How to Plant an Avocado


Avocado is one of the best foods there is, it is a great antioxidant, it contains a large amount of vitamin E and D, it has more potassium than bananas, it is rich in folic acid, and it is a source of 4 monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils, in addition to protein and lutein. And what does all this mean? Well, it contains a large amount of folic acid that pregnant women need for the perfect development of the neural tube of the fetus; it is also perfect for reducing inflammation in joints. It also improves the amount of cholesterol and helps keep the heart rhythm stable. On the other hand it is perfect for growth, repair of muscle mass and cartilage. Finally, best of all is its positive effect on the immune system.

Surely knowing all these benefits that avocados have has made you want to eat avocados more often, besides, they are great! What do you think if I tell you that you could easily have an avocado tree at home?

You can plant the avocado without much effort or care in your orchard or garden, and when the tree is ready (which could be between 5 and 6 years from when we planted the seed) to bear fruit, you can wait for it to bear fruit. Your account or start grafting branches and buds.

Do I have to go buy the seeds? Nope! You just need to buy an avocado, eat it and keep the inner pipe, because it is the one that will give you the tree.

Next we are going to explain how to plant an avocado step by step you will see how simple it is.

Instructions for planting an avocado

  1. First of all, you must choose the place where you will put your avocado crop. It must be a place where it does not suffer harsh weather conditions, as it is a plant that will not survive cold, cold wind or snow, much less sudden drops in temperature. The avocado tree needs a lot of sun to live, which is logical as it is a subtropical plant, however, young plants cannot bear to live in constant sun, so you must find a place where direct sun alternates with hours of shade during the day. It can also be an option that you place it near a window and during the day you move it to another area where it does not give as much direct sunlight.
  2. Time to stick to the avocado pit, so cut the avocado in half, keeping the avocado lying flat. If the avocado is ripe, it will not cost you anything to split it and by turning the knife you will separate the two halves. Extract the bone and clean it well. With the meat you can eat it or save it for another time, but remember that in contact with the air the avocado will oxidize and turn black, so it is better to cover it with aluminum foil or put it in a dark lunch box.
  3. This bone will never be planted directly in the ground, first you will have to have it submerged in water so that it germinates, roots come out, develop and the stem grows and becomes stronger, enough to support its own weight. To suspend it in water, you must cross the bone with chopsticks or toothpicks horizontally, so that it can support the bone on the edge of the glass or bowl. Fill the glass or bowl with water to a height where the bone is slightly submerged (the water should never drown more than half the bone). The position in which the bone should be is with the most pointed part out of the glass and the most rounded part, which may seem a little discolored, will be a little submerged in water.
  4. Once we have the glass ready, we will leave it near a window as we said so that it absorbs the light. Keep an eye on the glass or bowl, so that when the water has gone down and does not cover the bone, you fill it with fresh water.
  5. The bone will go through a period of inactivity for the first few weeks, but then you will see the first roots, leaves and stem begin to appear.
  6. To transplant the bone into a pot, the ideal is to wait until the roots have reached 10 cm. However, the best thing you can do is let it grow, and when the stem reaches 15 cm, you should cut it leaving a height of about 7 cm, in this way you will get more roots to grow and the stem to become stronger and thicker. .
  7. When you are going to transplant it, make sure to do it in rather loose soil that has good nutrients, and you must also keep it well watered. When you are going to plant it, you should carefully remove the sticks or toothpicks, and do not forget to bury all the roots well, instead leave the upper tip of the bone out of the ground.

What do you need to plant an avocado?

  • Avocado
  • Chopsticks or straws
  • Glass or bowl
  • Water
  • Land
  • Substratum

Tips for planting an avocado

  • Make sure that the glass or bowl in which you have the bone does not fall at any time so that the roots are not damaged.
  • For the tree to start bearing fruit, it needs a female and a male avocado. The first fruit may take between 5 and 6 years to appear, but once it begins to bear fruit, it will give us more avocados each year than in the previous year.


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