How to Grow Tomatoes


Tomatoes are so versatile that even their nature as a vegetable or fruit is still up for debate. This organic food is one of the most popular companions in meals around the world. Growing tomatoes is an increasingly popular practice, because you can simply consume it raw, with a little salt or spices.

The various presentations in which you can bring it to the table are one of the qualities that make it everyone’s favorite:

  • Salads.
  • Stews.
  • Sauces.
  • Juices.
  • Soups.
  • Purees.

The flavor of the tomato always adapts to your plate regardless of the gastronomic culture or the geographical area. Their nutritional benefits are another quality that makes tomatoes a staple for your diet. In addition to its great taste, it provides your body with vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins (thiamin, niacin and B6) and vitamins K and E. It also contains proteins and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium; sugars and fiber as carbohydrates.

Benefits of consuming tomatoes

  • Tomato consumption makes us less prone to carcinogenic diseases, as it contains antioxidants such as lycopene.
  • Tomato skin contains glutathione, another antioxidant that fights free radicals in our body.
  • Eating tomatoes lowers blood pressure and keeps the liver healthy.
  • Strengthens the immune system and maintains good health of teeth and bones.
  • Thanks to the vim Ana C that it provides, it strengthens the body to avoid colds.
  • Raises potassium in the body.
  • It helps to improve diuretic problems, ending excess fluids.
  • It is a complete food for athletes and students, as it provides physical and mental energy.

Instructions for growing tomatoes

Growing tomatoes is a simple task, which does not require greater efforts and techniques beyond the general demands of growing vegetables and fruits.

Here are step-by-step instructions for growing tomatoes:

  1. First, prepare the soil.
  2. It is essential that the soil where you are going to grow tomatoes has enough nutrients to obtain a healthy plant.
  3. Fertilize the soil by mixing the soil with a layer of compost or fertilizer so that the seeds directly receive the nutrients.
  4. Make sure the seeds don’t go to waste on the surface of the soil.
  5. The depth of the seeds should not be greater than their size, which means that a thin layer of soil is sufficient.
  6. When the seeds begin to germinate, the irrigation process must be controlled, spray enough drops to keep the soil moist, without flooding it.
  7. Tomatoes require about seven hours of sun daily, so that the fruits grow healthy and tasty.

What do you need to grow tomatoes?

The resources needed to grow tomatoes are quite easy to obtain; in fact, you may be able to get them all at home. Here is a list of the materials you need to grow tomatoes and how you can get them:

  • Tomato seeds are the main thing. To do this, take the ripest tomato from the fridge and extract the seeds with their juice and everything.
  • Keep them in a glass for three days to ferment, then wash the seeds and let them dry for three more days.
  • You can prepare the compost or organic layer that you need to fertilize the land with manure and vegetable waste.
  • Remember that it is important to fertilize to provide nutrients to the soil.
  • Climate is an important factor, make sure you don’t grow tomatoes in a very cold season, a warm environment is ideal.
  • Location is also critical; you should place your tomato crops in a place where they get enough sun.

Tips for growing tomatoes

Although you already know the steps to follow to grow tomatoes in the most efficient and simple way, take into account these simple tips that will guarantee you healthier and tastier fruits.

  • Use small pots or containers when planting the seeds.
  • You can use both sunlight and artificial lighting during the first planting.
  • Two months after planting, and when it has its first leaves, transplant your shoots to a growing bed to give the roots more space.
  • The place of replanting must receive direct sunlight.
  • After transplanting, every four days you should water the roots directly and not the leaves, as they can get sick.
  • As it grows, bury a wooden stick next to the plant and attach it to it, so that the weight of the fruits does not knock the plant to the ground.
  • The leaves that grow at the bottom of the plant are more susceptible to disease.
  • Therefore, you must cut these leaves carefully because they can harm the rest of the plant.
  • The shoots that grow in the middle of the branches will not produce fruit.
  • Although they do not bear fruit, they will absorb the plant’s nutrients, which is why we also recommend removing them.
  • Do not forget to use an insecticide that kills pests.
  • Remember that the whitefly would completely damage your entire garden.


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