How to Plant Flower Bulbs in Pots


The bulbs are the plants that in their underground part have a quite fleshy shape, this structure has a function and it is to reserve and store different nutrients in order to ensure the life of the plant; continue reading How to plant bulbs in pots.

The bulb then is a thick and short underground stem, which is located at the base of the leaves; the same stem is composed of different leaves which are called cataphylls. Plants that have these characteristics are called bulbous and are perennial and herbaceous.

The bulbs are divided into five types according to the structure they have, some are true and others are variants.

  • True: these are made up of 5 parts: basal disc (which is the bottom, the part where their roots grow), the scales which is where the nutrients are stored, the stem which is the part where the flower is and other buds that are in development, and the lateral buds that are the ones that give rise to the bulbils. Lilies, tulips, and daffodils are examples of this type.
  • Corms: it is a variant of bulb; the base of the stem is much bulkier and thus becomes a tissue where the plant stores nutrients. Examples: crocus and gladiolus.
  • Tubers: its difference lies in the fact that it does not have a basal disk. Examples: anemones, oxalis and caladiums.
  • Tuberous roots: the nutrients of these plants are stored in a root that is true. Example: dahlia.
  • Rhizomes: These plants are characterized by the fact that they grow horizontally below the surface. Example: lilies of the valley.

Planting bulbs in a pot is not a complicated task, but it is always good to take into account some recommendations, it is important, for example, to fill the pot with soil up to the top and then make a hole where you will put your bulb.

What do you need to plant flower bulbs in pots?

  • 1 large flower pot (30 cm)
  • aA bulb
  • Light and loose soil
  • Shovel
  • Water
  • Special fertilizer for bulbs
  • Pass

Instructions for planting flower bulbs in pots

  1. Choose a pot(pot) according to your taste; whether it is clay, wood or ceramic, which should be approximately 30 centimeters in diameter, there you can fit around 12 tulips.
  2. Once you have your pot (pot) you must fill it with a good amount of soil which must be of good quality; once you put the bulbs they should be very well covered to a minimum depth of 3 centimeters.
  3. Now at the top of the pot proceed to add a little fertilizer to the soil, it must be slow release.
  4. When you buy the bulbs you should unpack them immediately when you get home, so they can get some air and put them in a place that is dark, cool and dry at a temperature that does not exceed 65 ° F. That must be done before you proceed to planting.
  5. Take the bulbs and put them in the upper part of the pot, make them very close together, this will help that when the time comes there will be more flowering.
  6. Finish filling the pot with the soil up to 3 centimeters from the
  7. You should always water your bulbs carefully.
  8. Now you must place the pot in a place that is cool.
  9. Cover with compost.
  10. Check your bulbs often to see if they need to be watered.
  11. The pot must remain moist until its flowering arrives.
  12. Between every two or four weeks you should add liquid fertilizer to your plants, always following the instructions described on the label.
  13. Once it blooms, change the pot to a more secluded place, and continue to maintain humidity until its leaves dry.
  14. When autumn arrives you can plant your bulbs in the garden but it will not be known if they will bloom.
  15. You should rotate the pot with a good frequency, as this will help your plants to have a balanced growth.
  16. When you see that the buttons begin to open, at night you should put your pot in a cool place.

Tips for planting flower bulbs in pots

  • The pot must have a good space; this is what will allow the flowers to grow in optimal conditions.
  • If you are going to plant lilies, look for a space where there is a little light and shade and you must ensure that its soil remains moist. Plant them when fall is ending and winter is beginning.
  • The bulb should be buried twice its size.
  • Once you bury the bulb you must press it well so that there is no air space left.
  • There are chances that it will not bloom.
  • Once you have planted your bulb you must water with plenty of water.
  • You should get a pot with good drainage.


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