How to Have Beautiful Cacti


Cacti are not sad plants as seen in certain western movies that take place in the desert, cacti are beautiful plants that have a great variety and beauty, they are an excellent option to have even at home and what else, they need less frequent watering than other plants.  Do you want to know how to have beautiful cacti? Continue reading this article.

The cacti had a great evolutionary process that consisted of surviving without humidity, they were losing their leaves, for which the work of photosynthesis was corresponding to the stems while they accumulated water in all their tissues, they have areolas that are the replacement of the buds, which are the ones in charge of generating the hairs, the thorns, the new stems and the flowers.

Cacti, unlike other plants, carry out a gas exchange at night, at this time they are responsible for consuming CO2, this is because they live in areas of high temperatures.

What do you need to have beautiful cacti?

  • Fertilizer for cacti
  • Pot
  • Substratum

Instructions to have beautiful cacti

  1. You should look for a good fertilizer for cacti, which should have a very good portion of potassium, this will make it retain water better; in a nursery or gardening they can advise you. The ideal time for you to pay it is when the cactus is in its active period; do not do it when autumn is ending and much less in winter.
  2. good substrate that does not have more than 50% sand is vital; Although cacti do not have to be watered frequently, they have other needs, among which is being able to remove their soil
  3. Take the time to find a Matera(pot); there will always be a more suitable pot for each plant, also get a design that you like.
  4. You must be very careful when there are frosts, the cold is their main enemy, so when you are in summer put them in the sun, but in winter you must protect them, bring them indoors especially at night.
  5. When you water the cactus you should do it on the ground and not on the plant, do it when you see that the land is already dry, watering it excessively could damage them and even cause their death. It is important, although the cactus needs less watering and withstands drought, that you do not forget about it, because it still needs water to survive; when you water it, make sure the soil is moist but not flooded, make sure there is not plenty of water left.
  6. It is important that the substrate is well drained; otherwise fungi can appear and even cause the plant to die.
  7. The watering of the plant will depend on many things that are why it is important that you check its soil before pouring water on it, because everything will depend on whether it is in a pot (pot), its material, the time of year, the substrate you have, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. So then, by way of example, if you are in a dry and hot area and you have a cactus planted in a pot in clay material and it is facing south, you will have to water it more times than if you have one planted directly in the ground in a place that gives it some shade and the area is somewhat rainy or temperate.
  8. In summer they can be watered approximately every 10 days; when spring and autumn arrive, more days can go by without watering and in winter you will probably not need to water them, of course if they are inside the house and you have heating, you have to be careful that the substrate does not dry out.
  9. You must fumigate them with some fungicide twice a year, this way you will prevent them from giving them fungi.
  10. Most of the cactus species that are from the desert like to live exposed to the sun, but some, such as epiphytes, prefer to live in semi-shade, but at the same time they get enough light.
  11. If you have just transplanted a cactus, it is important that you put it in a shaded area for a few days; it will help a lot with its adaptation period.
  12. If you are going to put a cactus inside your house you should know that they need light, so put them near the windows or if that is the case, get an artificial light, not doing so could make the cactus start looking for light and faints (twists)

Tips to have beautiful cacti

  • Cacti are very easy plants to care for, so they are ideal for those people who are just starting out in the world of plants and their care, they really do not require much.
  • The biggest mistake many people make when caring for cacti is overwatering them.


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