How to Grow Copied At Home


The copier is a flower with a strange name, but we all instantly recognize it if we see it planted in a garden, since it is widely used for its beautiful pinkish-red color.

This flower is a flower typical of the country of Chile, a South American country very rich in vegetation in which the copier is one of the flowers recognized as the national flower of Chile, an honor that it has due to how beautiful it is.

It is now very fashionable to use these flowers as decoration for home gardens, as this flower draws a lot of attention, is easy to recognize and has a beautiful color that goes with almost anything.

In addition, this flower is suitable for all audiences, since it is very easy to grow and requires less maintenance than other better-known flowers that are more laborious.

For these reasons it is so typical to grow it, since you can have a beautiful garden without too much effort, with flowers that are not going to spoil as easily as other flowers, which makes it a perfect combination for us.

Also, having the shape of a vine, you can make the plant even more beautiful, since by entangling itself between your walls, you can make your house look like it came straight out of a fairy tale, something precious without a doubt.

The bad thing is that there is not much information on the internet to grow this plant, which can lead to many mistakes. However, we do know everything related to this plant and therefore we can help you.

We are going with a bit of gardening, since we are going to teach you how to grow the copier plant in your own home, explaining step by step the steps that this plant needs to survive and grow healthy.

What do you need to grow copier at home?

  • Copied seeds.
  • Water to irrigate.
  • Garden to plant.

Instructions for growing copier at home

  1. Instructions for planting: The first thing you have to do is go to a garden store for some copier seeds, which can be easily found in any store of this type or in its absence. Or, in a flower shop. Once we have it ready, we are going to start planting it, which you can start doing in a small pot at home. Before planting, leave the seed to soak a little to stimulate root secretion and then plant it in a place where the light does not hit it directly, since these plants are indirect light and direct light could harm them, so be careful with this. When planting, you must bear in mind that it should be done at the beginning of March (almost in spring), so that the temperature is quite mild. The seeds take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to germinate.
  2. Watering and maintenance: The soil of the copier must be a soil rich in minerals and very humid, so that it can always feed. Therefore, while it is in the pot, we must bear in mind that we must water it frequently so that the soil always has moisture.  However, this should not be misunderstood, since watering the soil well does not mean that it has to be flooded, since if we flood it, the plant will drown, so water frequently but in small quantities and with a lot of common sense. As for the soil with mineral salts, make sure to add synthetic fertilizer and fertilizer so that the plant always has this.
  3. Transplant: The plant will grow and grow, therefore, when you see that the pot is getting too small for it, it is time to move it to the garden of your house. Before choosing the site, you must take into account that this plant becomes a vine and not exactly a small one. Therefore, the best place to plant it is a place that allows it to grow upwards without limit, such as next to a wall in your garden. Also keep in mind that it cannot get direct sunlight, so put it in a shady spot in the garden. Prepare the soil before transplanting with properly fertilized soil and prepare to transplant with great care not to break the plant in the process. Once transplanted, it will take about 3 years for the flowers to come out, so be patient.
  4. Parasites: As in all plants, the copier has many parasites. A parasite is a living being that feeds on the base of the plant, destroying it completely. The main parasite of copier is the snail, a well-known mollusk that eats the stem of the plant. Something similar also happens with slugs, another animal that also eats the stem of the plant. The best way to eliminate them is to spray these animals with repellents, which have odors that are unbearable for them and will make them move away from the plant.


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