How to Make a Vegetable Garden


Nowadays we don’t even know what we are eating; you can’t trust the factories, the commercials, or the people. Given the misinformation about our food, it is not uncommon to feel restless and concerned about what we eat.

A good way to know what we are consuming is to prepare it ourselves, but it is not enough to make our food at home and buy our own ingredients, since we also do not know the origin of these ingredients.

This forces us to look for a healthy alternative to get our food, and what better way than to grow food at home? In this way we have the certainty of what we eat, in addition to the security of consuming something healthy that we ourselves have prepared.

To have your own vegetables we will show you how to make a garden at home. Since if you start to make a garden at home, you will know for sure what type of food you consume, since the ingredients of your food will have been planted in your own garden.

Everyone can make a garden at home, as long as they have clean land and a place to plant. Let’s start to make a garden at home, take a shovel, and get to work.

Instructions for making a garden

  1. The first thing we will do is find a place with land, this space must be enough to plant several species of vegetables and plants, and since each vegetable needs its space, it is necessary that there is enough space for each species of vegetable. For example, vines take up a lot of space in a garden, as they rise and cling to other plants by entangling them. Something very similar happens with beans; the bean plant has roots that cover a large part of the land to be able to grow, the same way it happens with. It is for this kind of plants that we need enough space to make a garden.
  2. In addition to the space to be able to make a garden, we will need healthy land, healthy land is one that is not very alkaline, the level of salinity and acidity of the land must be very low, because if it is high it will be difficult for our vegetables to grow. We can buy clean soil at any specialized store for plants. In addition to having clean soil, as this would be poor, we would have to enrich it with other complements. We must use homemade compost to enrich the soil.
  3. Making compost at home is very easy, we only need a wooden or plastic box with ventilation and put a little earth there, we will also put all the earthworms that we find.  On this base of land we will place all the organic waste from our kitchen, potato peels, lemon peels, orange peels, carrot peels, and leftovers and waste from all the vegetables and fruits that we have used, we can even put dry leaves from the garden or paper in it, as long as that paper is not already used toilet paper.
  4. When we have enough homemade compost, we will put this with the earth, so that the earth will be more fertile and it will be a rich soil. Another thing that should be mentioned to make a garden at home is the fertilizer, we need to put one part of fertilizer for every five parts of soil, you must mix this well with the soil so that at the time of sowing, all the vegetables can be nourished.
  5. The soil you use to plant the vegetables should be very easy to drain, it is not necessary that the soil be so loose that it tears during a rain, but the water must drain easily through the soil. If the water is not drained it could form slime around the roots of your plants and this will eventually cause rot. The bad thing about this is that your plants could easily rot and infect each other, making your entire garden sick. For these reasons it is very important that the soil in your garden drains easily.
  6. As soon as we have the ideal soil ready, it will be time to sow. Each plant has a different way to be sown, planted, cultivated and harvested, so they are not all sown the same. But most of the plants should be sown in the afternoon when the sun is not very strong and it is not very hot. The heat evaporates the water and in turn heats it, if we water the soil during a hot day and then plant the plant, it is most likely that the high temperatures will affect your plant, or in this case that the water will evaporate and It is useless to have watered. So plant your plants when the day is average temperature and moisten the soil before planting and seeding.
  7. Choose carefully the species of vegetables that you are going to plant in your garden. To have a good garden, it is necessary that all the vegetables are separated by species, you should not mix the tubers with the vines or the legumes, since all these vegetables grow differently, and how they grow differently, if you plant them all together the roots of some vegetables could be an impediment for the growth of other vegetables, so that some plants will become weeds and others will dominate the garden. Give each plant and each species its own space.
  8. Periodically fertilize the soil and cover it with two inches of compost and fertilizer, this is so that the plants continue to be nourished during their growth, so they will bear better and healthier fruits.
  9. Do not forget to prune, after the fruit season it is necessary to prune our trees, shrubs and eliminate weeds, this is so that the sun reaches the center of the plant and other fruits can continue to be born. If we do not prune our trees, all our plants will not develop well, their fruits will not reach their full size, because the lack of sunlight means that the center of the plant does not heat up, and this lack of heat and energy prevents continue to grow other fruits.

What do you need to make a garden?

  • A large space
  • Clean earth
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Pass
  • Compost
  • Sunlight

Tips for making a garden

  • Investigate the needs of each plant so that it is easier for you to make a garden at home and that all your plants develop well.


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