How to Make Indoor Plants Look Gorgeous


Discover what care and maintenance indoor plants need to be healthy, strong, bright and beautiful.

Indoor plants are those that develop and grow in closed environments, although it is worth noting that it is not their natural habitat since the vast majority live in tropical forests,  but they have a very good adaptability and develop without problems if they are We provide a series of minimum care.

They will have a lot of humidity inside, soft water and acid soils that we will add to the pots, with a few simple tips we can control the light they receive, the air currents, see if the water is appropriate and add nutrients to the soil if it is a little poor, we will see the symptoms that the plants present and we will know how to respond so that they grow and develop properly. We will thus be able to give life and color to a living room, make commercial premises more cheerful and welcoming and add a touch of grace and well-being to an office.

There are many plants and very varied when choosing, they come from different parts of the world that surely nothing resembles our climate of residence, faced with so many alternatives it is good to have some basic knowledge to be able to correctly choose the plant that brightens up our living room, life to the kitchen, add a color detail to our office, receive the client in a local or purify the air in a room for health reasons.

In this article we will give some suggestions for indoor plants, which are the most common, some tips to take care of them and keep them healthy, such as knowing if they are affected by the sun, a plague or if the soil in the pot needs to be fertilized; everything to show off strong, shiny, healthy and beautiful leaves to enjoy their beauty.

What do you need to make indoor plants look beautiful?

  • Choose the right plant.
  • Water.
  • Manure or fertilizer as needed.
  • Suitable pots.
  • Observation for symptoms of disease.
  • Action in the event of a lack of fertilizer, the presence of a pest, etc.

Instructions to make indoor plants look gorgeous

  1. The first thing is to choose the indicated indoor plant, there are so many varieties of different shapes and textures, leaves with varied colors and with flowers or without them, that should be taken into account if it is for a home or an office; if it is for a home, what type of treatment and attention is going to be provided and in which room it is going to be located, it varies if it is in a reception, a kitchen or a living room, for example.
  2. For an office or local we recommend a strong plant, with little maintenance and resistant above all to forgetfulness of irrigation, they are usually chosen without flowers. Larger plants around a meter in height are usually chosen for a local, very leafy, with very bright colors and low maintenance.
  3. Light is one of the most important elements for your health, they all need a good amount of natural light for the photosynthesis process, but depending on the type of plant, its amount varies, some do not tolerate the direct incidence of sunlight.
  4. The temperature in which indoor plants feel better is between 15ºC and 25ºC; we can live perfectly with them. Air currents must be taken into account, it is important not to weaken and damage the leaves. A special mention must be made of the air conditioners, although they are usually placed at approximately 22 ºC, the jets of air can cause serious injuries to the leaves in particular and to the plant in general, we must not forget that they are plants that are not accustomed to the cold.
  5. Indoor plants need an ambient humidity between 25% and 65%, being tropical plants these are the ideal parameters, which is what is generally found in inhabited homes.
  6. The choice of the pot, although we do not give it due importance, is fundamental, it must have the right size, neither too large nor too small, and change it when it becomes small due to the growth of the plant.
  7. Indoor plants are often affected by pests, you have to be alert and attack them, the high ambient humidity and the even and constant heat increases this possibility.
  8. All plants need fertilizers, these nutrients are vital for their development, we must see the signals they send us such as spots and discoloration of the leaves, lack of flowering, if it is so and we observe this type of anomaly we only have to add the right nutrient to overcome the problem.

Tips to make indoor plants look gorgeous

We are going to recommend 15 houseplants, based on their foliage, their strength and growth, pests and other problems that houseplants can have.

In alphabetical order:

  1. Bromeliad, originally from Brazil, well lit environments, large and fleshy leaves, at 4 years old it gives only one flower in its life.
  2. Chamaedorea, small palm tree, any type of environment, depending on the lighting will be its growth.
  3. Cholera, adapts to any type of environment, very strong and good growth.
  4. Adam’s rib, native to Central America, climber, very sensitive to air currents and direct sunlight, can reach 6 meters in height.
  5. Croton, leaves of bright and varied colors, needs good light to be bright but not direct, very ornamental.
  6. Difembaquía, beautiful foliage, leaves with shades of green, yellow and ivory, avoid direct sun, its sap is toxic.
  7. Dracaena, very resistant and common, palm-like appearance, abundant light and high temperatures.
  8. Focus Benjamin, leafy plant with shiny leaves, needs well-ventilated places; it can reach 5 meters in height.
  9. Philodendron, evergreen climbing plant, ideal hanging, and the leaves burn with direct sun.
  10. Fern, they have about 2,000 varieties, it can be placed in the shade but it is recommended that it be well lit, high humidity, hanging.
  11. Kentia, palm, according to the amount of light will be the growth, originally from Pacific, dark green leaves.
  12. Orchids, they need very good lighting but not direct sun, high humidity, flowers of varied and exquisite colors.
  13. Poinsettia or Poinsettia, symbol of Christmas, requires direct light and good lighting; its new leaves are red that later turn green, there are other varieties of colors.
  14. Pathos, originally from the Solomon Islands, hanging or climbing, very strong, fast growing and very common.
  15. Trunk of Brazil, very common, it needs well-lit places, it does not support the cold, very resistant. The pests that usually attack indoor plants are: The phytophthora is a fungus that generally turns the plant yellow. Mealy bugs are sucking insects that protect themselves with a white cocoon that adheres to leaves and stems. Mites, such as the red spider insects that feed on the plant and weaken it. Anthracnose, internal fungus that causes brown spots. Mildew, fungus that produces large and irregular spots. Powdery  mildew, fungus that whitens the leaves. Aphid, green sucking insects, which by feeding on the sap weaken the plant. Sectorial, colony of fungi that produce circular spots on the leaves. White fly, small flying insects, which suck the tender parts and weaken it.  Although they seem many and difficult to resolve, the truth is that with three or four insecticides and fungicides we combat all these pests. Other problems that indoor plants can present are those related to sunlight, nutrients, and the type of water or substrate.

Leaf spots, strong or direct sunlight can produce this type of spots, just as excessive watering favors the appearance of fungi that produce it.

Choruses, is the lack of assimilation of a microelement, it is solved by applying a deficiency corrector, this can be ferric due to lack of iron or due to the high PH of the water.


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