody stems that reach up to 20 centimeters in width.
  • These stems are empty inside.
  • They have evergreen leaves, so they are not moved at any time of the year.
  • The leaves can be seen in the tops of these bushes.
  • Bamboo forests are vast expanses of land.
  • In these forests you can see thousands of tall, thin canes crowned with bright green leaves.
  • Thanks to its self-regenerating property, in the wild spaces where it grows, they expand to exemplary kilometers of these plants.
  • The coloration of the bamboo sticks is between greenish and grayish colors.

Instructions to grow Bamboo

Bamboo is a plant belonging to the grasses, capable of adapting to different climates and soils; however, it requires certain conditions for its canes to reach their maximum height.

Here are the steps you must follow to grow bamboo:

  1. Identify among the types of bamboo the most appropriate according to the space and climate where you are going to plant it.
  2. Disregard soils that are too rocky or very swampy, these extremes will prevent the growth of the shoot.
  3. Choosing the ideal variety according to the environment, you must find a place on the ground that receives several hours of sun a day, but also has shade.
  4. Dig a hole twice as deep as the size of the sprout you are planting.
  5. Fertilize the hole with compost, so that the roots absorb the nutrients better.
  6. When burying the shoot, carefully expand the roots.
  7. Cover the hole again and pack the soil with a shovel or your hands, in such a way that there are no spaces for air bubbles.
  8. On the surface of the plant you should also spread an organic mat to nourish the entire soil.
  9. In addition, you must water constantly, especially the first two weeks.
  10. Dig channels or ditches around the plant for the water to circulate, preventing it from becoming stagnant and ending up rotting the bamboo.

What do you need to grow Bamboo?

A very popular specimen of bamboo is the giant; it can reach 50 meters in height in its adult stage, growing about 30 centimeters daily.

The speed with which these plants develop and the simple conditions they need means that growing bamboo is gaining more farmers every day. The benefits that can be obtained from bamboo canes are almost endless.

Next, we explain what you need to take into account to care for and grow bamboo at home:

  • Bamboo is a wild plant, and although bamboo forests comprise more than 6 million hectares in the world, these plants grow according to the climate in which they are found.
  • Therefore, you will need to demarcate the space where you want to grow bamboo, so that it does not spread too much.
  • You will achieve this by building ant rhizome barriers, made of metal or other materials, around the plantation.
  • Remember that it is these barriers that will prevent the spread of bamboo throughout the land.
  • If you live in a cold area, plant bamboo during the summer, as the cane needs a lot of sun to develop.
  • You will also need to have an organic mulch on hand to fertilize.
  • Covering the soil with an extra layer of organic mantle helps maintain the heat that roots require during very cold weather.
  • Take into account the extreme speed of growth and height that bamboos reach.
  • Remember that very strong winds can break their growing dogs.
  • We recommend growing bamboos between large trees that serve as windbreaks.

Tips for growing Bamboo

Growing bamboo is also possible in pots, in fact, it is an activity implemented to use as decorations and decorative accessories in the home.

By following these simple recommendations you can decorate your home with elegant floral arrangements with bamboo:

  • If your bamboo planter is more than two years old, you will have to replant it in another pot.
  • Keep in mind that bamboo will grow as tall as its roots develop.
  • Therefore, the size of the pot you use will influence the height of the canes.
  • During the hottest season, you should water the plant 3-5 times a week to keep the roots moist.
  • Keep in mind that the material of the pots cannot absorb too much heat.
  • Remember that if the plant is overheated it runs the risk of dying.
  • During the cold season the same thing happens, a temperature below zero could irreparably damage the bamboo.
  • Therefore, you must protect the crop from the cold and maintain a balanced temperature.


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